Report on Plans and Priorities
Canadian Heritage
The Honourable Mélanie Joly, P.C., M.P
Minister of Canadian Heritage
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2016
Catalogue No. CH1-5E-PDF
ISSN: 2368-6685
Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Minister's Message — Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage
- Minister's Message — Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities
- A Note on the 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities
- Section I: Organizational Expenditure Overview
- Organizational Profile
- Organizational Context
- Raison d'être
- Responsibilities
- Changes to the Machinery of Government
- Mission and Vision
- Strategic Outcomes and Program Alignment Architecture
- Organizational Priorities
- Priority 1 - Canada 150
- Priority 2 - Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth
- Priority 3 - Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture
- Priority 4 - Active and Engaged: Encouraging Participation and Sustaining Excellence in Sport
- Priority 5 - An Open and Modern Government for all Canadians
- Risk Analysis
- Planned Expenditure
- Alignment of Spending with the Whole-of-Government Framework
- Departmental Spending Trend
- Estimates by Vote
- Section II: Analysis of Programs by Strategic Outcome
- Strategic Outcome 1: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
- Program 1.1: Arts
- Program 1.2: Cultural Industries
- Description
- Planning Highlights
- Sub-Program 1.2.1: Broadcasting and Digital Communications
- Sub-Program 1.2.2: Canada Media Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.3: Film and Video Policy
- Sub-Program 1.2.4: Film or Video Production Tax Credits
- Sub-Program 1.2.5: Canada Music Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.6: Canada Book Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.7: Canada Periodical Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.8: Copyright and International Trade Policy
- Sub-Program 1.2.9: Cultural Sector Investment Review
- Sub-Program 1.2.10: TV5
- Program 1.3: Heritage
- Description
- Planning Highlights
- Sub-Program 1.3.1: Museums Assistance Program
- Sub-Program 1.3.2: Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program
- Sub-Program 1.3.3: Canadian Heritage Information Network
- Sub-Program 1.3.4: Canadian Conservation Institute
- Sub-Program 1.3.5: Movable Cultural Property Program
- Strategic Outcome 2: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
- Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada
- Program 2.2: Engagement and Community Participation
- Program 2.3: Official Languages
- Strategic Outcome 3: Canadians participate and excel in sport
- Internal Services
- Strategic Outcome 1: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
- Section III: Supplementary Information
- Section IV: Organizational Contact Information
- Appendix: Definitions
Minister's Message
Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage
I am pleased to present the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities for the Department of Canadian Heritage. Canadian culture, heritage, language and sport are key drivers of Canada's economy, and play a central role in Canada's diverse, inclusive and innovative society.
The 150th anniversary of Confederation is less than a year away, and I am delighted this Department is spearheading plans for Canada 150 celebrations. This national celebration will allow Canadians of all backgrounds to engage and connect with one another in building our future and celebrating our place in the world. We will join together in recognition of our country's rich history and heritage, as well as the rich linguistic, cultural and regional diversity that is part of our identity.
Canada's arts organizations and creative industries will play a key role in shaping Canada's future in 2017 and beyond. It is remarkable that culture and heritage represent approximately $47.7 billion in the Canadian economy, and over 642,486 jobs. This will only grow as a share of Canada's economic activity as new digital technologies open the door to new pathways for creativity and innovation. The Department will work with our many stakeholders to ensure that with this digital shift, our programs and institutions are able to embrace new opportunities while ensuring the conditions are in place for the continued success of world-renowned Canadian content. As part of this, we will increase our efforts to promote our artists and creators both at home and abroad. We will also work to ensure Canadians have greater access to arts and culture, a strong public broadcaster, and renewed cultural infrastructure in their communities.
As our two official languages also represent an important part of our heritage and identity, they, too, constitute a priority for the Government of Canada. The Department will continue to promote French and English and support official‑language minority communities across Canada and find new and innovative ways to do so.
The Department will honour the Government of Canada's commitment to an open, accessible and modern government for all Canadians. We will continue to support the development and use of digital technologies, and we will focus on results and achieving them efficiently.
As Minister of Canadian Heritage, I invite you to read through it to see all that the Department intends to accomplish in the upcoming year.
The Honourable Mélanie Joly, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Canadian Heritage
Minister's Message
Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities
I believe that sport can change lives. So I am pleased to have an opportunity to put my experience as a paralympian, sport dispute arbitrator and chair of various sport organizations to work as Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities.
The Government of Canada is committed to enhancing Canada's status as a leading sport nation. We are dedicated to working with all our partners and stakeholders in various sectors and other levels of government to strengthen our sport system. We want it to be accessible to all Canadians, to meet their needs and encourage everyone to participate, as well as to foster excellence at the competitive level.
In the year ahead, I look forward to undertaking some projects of particular interest to the sport community.
With the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, I will work to improve Canada's recreational infrastructure to ensure that Canadians have access to sport and can get involved in sport. I will support the Minister of Health in developing a national strategy on concussion prevention and treatment. At Sport Canada, I will assist the Minister of Canadian Heritage in making preparations for celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Confederation, celebrations that will promote our sport heritage and celebrate the achievements of athletes and people with disabilities.
The Department of Canadian Heritage will also help create stronger links between young Canadians and elite athletes and do more to assist athletes with disabilities and celebrate their achievements.
Another main priority for the Department this year will be to support Canadian athletes participating in the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brazil. We look forward to helping our athletes succeed in international competitions and make all Canadians proud.
As Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, I invite you to read the the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities for the Department of Canadian Heritage to learn about our goals in the area of sport over the coming year.
