Video – Sept Seven
Transcript of Sept Seven
This is a bilingual video, the narration is in both English and French.
[Text on screen: Sept/Seven]
[A boy sitting in an office chair, on the phone drinking from a coffee cup]
[A young girl and a woman walking in an office space holding hands]
Narrator (girl): “Nervous?”
Narrator (woman): “Huh?”
Narrator (young girl): “Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay”.
[The young girl and the woman, walking by an office with a young girl on her cellular, standing in the doorway and another one with a boy sitting in an office chair, on the phone drinking from a coffee cup]
[The girl and woman walking by a poster on the wall advertising the “Bring your parent to work day”]
[A boy and a girl talking to each other behind a counter with two small easels with illustrations on them]
[Close-up of the boy talking]
Narrator (boy) (translated from French to English): “No. The important thing is to use plain language. Keep it simple. Part 7 of the Official Languages Act, Lucie, in 10 words”.
[The girl talking to the boy]
[Close-up of the girl and the boy]
Lucie: “The government is committed to enhancing the vitality of the official language minority communities and promoting English and French in Canada”.
[The girl flips one of the small easel board]
[Close-up of the boy talking]
Narrator (boy) (translated from French to English): “Too complicated. Think like an adult. Stick to the basics, Lucie The basics. Part 7, as if you were explaining it to an adult. Keep it as short as possible”.
[The girl and the woman joining the two kids]
[Close-up of the girl]
[Close-up of the boy]
Narrator (boy) (translated from French to English): “Hey, here comes an adult. You can practice with her. Is this your mom? What's your name? Can you tell me your name?”
[The little girl and the woman listening to the boy talking, the little girl is nodding]
[Close-up of the boy]
[The little girl and the woman]
Narrator (young girl): “Her name's Diane”.
[Close-up of the boy]
[The little girl and the woman]
Narrator (boy) (translated from French to English): “She has your eyes.
Narrator (young girl): “Diane, this is my boss, William.”
[The four of them together]
William (translated from French to English): “Lucie, explain to Christina's mom what we are working on.”
[The little girl and the woman]
Lucie: “Sure. Hi, Diane. I like your dress”.
Diane: “Thanks”.
[Close-up of the boy smiling]
[Close-up of the girl talking]
[The camera goes from the girl talking to the little girl and woman, and to the boy]
Lucie: “So, basically, William, your daughter and I have been working on making sure that positive measures are taken to enhance the vitality of the official language minority communities and to promote English and French in Canada. It is very important. It may seem very complicated and confusing, but it's really simple. Like, really, really simple”.
[Boy nodding]
[The little girl and the woman nodding]
Diane: “Okay…”
[The girl take sand in her hand and let it fall slowly]
[Close-up of the girl]
[Simulation of a plane landing on an island with a toy plane with small people inside]
Lucie: “Imagine this. A plane crashes on a deserted island. 50 people onboard. No one dies. They're all francophone, except for one family: the Smith family. They… are Anglophones. They're all stuck there for years!”
[The girl removing the small people from the plane and holding them while talking to the others]
[The little girl and the woman]
Diane: “Um, what is going on right now?”
[The four people looking at a model of the island with small people, shelter, trees, water, a bridge, and rocks]
[Close-up of the small people doing different activities, zooming on the top of the rock where a group is listening to a teacher holding a book in front of a blackboard]
[View of the small people sitting at a campfire]
[The four looking at the model]
Lucie: “They probably would build houses, and a school. Probably gather at night around a campfire to share their crazy crocodile stories. So the question is, what can everyone on the island do to make sure that they thrive as a community, and that the Smiths' unique point of view, as well as their language, doesn't disappear from the island life?”
Diane: “I…”
[Close-up of the boy]
[Close-up of a lake with people around it, on a boat, sitting at a campfire, on top of the rock listening to a teacher, standing under the shelter, playing games and sitting on the grass]
[Close-up of the plane and a man standing beside a crocodile holding a book in its jaws]
Lucie: “I'll tell you what could be done. The Smith family could feel encouraged to share their traditional housebuilding knowledge and their crocodile-repelling formulas. And they could help all the other castaways to learn English”.
[The four looking at the model]
[Close-up of the plane]
[Close-up of a man standing near a crocodile]
[Close-up of a group of small people sitting around books and holding some of them]
[Close-up of people on top of the rock with the teacher]
[Close-up of the boy]
William: (translated from French to English): “The idea is for no one to feel left out and for everyone to benefit from each other's values and knowledge”.
[The little girl talking to the woman]
[Close-up of kids playing scrabble near the beach]
[The little girl talking to the woman]
Narrator (young girl): “And on the beach, the kids could play bilingual Scrabble, learn from each other and create a book club where they could write and share stories in English and French”.
[The woman nodding]
[The little girl leaving]
Narrator (woman): “Okay”.
[Close-up of the boy]
William: (translated from French to English): “And these are called positive measures”.
[Close-up of the woman]
[Close-up of young girl]
Narrator (young girl): “Every federal department has to ensure that positive measures are taken. They are legally required to do so”.
[Close-up of the woman]
[Close-up of the girl]
Lucie: “So yeah. That's what your daughter, William and I do for a living. Nice, eh?”
[Close-up of the woman]
[Overview of the model of the island]
[The kids are walking of the room one by one through a small door]
[The woman sitting at a desk talking to two men facing her]
[Close-up of the woman]
[The camera goes from the woman to each of the two man and back to the woman]
Diane: (translated from French to English): “Sorry, my head was in the clouds. So, as I was saying, the government is committed to supporting the development of official language- No, you know what? I'll try to stick to the basics and explain it to you briefly in simple terms. Imagine a deserted island. 50 castaways, one single Anglophone family. Listen, there are a lot of people and a lot of departments that can explain it well and have found creative ways to implement positive measures under Part 7. Here's a web address for you”.
[Text on screen: GCPEDIA.GC.CA/WIKI/7]
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