Training Module for Test Administrators Introduction

How to conduct an online testing session

How to conduct an online testing session

The Test Session Officer (TSO) is the person who is present during the testing session. The TSO could be the individual trained by the Test Administrator strictly to conduct online testing sessions. The Test Administrator is also referred to as a TSO when he or she is conducting an online testing session. The TSO guides the test-takers through the candidate environment of the OLTF system and ensures that the testing session is proctored and takes place according to proper administrative procedures. These procedures are outlined in the Online Test Administration Manual.

Note: The following documents are available online in PDF format only. If you require an alternative format, please contact 819-420-8660 or for assistance. Please visit our help page for assistance with PDFs.

Please note that you will need a hard copy of the Administration Manual (including the appendices) and the Test Instructions for your test session, as you are required to read aloud from them.

Do not overlook the appendices as they contain important information such as displays of test screens. The Test Instructions file contains all the specific test instructions that you are required to read aloud, including second language evaluation instructions.

Most test sessions are problem free, but it is sometimes necessary to deal with situations that need to be addressed on the spot. In "Troubleshooting" We have documented these situations and their appropriate solutions. Most of these problems are the result of an uncontrollable situation (e.g. you have to evacuate the room, there is a power outage, etc.). Others are the result of test-takers not following instructions.

Please ensure that you train yourself by playing out the scenarios described in the Troubleshooting section using the PSC Practice Test. This will ensure that, should these situations occur during a test session, you will know what to do.

Rescore of on-line tests

The scoring key for each test in the On-line Testing Facility (OLTF) system has been thoroughly reviewed.

OLTF automatically applies the appropriate scoring key for each test.

As a result, the Public Service Commission does not offer rescores of tests that are administered on-line.

Please Note:

In the event that something unforeseen happens during an online testing session, either of a technical or process-related nature, DO NOT PANIC! If, after attempting the solutions outlined in the "Troubleshooting" guide, the issue cannot be resolved, please contact:

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