The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities
A Note on the 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities
The 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities of the Department of Canadian Heritage provides information on how the department will support the Government on achieving our agenda in the coming year. I am fully confident that the Department of Canadian Heritage is prepared to successfully support me and work with our partners inside and outside government to deliver for Canadians. However, given our commitment to more effective reporting, this year's report will be the final submission using the existing reporting framework.
A new, simplified and more effective reporting process is being developed to improve how we monitor and report on our Government's progress on delivering real change to Canadians.
These new reporting mechanisms will allow Canadians to more easily follow our Department's progress towards delivering on our priorities, which were outlined in the Prime Minister's mandate letter to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, and in the Prime Minister's mandate letter to the Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities.
The Honourable Mélanie Joly, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Canadian Heritage
Section I: Organizational Expenditure Overview
Organizational Profile
Appropriate Ministers:
- The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, P.C., M.P.
- The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, P.C., M.P.
Institutional Head:
- Graham Flack
Ministerial Portfolio:
- Department of Canadian Heritage
Enabling Instrument:
Year of Incorporation / Commencement:
- The Department of Canadian Heritage was created in June 1993. However, the Department of Canadian Heritage Act received Royal Assent in June 1995.
Organizational Context
Raison d'être
The Department of Canadian Heritage (the Department) and Canada's major national cultural institutions play a vital role in the cultural, civic and economic life of Canadians. We work together to support culture, arts, heritage, official languages, citizenship and participation, in addition to Indigenous, youth, and sport initiatives.
The Department's mandate is set out in the Department of Canadian Heritage Act and centres on fostering or promoting "Canadian identity and values, cultural development, and heritage", including a wide-ranging list of specific responsibilities. The Department's mandate also includes specific responsibilities of the Minister of Canadian Heritage set out in other federal statutes and their regulations, as well as orders in council.
In pursuit of its mandate, numerous statutes are overseen by the Department, including the Broadcasting ActFootnote 2, the Copyright ActFootnote 3 and the Investment Canada ActFootnote 4 (the latter two acts shared with Industry Canada), the Official Languages ActFootnote 5 (Part VII), the Museums ActFootnote 6, the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification ActFootnote 7, the Cultural Property Export and Import ActFootnote 8, the Status of the Artist ActFootnote 9, and the Physical Activity and Sport ActFootnote 10 (shared with Health Canada).
The Department's specific responsibilities include formulating and implementing cultural policies and programs related to copyright, foreign investment and broadcasting, as well as policies and programs related to arts, culture, heritage, official languages, sport, state ceremonial and protocol, Canadian symbols, and organizing and promoting public events and activities in Canada's Capital Region. The Department's programs, delivered through Headquarters, and multiple points of service including five regional offices across the country, fund cultural industries, community and third-party organizations to enrich cultural experiences, strengthen identity, and promote participation in sport by Canadians.
The Minister of Canadian Heritage is accountable to Parliament for the Department and the 18 organizations that make up the Canadian Heritage PortfolioFootnote 11.
Changes to the Machinery of Government
As of November 5th, 2015, the Minister of Canadian Heritage leads a team of ministers including the Honourable Patricia A. Hajdu, Minister of Status of Women, and the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, in her role for Sport. The Minister is also now responsible for:
- the Canadian Multiculturalism ActFootnote 12;
- the Canadian Race Relations Foundation;
- the National Capital Commission; and
- the Canadian Secretary to the Queen.
In addition to assuming responsibility for the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, the Department is working with its partner agencies to integrate Multiculturalism program into our regular operations. We look forward to reporting on Multiculturalism program in upcoming reports.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to promote an environment in which all Canadians take full advantage of dynamic cultural experiences, celebrate our history and heritage, and participate in building creative communities.
Our vision is one of a Canada where all Canadians can celebrate our rich cultural diversity, our shared experiences and values, and where all can gain a greater understanding and appreciation of our history, heritage and communities. We see a Canada that invests in the future by supporting the arts, our two official languages and our athletes. We see a Canada that is confident in a world of choice, at the forefront of the creative economy and a leader in the digital world.
Strategic Outcomes and Program Alignment Architecture
- Strategic Outcome 1: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
- Program 1.1: Arts
- Sub-Program 1.1.1: Canada Arts Presentation Fund
- Sub-Program 1.1.2: Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
- Sub-Program 1.1.3: Canada Arts Training Fund
- Sub-Program 1.1.4: Canada Cultural Investment Fund
- Program 1.2: Cultural Industries
- Sub-Program 1.2.1: Broadcasting and Digital Communications
- Sub-Program 1.2.2: Canada Media Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.3: Film and Video Policy
- Sub-Program 1.2.4: Film or Video Production Tax Credits
- Sub-Program 1.2.5: Canada Music Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.6: Canada Book Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.7: Canada Periodical Fund
- Sub-Program 1.2.8: Copyright and International Trade Policy
- Sub-Program 1.2.9: Cultural Sector Investment Review
- Sub-Program 1.2.10: TV5
- Program 1.3: Heritage
- Sub-Program 1.3.1: Museums Assistance Program
- Sub-Program 1.3.2: Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program
- Sub-Program 1.3.3: Canadian Heritage Information Network
- Sub-Program 1.3.4: Canadian Conservation Institute
- Sub-Program 1.3.5: Movable Cultural Property Program
- Program 1.1: Arts
- Strategic Outcome 2: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
- Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada
- Sub-Program 2.1.1: Celebration and Commemoration Program
- Sub-Program 2.1.2: Capital Experience
- Sub-Program 2.1.3: State Ceremonial and Protocol
- Sub-Program 2.1.4: Canada History Fund
- Sub-Program 2.1.5: Exchanges Canada Program
- Sub-Program 2.1.6: Youth Take Charge
- Program 2.1: Engagement and Community Participation
- Sub-Program 2.1.1: Human Rights Program
- Sub-Program 2.1.2: Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
- Sub-Program 2.1.3: Aboriginal Peoples' Program
- Sub-Program 2.1.4: Canada 150 Federal Secretariat
- Program 2.2: Official Languages
- Sub-Program 2.2.1: Development of Official-Language Communities Program
- Sub-Program 2.2.2: Enhancement of Official Languages Program
- Sub-Program 2.2.3: Official Languages Coordination Program
- Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada
- Strategic Outcome 3: Canadians participate and excel in sport
- Program 3.1: Sport
- Sub-Program 3.1.1: Hosting Program
- Sub-Program 3.1.2: Sport Support Program
- Sub-Program 3.1.3: Athlete Assistance Program
- Program 3.1: Sport
- Internal Services
Organizational Priorities
Priority 1 - Canada 150
In 2017, Canada will mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation. Canada 150 is an opportunity to strengthen Canadians' sense of pride and belonging, invite the world to Canada and showcase Canadian achievements at home and abroad, as well as support exciting and innovative projects that will leave a lasting legacy.
