Defence Investment Plan 2018


The Defence Capabilities Blueprint (DCB), which reflects National Defence’s investment planning function, has been updated. The information in the DCB is accurate as of December 2022. This web-based searchable tool allows industry to find information on funded capital projects and support contracts that can be used to make decisions about research and development, develop strategic partnerships, and plan for contracting opportunities.

National Defence is assessing the best timeframe to publish the next Defence Investment Plan to take into consideration the review of Canada’s defence policy which is underway. Work on our capital investments continues, with 41% of the projects in support of Strong, Secure, Engaged in close-out as of March 2023.

Ensuring the Canadian Armed Forces is well-equipped and well-supported.

Annual Update 2019

Update 2019 | Table of contents

Investment Plan 2018

Defence Investment Plan | Table of contents

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