Video - Culture: Value in Our Lives, Value in Our Economy
Transcript of Culture: Value in Our Lives, Value in Our Economy
Video length: 00:01:58
[Map of the world, which flashes Canada and zooms in on it quickly, highlighting each province and territory from west to east]
[Text on screen: Culture Value in Our Lives Value in Our Economy]
Narrator: “Culture is a big part of our world: it’s the movies we watch, the music we listen to, the books we read, the concerts we attend, and so much more.”
[Text on screen: Movies]
[Man with video camera]
[Text on screen: Music]
[Rock concert, with a guitar player and a keyboardist, coloured lighting flashing]
[Text on screen: Books]
[Open book with glowing letters pouring out]
[Text on screen: Concerts]
[Crowd watching a daytime outdoor Canada Concert, with guitar player and drummers]
Narrator: “It’s easy to see the value of culture in our own lives, but did you know that culture is also economically important?”
[Women dancing onstage at a fashion show]
[Man seated at a table dancing to the music]
[Man playing a guitar outside during the day]
[Crowd dressed in Canada colours (outside daytime). Some people are dancing, some are taking pictures]
[People viewing a large dinosaur fossil at a museum]
Narrator: “Culture creates significant value in the Canadian economy, contributing 3% to Canada’s GDP.”
[Man conducting an orchestra]
[Two women playing the violin/the fiddle]
[Crowd watching an acrobat spinning in a hoop]
[Map of Canada glowing]
[Text on Screen: 3% of GDP]
Narrator: “That was 53.8 billion dollars in 2016, an increase of 17.5% since 2010. This 53.8 billion is larger than Canada’s accommodation and food services industry and even bigger than the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industries combined.”
[Map of Canada with provinces and territories, with text: 2014. A stack of hundred-dollar bills to the left with the text: 53.8 billion. A second, shorter stack of hundred-dollar bills appears next to the first, with the text: Accomodation, Food services. A third, still shorter stack of hundred-dollar bills appears next to the second with the text: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting]
Narrator: “Investments in the culture sector have ripple effects throughout the economy.”
[Inuit dancers performing outdoors for a crowd]
[Young woman in winter clothing swaying to music]
[Military pipes and drums in ceremonial dress performing on a dock for a crowd, with tall ships in the background.]
[Two smiling children with face paint dressed for Canada Day, with adults in the background]
Narrator: ”That means, for example, this typical festival in the heart of New Brunswick attracted visitors, created jobs, and generated new spending in the economy.”
[Four drummers in traditional dress playing together]
[Two women, outdoors in summer, dressed in the Acadian colours holding balloons, smiling. Acadian flags and a crowd in the background]
[Acadian parade down a street with fanciful papier-mâché figures being carried]
[Young Acadians celebrating outdoors, smiling, arms up in the air]
[Close-up of spectators along the side of a road, waving at the parade]
[Three additional images of groups spectators waiting for the parade along the side of a road]
[Group of young women in costume marching in the parade, smiling]
Narrator: “Culture accounts for close to 3.5% of total Canadian jobs. That’s 652,406 Canadians working in the culture sector.”
[Text on screen: CULTURE 3.5% of Canadian Jobs. 652,406 Canadians working in the culture sector]
Narrator: “The video game industry, for example, is bursting with talent from a variety of cultural occupations including design, animation, and sound recording.”
[Students playing computer games]
[Man designing on a large screen]
[Screen showing video game being played]
[Video game character being designed and animated on screen]
[Audio recorder, recording]
Narrator: “But there’s more to the story of culture. It creates shared experiences that in turn create healthy and vibrant communities. Where Culture and the Arts are a driving force of creativity and innovation.”
[Woman dancing with hoops that are on fire]
[Aboriginal dancers]
[Map of Canada, highlighting the provinces and large cities]
[Young boy touching a dinosaur replica with his hand]
[Man playing the fiddle and tap dancing]
[Two festival performers with their faces painted holding an illuminated paper dragon]
[Close up of man’s face wearing glasses with a grid of digital images displaying on the lenses]
Narrator: “And when we see the impacts of culture tallied up, it’s clear: culture creates value in our economy.”
[Collage of clips of various cultural activities shown previously in the video]
[Monument with fireworks overhead]
Narrator: “From coast to coast to coast.”
[Map of Canada with fireworks, highlighting the provinces]
[Text on screen: Presented by The Culture Statistics Strategy Consortium]
[Logos of Statistics Canada, Creative City Network of Canada, Ontario Media Development Corporation, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, Library and Archives Canada, Telefilm, BC Alliance for Arts and Culture, Cultural Human Resources Council]
[Logos of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon]
[Canada wordmark]
Learn more about the importance of culture to the Canadian economy. Video includes the latest figures for culture Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and jobs.
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