The Minister of Canadian Heritage, through the Canada 150 Federal Secretariat, will lead a whole-of-government approach* to celebrations that will maximize the impact of Canada 150 through collaboration with federal, provincial, territorial and municipal partners and the private and not-for-profit sectors. Marketing and promotional activities undertaken at home and abroad will bolster this effort by giving the initiative a domestic and international profile that will support tourism and economic growth.
Programming to support this priority will extend across the Department to support key populations, promote core values and support community building. Through Canada 150, the Department will tap into the energy and creativity of all Canadians by supporting projects brought forward by Canadians and their communities in such areas as arts and heritage, recreation and sport programming and cultural exchanges. Four thematic priority areas that embrace a spirit of hope and optimism – promoting diversity and inclusion, engaging and inspiring youth, promoting national reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and connecting Canadians with their natural environment - will be reflected in the selection of projects that support the initiative.
Canada 150 is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Canadians to celebrate our shared values, accomplishments, and our place in the world. The Department will advance projects and initiatives that help form a foundation for strong civic engagement as well as help build and share common experiences within and across vibrant and diverse communities.
Priority Type - New
Planned Initiatives | Start Date | End Date | Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture |
Engaging PCH and portfolio organizations to support relevant Canada 150 activities. | Fall 2014 | March 2018 | Program 2.2 |
Identifying and supporting lasting legacy initiatives. | Fall 2014 | Ongoing | Program 2.2, Program 1.3 |
Working with Global Affairs Canada to extend the reach of Canada 150 abroad. | April 2015 | December 2017 | Program 2.2 |
Working with various departments and other levels of governments to engage youth, Indigenous Peoples and ethno‑cultural communities. | April 2015 | December 2017 | Program 2.2 |
Strategically using social media to cross‑promote Canada 150. | April 2016 | December 2017 | Program 2.2 |
Initiating Countdown to 150, and launching official Canada 150 activities December 31st, 2016 across Canada. | April 2016 | December 2016 | Program 2.1, Program 2.2 |
Implementing Canada 150 activities in Canada's Capital Region. | April 2016 | March 2017 | Program 2.1, Program 2.2 |
* Whole-of-government information about the Canada 150 Initiative is available in the Canada 150 Horizontal Initiative Table, in Section III of the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities under Supplementary Information Tables.
Priority 2 - Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth
Canada's arts, culture and heritage industries are significant drivers of the Canadian economy, adding almost $48 billion to the economy annually, while supporting over 642,000 highly skilled and innovative jobs across the country. Supporting the creative and cultural industries as they adapt to the digital shift will create new opportunities to improve Canada's performance at home and support growth in international markets. Canada's creative and cultural industries ensure the creation of and access to Canada's diverse stories, and they provide opportunities to connect, collaborate and share experiences. These stories are shared through various forms, such as books, films, and the performing arts, fostering greater inclusion, belonging and diversity, and ultimately strengthening our national identity.
The Department will assist the cultural and creative industries to adapt to the digital shift, ease disruption where possible, and support Canadian content development. The Department will assist creators, entrepreneurs and organizations from the arts, culture and heritage sectors to harness the opportunities presented by digital technologies and to take full advantage of their benefits. Digital engagement and innovation will provide a new level of access to Canadian arts, culture and heritage products, which will create opportunities for new experiences in a variety of formats and platforms, and will lead in Canada's contribution to the digital economy. At the same time, the Department will continue to ensure that the rights of creators are respected.
In collaboration with other departments, the Department will support the Government's commitment to make significant new investments in cultural and recreational infrastructure. Participation in cultural, sport and recreational activities contribute to the well-being of individual Canadians, communities and the country. Investments in cultural and recreational infrastructure support stronger community identities, provide participation opportunities for youth and create economic growth.
To strengthen the promotion of Canada's cultural and creative industries on the world stage, the Department, in collaboration with key portfolio organizations and Global Affairs Canada, will implement new measures in support of international cultural promotion. The global marketplace offers opportunities for significant economic growth in Canada's cultural sector. The new measures will enable our cultural entrepreneurs and artists to better reach foreign markets and global audiences, with a view to enhancing the discoverability of Canadian cultural content and products among increasingly crowded global cultural offerings.
