Snowbird 3 – Inner Left Wing, Canadian Forces Snowbirds
Captain Steve "Stewie" Timm was born and raised in Surrey, British Columbia. He earned his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia. He began flying with his dad when he was 23 years old, which inspired a career change from accounting to aviation.
Captain Timm joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 2010. He earned his wings on the CT-156 Harvard II in 2013, before continuing training on the CT-155 Hawk and the CF-188 Hornet. Captain Timm remained in Cold Lake, Alberta, for the following 7 years completing tours at 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron and 410 Squadron where he had the privilege of instructing the next generation of Canadian fighter pilots. He was deployed on Op REASSURANCE in 2017 and finished his time in Cold Lake as a Section Lead with over 1,200 hours of CF-188 experience.
Captain Timm flies the 3 Jet as the Inner Left Wing.