Priority Type – New
Planned Initiatives | Start Date | End Date | Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture |
Supporting the Government's commitment to make significant new investments in cultural infrastructure as part of the investment in social infrastructure. | Ongoing | Ongoing | Program 1.1 |
Implementing new measures in support of international cultural promotion. | 2016–17 | Ongoing | Program 1.2 |
Increasing the funding for the Young Canada Works program to help prepare the next generation of Canadians working in the heritage sector. |
2016–17 (pending approval) |
2018–19 | Program 1.3 |
In response to a rapidly changing environment, explore innovative avenues to help cultural industries maintain their competitiveness. | Ongoing | Ongoing | Program 1.2 |
Supporting investments in key federal institutions, such as CBC/Radio-Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board of Canada. | Ongoing | Ongoing | Program 1.1, Program 1.2 |
Priority 3 - Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture
Canada is recognized at home and abroad as a diverse, vibrant and inclusive society. Our diversity is our strength: through our commitment to contribute to the implementation of the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to supporting our official languages in Canadian communities and throughout the Government of Canada, the Department will foster inclusion by creating opportunities for Canadians to participate in celebrations and commemorations and to engage in art, culture, heritage and sport.
The Department assumes several new responsibilities in 2016, including renewed responsibility for the Canadian Multiculturalism Act. Multiculturalism is a long-standing tenet of Canadian society, and the Department will continue to support and develop policies, programs, public outreach, and celebrations that engage Canadians in supporting diversity and fostering inclusion.
The Department will develop policies and programs in support of a nation-to-nation reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians. The Department will contribute to implementing the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission by providing new funding to promote, preserve and enhance Indigenous languages and cultures.
Priority Type – New
Planned Initiatives | Start Date | End Date | Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture |
Updating and reinstating the new Court Challenges Program. | January 2016 | To be confirmed | Program 2.2 |
Promoting, preserving and enhancing Indigenous languages and cultures. | Ongoing | Ongoing | Program 2.2, Program 1.3 |
Developing a new multi-year Official Languages plan to support English and French linguistic minorities. | Ongoing | Ongoing | Program 2.3 |
Organizing and supporting celebrations and commemorations of national significance in Canada's Capital and across the country. | Ongoing | Ongoing | Program 2.1, Program 2.2 |
Priority 4 - Active and Engaged: Encouraging Participation and Sustaining Excellence in Sport
The Department will support initiatives that promote participation and excellence in sport. Sport contributes to Canadians' quality of life, pride in our nation, and a healthy Canada. To encourage access to sport, and in particular to encourage sport participation by children and youth, the Department will contribute to the interdepartmental social infrastructure strategy, and continue to collaborate with provinces, territories and organizations to strengthen the availability of quality sport programs, including programs for persons with a disability. The Department will further encourage achievement through Canada 150 programming, celebrate the achievements of athletes, and create greater links between elite athletes and young Canadians.
Canadian athletes and coaches are recognized nationally and internationally for their achievements in sport. The Department is committed to sustaining excellence in sport, and a key priority for 2016–17 is to lead in the preparation for the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games. As well, the Department will make adjustments to programs in order to support success at future international sporting events.
Given that safety in sport is important for both participation and excellence, the Department will support a national strategy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada, to raise awareness of concussion prevention and treatment.
Priority Type – New
Planned Initiatives | Start Date | End Date | Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture |
Leading the preparations for the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games. | April 2016 | March 2017 | Program 3.1 |
Identifying innovative and collaborative approaches to enhance the Canadian sport system for participation and excellence. | Ongoing | Ongoing | |
Celebrating Canadian athletes and their achievements. | Ongoing | Ongoing | |
Collaborating to develop a national strategy to raise awareness for parents, coaches, and athletes on concussion prevention and treatment. | Already initiated | Ongoing |
Priority 5 - An Open and Modern Government for all Canadians
The modernization agenda at Canadian Heritage is focused on achieving an open, transparent and efficient government in order to better serve the Department's clients, employees, and Canadians more broadly. The expectations of clients and Canadians for modern programs and service delivery are increasing. Clients want their business with government to be digital, user-friendly, timely and efficient. Canadians want programs that achieve results, and that are fair and transparent. Employees want modern tools and processes to better serve their clients. At Canadian Heritage our modernization agenda is focused on achieving these outcomes.
The Department will continue to uphold our public commitment to service excellence for our clients as outlined in our Client Service Charter. Business processes will be further standardized and automated to achieve efficiencies for our employees and to reduce the administrative burden on our clients. The Department has taken important first steps to becoming a modern, digital delivery organization by piloting a simple on-line tool that makes it easier for clients to apply for funding and manage their file with us, which speeds up processing times. This on-line tool is being phased in across programs over the next two years. It will allow clients to receive timely status updates, including decisions, and will further reduce administrative burden.
The Department is committed to continuous improvement and will continue to explore further improvements such as: expand digital tools and supports; develop new digital tools to allow timely capture of client feedback and to facilitate collaboration and engagement with Canadians and organizations; and develop simpler, more user friendly forms. Program experimentation will provide managers with opportunities to identify desired results, and to explore select approaches for achieve these results.
Priority Type – New
Planned Initiatives | Start Date | End Date | Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture |
Implement our Client Service Charter to achieve our public commitment to service excellence for our clients. | Ongoing | Ongoing |
All Strategic Outcomes and Programs Internal Services |
Continue to develop and implement on-line tools that will provide clients with digital and user-friendly access to the grants and contributions funding application processes. | Ongoing | Ongoing | |
Support new and innovative approaches in policy making, program design and delivery, from experimentation to implementation, through initiatives such as the Department's Innovation fund. | Ongoing | Ongoing | |
Develop an initiative and monitoring process that will devote a percentage of select program budgets to program experimentation. | January 2016 | Ongoing | |
Revise the alignment of the Department's programs in relation to one another in order to support innovation and experimentation that will address new and existing challenges in the arts, heritage, culture and sport. | April 2016-17 | September 2017 | |
Support the Open Government initiative by providing opportunities for innovative and creative engagement. | Ongoing | Ongoing | |
Continue to improve how the Department reports its impacts and results to Canadians. | Ongoing | Ongoing |
For more information on organizational priorities, see the Minister's mandate letter on the Prime Minister of Canada's websiteFootnote 13.
Risk Analysis
The Department of Canadian Heritage plays a vital role in the cultural, civic and economic life of Canadians. The Department works together to support culture, arts, heritage, official languages, citizenship and participation, in addition to Indigenous, youth, and sport initiatives. The Department's ability to respond to external factors and to capitalize on opportunities, while mitigating risks, will ensure Canadian Heritage remains relevant and responsive to the needs of Canada, and Canadians, in delivering on this mandate.
The Department has identified, as part of its 2015–18 Departmental Risk Profile, external risks in the areas of Innovation and Policy Readiness; Fully Modernized Program and Service Delivery; and Canada 150.
In the context of a dynamic and evolving environment, the Department is committed to maintaining a long-term and forward thinking view to assess how existing policies and programs are keeping up with changing needs. As such, the Department will undertake initiatives to shape this forward looking agenda and adapt to emerging trends.
The Department is continuing to advance a fundamental transformation of how it delivers over $1 billion of grant and contribution funding to recipients to sustain a more efficient and technologically modern platform to funding recipients.
It is also entering an exciting period as it continues to deliver projects as part of the Road to 2017 while leading a whole of government approach for celebrating the 150th anniversary of Confederation.
Delivery of Canada 150 offers a significant opportunity to introduce innovative ways to engage and partner with citizens, other levels of government, and the private and not-for-profit sector. While the risks associated with a large scale and complex initiative are real, the Department is drawing on lessons learned from recent experience in organizing and coordinating large events.
Risk | Risk Response Strategy | Link to Program Alignment Architecture |
Innovation and Policy Readiness The risk that current departmental policies and program design will not support the innovation and transformation challenges that will be faced by stakeholders in the Canadian cultural and heritage industries which may lead to a weakened capacity to achieve expected results and outcomes. |
Fully Modernized Program and Service Delivery The risk that the Department may not be able to support and sustain on an ongoing basis the planned outcomes envisioned in the action plan (GCMAP), which may result in an inconsistent and inefficient approach to deliver services to the Department's funding recipients and diminish the effectiveness of programs in achieving objectives. |
Canada 150 The national scope and volume of activities associated with the delivery of Canada 150 and the expected media attention could make the initiative susceptible to criticism in regard to the overall approach and specific elements including the funding level, distribution and the selection of particular initiatives, and delivery of key initiatives on time, resulting in harm to reputation. |
Planned Expenditure
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
1,294,505,478 | 1,299,498,160 | 1,300,824,079 | 1,182,925,519 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
1,708.8 | 1,706.8 | 1,697.3 |
Strategic Outcome(s), Program(s) and Internal Services | 2013–14 Expenditures | 2014–15 Expenditures | 2015–16 Forecast Spending | 2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
Strategic Outcome 1: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad | |||||||
Program 1.1 Arts | 113,350,742 | 113,900,585 | 117,122,795 | 116,651,447 | 116,651,447 | 116,651,447 | 117,001,447 |
Program 1.2 Cultural Industries | 303,493,423 | 295,742,756 | 303,264,253 | 302,463,014 | 302,463,014 | 302,463,014 | 302,463,014 |
Program 1.3 Heritage | 38,187,915 | 31,563,243 | 30,683,809 | 32,530,362 | 32,530,362 | 32,530,362 | 32,530,362 |
Sub-Total | 455,032,080 | 441,206,584 | 451,070,857 | 451,644,823 | 451,644,823 | 451,644,823 | 451,994,823 |
Strategic Outcome 2: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity | |||||||
Program 2.1 Attachment to Canada | 67,495,358 | 86,818,481 | 93,873,498 | 150,174,516 | 150,174,516 | 150,835,117 | 60,590,359 |
Program 2.2 Engagement and Community Participation | 45,116,329 | 42,198,321 | 47,681,212 | 60,446,783 | 65,439,465 | 66,304,783 | 41,600,983 |
Program 2.3 Official Languages | 352,514,946 | 356,997,714 | 354,073,053 | 353,724,557 | 353,724,557 | 353,224,557 | 353,224,557 |
Sub-Total | 465,126,633 | 486,014,516 | 495,627,763 | 564,345,856 | 569,338,538 | 570,364,457 | 455,415,899 |
Strategic Outcome 3: Canadians participate and excel in sport | |||||||
Program 3.1 Sport | 334,086,513 | 470,497,662 | 243,676,119 | 206,246,851 | 206,246,851 | 206,546,851 | 203,246,849 |
Sub-Total | 334,086,513 | 470,497,662 | 243,676,119 | 206,246,851 | 206,246,851 | 206,546,851 | 203,246,849 |
Internal Services Subtotal | 77,325,904 | 84,136,545 | 75,070,652 | 72,267,948 | 72,267,948 | 72,267,948 | 72,267,948 |
Total | 1,331,571,130 | 1,481,855,307 | 1,265,445,391 | 1,294,505,478 | 1,299,498,160 | 1,300,824,079 | 1,182,925,519 |
Explanation of variances – Programs
The actual spending in 2013–14 and 2014–15 was slightly below the program's funding levels as reallocations were required to support a variety of programs for emerging priorities.
Cultural Industries
The actual spending in 2014–15 was slightly below the program's funding levels as reallocations were required to support a variety of programs for emerging priorities.
The decrease in actual spending from 2013–14 to 2014–15 is mainly due to the transfer of funding and responsibilities of the Virtual Museum of Canada to the Canadian Museum of History and the transfer of funding and responsibilities of the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board to the Administrative Tribunals Support Service Canada.
Attachment to Canada
The increase in actual spending from 2013–14 to 2014–15 is mainly explained by the funding received for the commemoration of key milestone anniversaries on The Road to 2017, the Government Advertising programs, the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Hockey Canada and the re-profiling of resources for the Capital Experience Program – Sound and Light Show. The increase observed from 2014–15 to 2016–17 is explained by the incremental funding for the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation and the re-profiling of resources for the Cultural Strategy for the Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games and the commemoration of key milestone anniversaries on The Road to 2017. The decrease in planned spending from 2017–18 to 2018–19 is explained by the sunset of funding for the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation as most of the activities will have been completed by the end of 2017–18.
Engagement and Community Participation
The increase observed from 2014–15 to 2017–18 in the forecast and planned spending is explained by an increase in funding for the Canada 150 Federal Secretariat as the support required for activities under the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation will increase until 2017–18. The decrease observed from 2017–18 to 2018–19 is explained by the sunset of funding for the Canada 150 Federal Secretariat as most of the activities for the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation will have been completed by the end of 2017–18.
Official Languages
The increase in actual spending from 2013–14 to 2014–15 is explained by reallocations from a variety of programs required for emerging priorities.
The increase observed in the 2014–15 actual spending is due to the funding for the Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games. The decreases observed in the 2015–16 forecast spending and 2016–17 planned spending are due to the completion of the Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games. The decrease observed from 2017–18 to 2018–19 is due to funding which is scheduled to sunset at the end of fiscal year 2017–18 for Special Olympics Canada.
Internal Services
The increase in actual spending from 2013–14 to 2014–15 is in part due to the transfer of internal services for the Capital Experience Sub-Program, investment opportunities (employee mobility and network storage) and to paylist requirements such as severance pay and pay in arrears.
Alignment of Spending with the Whole-of-Government Framework
Strategic Outcome | Program | Spending Area | Government of Canada Outcome | 2016-17 Planned Spending |
SO 1: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad | 1.1 Arts | Social Affairs | A vibrant Canadian culture and heritage | 116,651,447 |
1.2 Cultural Industries | Social Affairs | A vibrant Canadian culture and heritage | 302,463,014 | |
1.3 Heritage | Social Affairs | A vibrant Canadian culture and heritage | 32,530,362 | |
SO 2: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity | 2.1 Attachment to Canada | Social Affairs | A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion | 150,174,516 |
2.2 Engagement and Community Participation | Social Affairs | A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion | 65,439,465 | |
2.3 Official Languages | Social Affairs | A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion | 353,724,557 | |
SO 3: Canadians participate and excel in sport | 3.1 Sport | Social Affairs | A vibrant Canadian culture and heritage | 206,246,851 |
Spending Area | Total Planned Spending |
Economic affairs | 0 |
Social affairs | 1,227,230,212 |
International affairs | 0 |
Government affairs | 0 |
Although the departmental planned spending is reported only under the Social Affairs spending area, the Department plays a vital role in the economic life of Canadians, and its investment provides rich economic benefits.
The economic importance of culture, arts, heritage, and sport are measured through the Canadian Culture Satellite Account (CSA). The CSA was developed through a joint effort between the Government of Canada, all provinces and territories, numerous municipalities, and a number of non-governmental organizations.
Culture and heritage represent approximately $47.7 billion in the Canadian economy, and over 642,486 jobs across the country. Sport contributes close to $4.9 billion to the Canadian economy and represents more than 101,863 jobs throughout the country.
Departmental Spending Trend
Departmental Spending Trend-Text version
This graph shows the Department's spending trend for grants and contributions, operating and statutory expenditures from 2013–2014 to 2018–2019. The data represents actual spending (2013–2014 to 2014–2015), forecast spending (2015–2016) and planned spending (2016–2017 to 2018–2019). The data is broken down between Sunset Programs – Anticipated, Statutory and Voted Expenditures.
Fiscal year | Total (in millions) | Voted | Statutory | Sunset Programs Anticipated |
2013–14 | 1,332 | 1,306 | 26 | 0 |
2014–15 | 1,482 | 1,456 | 26 | 0 |
2015–16 | 1,266 | 1,240 | 26 | 0 |
2016–17 | 1,300 | 1,269 | 26 | 5 |
2017–18 | 1,301 | 1,275 | 26 | 0 |
2018–19 | 1,183 | 1,157 | 26 | 0 |
The increase in actual spending in 2013–14 and in 2014–15 is mainly due to the funding for the Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games, the funding for the Toronto Community Foundation for the Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games Sport Legacy Fund, the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation - Road to 2017, Government Advertising programs – Canada 150 campaign and the implementation of the pay in arrears system.
The decrease in forecast spending in 2015–16 is mainly due to the time-limited nature of funding for the Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games.
The increase in planned spending in 2016–17 and 2017–18 is mainly due to the funding profile for the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation. For 2016–17, this increase is in part offset by the sunset of funding for the Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI), a component of the Aboriginal Peoples' Program.
The decrease in planned spending in 2018–19 is the result of the funding profile for the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation and of the sunset of funding for Special Olympics Canada under the Sport Support Program.
Estimates by Vote
For information on Canadian Heritage's organizational appropriations, consult the 2016–17 Main EstimatesFootnote 15 on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's website.
Section II: Analysis of Programs by Strategic Outcome
Strategic Outcome 1: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program 1.1: Arts
The Arts Program improves Canadians' opportunities to engage with the arts, contributes to the resilience of the arts sector and deepens the connections between cultural organizations and their communities. This Program encourages access and participation, resilience and excellence in the arts for all Canadians by supporting institutions that offer artists and performers training of the highest calibre in preparation for professional careers, the presentation of professional arts festivals or performing arts series, the improvement of arts and heritage infrastructure, the improvement of business practices of arts and heritage organizations, and the development of partnerships in the sector. Policy, legislative and regulatory measures targeting the Canadian arts sector also further this Program's objectives.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
116,651,447 | 116,651,447 | 116,651,447 | 117,001,447 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
122.7 | 122.7 | 122.7 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
The resilience of arts and heritage organizations receiving Canadian Heritage support is strengthened. | Average number of funding sources (other than Canadian Heritage), for each recipient. | 5 | March 2017 |
Canadians in a variety of geographic communities have access to arts, culture and heritage activities. | Minimum percentage of communities reached by the Canada Arts Presentation Fund and the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund that are rural and remote. | 50 | March 2017 |
Minimum number of annual attendees, in millions, to activities funded by the Canada Arts Presentation Fund. | 21.5 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Arts Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad" by supporting opportunities for Canadians to connect with the arts, explore artistic excellence and partner in building a resilient arts sector.
The Arts Program will support opportunities for Canadians to participate and engage in the arts whether in a large urban centre or a rural community, creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of belonging. Through planned spending of $116.7 million, the Department delivers programs that engage Canadians in their communities by investing in cultural infrastructure, professional arts presentation, high calibre professional artistic training as well as the organizational and financial resilience of professional arts and heritage organizations.
In 2016–17, the Arts Program will continue to work with a range of partners across Canada and will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Support the Government's commitment to increase funding for Canada Council for the Arts;
- Support the Government's commitment to increase funding for cultural infrastructure;
- Pursue research and policy development work on understanding Canadians' behaviours, motivations and barriers to arts participation and engagement; and
- Pursue research and policy development work in the area of the socio-economic conditions of Canadian artists.
The Arts Program will support projects that encourage arts and heritage organizations to make strategic use of technology; contribute to the prosperity, vitality and quality of life of communities; and contribute to celebrating our history and heritage. Additional details on how the Program will achieve its expected results can be found in its sub-program sections.
Sub-Program 1.1.1: Canada Arts Presentation Fund
The Canada Arts Presentation Fund gives Canadians access to a variety of professional artistic experiences in their communities. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series, as well as their support organizations. The Canada Arts Presentation Fund also supports emerging presenters and presenter support organizations whose activities target underserved communities or artistic practices. The goal is to allow Canadians from all regions of the country to engage in and value a variety of professional artistic experiences. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Arts Presentation Fund and Contributions under the Canada Arts Presentation Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
38,851,470 | 38,851,470 | 39,201,470 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
64.1 | 64.1 | 64.1 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Arts presenter organizations offer a variety of professional artistic experiences to Canadians. | Degree to which, on a scale* of 1 to 5, Performance Measurement Framework targets are achieved that illustrate the variety of disciplines for professional artistic experiences offered by recipients of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund. | 5 | March 2017 |
Canadians, including those in underserved communities across Canada, have access to a variety of professional artistic experiences. | Degree to which, on a scale* of 1 to 5, Performance Measurement Framework targets are achieved that illustrate the type of underserved communities reached by recipients of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund. | 5 | March 2017 |
*The performance indicator scale of 1 to 5 is detailed as follows: 1 = 0 – 24% met, 2 = 25-49% met, 3 = 50 – 79% met, 4 = 80 – 99% met, 5 = 100% +. |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Arts Presentation Fund Sub-Program invests in activities that provide Canadians access to a variety of professional artistic experiences in their communities through three components: the Programing Support component, the Development Support component, and the Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust component, which invests in the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown, P.E.I.
The Sub-Program's performance will be measured by the variety of disciplines offered by presenters to Canadians and by their reach to underserved communities. It is anticipated that of all supported organizations, at least 60% will present music as part of their activities, 33% dance, 9% literature, 8% media arts, 37% theatre and 11% visual arts. Furthermore, it is also anticipated that 13% will reach out to Indigenous communities, 23% to ethnocultural communities, 22% to official language minority communities and 43% to young audiences.
The Canada Arts Presentation Fund will contribute to the organizational priorities Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting professional performing arts festivals and series, which help to engage Canadians in their communities.
Sub-Program 1.1.2: Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund seeks to improve the physical conditions for the arts and heritage related to creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition. The Sub-Program also aims to increase and improve access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage exhibitions. To achieve these objectives, the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund provides financial assistance in the form of grants and contributions for infrastructure projects for professional, not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations, as well as municipal and provincial governments and agencies with a mandate for arts and heritage, and equivalent Indigenous peoples' organizations. The goal is to provide Canadians in all regions, including underserved communities, with access to new or improved arts and heritage spaces in their communities for creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund and Contributions under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
30,180,166 | 30,180,166 | 30,180,166 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
37.2 | 37.2 | 37.2 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Arts and heritage organizations in a variety of communities have resources to build and improve facilities and infrastructure. | Minimum number of new or improved arts and heritage facilities supported by the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. | 80 | March 2017 |
Minimum percentage of infrastructure and specialized equipment projects supported by the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund that target an underserved community. | 40 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund will contribute to the organizational priorities Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting projects from arts and heritage organizations that make strategic use of technology, and that provide spaces where Canadians can engage in the arts. The Sub-Program's performance will be measured by the number of new or improved facilities and by the percentage of projects located in underserved communities. Underserved communities include Aboriginal, ethnocultural, official language minority communities as well as young audiences.
Sub-Program 1.1.3: Canada Arts Training Fund
The Canada Arts Training Fund contributes to the development of Canadian creators and future cultural leaders of the Canadian arts sector by supporting the training of artists with high potential through institutions that offer training of the highest calibre. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit institutions that specialize in delivering focused, intensive and practice-based arts studies. These schools offer professional training at the highest level in disciplines such as dance, theatre, circus arts, visual arts and music (opera, orchestral), etc. It also provides financial support to some training that reflects Indigenous and ethnocultural artistic practices. Canadians and the world benefit from high-quality artistic achievements by Canadian artists trained in Canada at institutions funded through the Sub-Program. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions under the Canada Arts Training Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
23,872,226 | 23,872,226 | 23,872,226 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
7.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Graduates of arts training institutions have professional careers in Canada and internationally. | Minimum percentage of arts graduates of institutions supported by the Canada Arts Training Fund that are employed professionally in their field in Canada or abroad. | 75 | March 2017 |
Minimum percentage of employers who rate graduates of institutions supported by the Canada Arts Training Fund as being well prepared for professional careers. | 80 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Arts Training Fund will contribute to the organizational priority Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting the training of artists with high potential through institutions that offer training of the highest calibre.
Sub-Program 1.1.4: Canada Cultural Investment Fund
The Canada Cultural Investment Fund helps arts and heritage organizations build and diversify their revenue streams, improve their business practices, and assists them in being better rooted and recognized in their communities. This is achieved through three components. The Endowment Incentives component provides grants to match private sector funds raised on behalf of professional, not-for-profit arts organizations. The Strategic Initiatives component provides financial assistance to projects that strengthen business practices of multiple partner organizations. The Limited Support to Endangered Arts Organizations is a rarely used component which allows the federal government to partner with other levels of government and the private sector to help an arts organization move from near bankruptcy to sustainability if they have an appropriate business strategy. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Cultural Investment Fund and Contributions under the Canada Cultural Investment Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
23,747,585 | 23,747,585 | 23,747,585 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
13.9 | 13.9 | 13.9 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Arts and heritage organizations demonstrate sound organizational, administrative and financial health. | Average number of tools developed by recipients of Strategic Initiatives funding to strengthen the business practices of arts and heritage organizations. | 6 | March 2017 |
Minimum dollar amount, in millions, raised through private-sector donations by arts organizations applying to and eligible for Endowment Incentives component. | 20 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Cultural Investment Fund will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by supporting projects that encourage arts and heritage organizations to make strategic use of digital technology. The Sub-Program will also contribute to the organizational priority Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting opportunities for Canadians to connect with and contribute to the cultural sector.
Program 1.2: Cultural Industries
This Program supports Canadian cultural industries in adapting to a changing and challenging global marketplace. This is achieved through the delivery of grants, contributions and tax credits as well as policy, regulatory and legislative measures. Fostering the competitiveness and creative output of these industries ensures that Canadian and international audiences access a range of Canadian content across a variety of formats and platforms and contributes to the Canadian economy.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
302,463,014 | 302,463,014 | 302,463,014 | 302,463,014 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
226.7 | 226.7 | 226.7 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
A range of Canadian cultural content is created and produced. | Degree to which, on a scale* of 1 to 5, Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) targets that illustrate that a range of Canadian cultural content is created and produced are achieved. | 5** | March 2017 |
Canadian cultural content is accessible in Canada and abroad. | Degree to which, on a scale* of 1 to 5, Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) targets to illustrate the accessibility of Canadian cultural content in Canada and abroad are achieved. | 5** | March 2017 |
Canadian cultural industries supported by Canadian Heritage contribute to the economic prosperity of Canada. | Cultural Industries portion of Culture Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in billions of dollars. | 25.5 | March 2018 |
* The performance indicator scale of 1 to 5 is detailed as follows: 1 = 0 – 24% met, 2 = 25 – 49% met, 3 = 50 – 79% met, 4 = 80 – 99% met, 5 = 100% + met. |
Planning Highlights
The Cultural Industries Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad ". Through its planned spending of $302.5 million, the Department will support Canadian creators and the cultural industries for the production of high quality cultural content, as well as foster access to it in Canada and abroad. The Department will also help the sector as a whole to further contribute to Canada's economic prosperity and Canadians' quality of life as well as helping Canada become more competitive in the global market. The Program's contribution to Canada's economic prosperity will be assessed using the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of culture industries.
The Cultural Industries Program will continue to actively contribute to Canadian Heritage's efforts to modernize delivery of grants and contributions. The Program will help support the Canadian film and video, book, periodical, music, and broadcasting and digital communications industries to be more innovative and harness digital opportunities. Through this Program, the Department will also continue to provide program and policy advice to the Government on cultural industries, copyright, international trade, and broadcasting and digital communications issues.
In 2016–17, the Cultural Industries Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Conduct outreach and establish closer co-operation with stakeholders and other jurisdictions in Canada and abroad;
- Modernize the PromArt and Trade Routes International cultural promotion programs and increase related funding; and
- Enhance collaboration with the provincial and territorial jurisdictions on files of common interest.
Additional details on the Program's key initiatives for 2016–17 and how its expected results will be achieved can be found in its sub-program sections.
Sub-Program 1.2.1: Broadcasting and Digital Communications
The Broadcasting and Digital Communications Sub-Program provides advice on the overall legislative, policy and regulatory framework for broadcasting and digital communications in Canada, including advice on the Broadcasting Act. Objectives of the Broadcasting Act include, among other things, ensuring that Canadian programming is created and that Canadians have access to it. The Sub-Program conducts monitoring, research and analysis of emerging trends, of industry performance and of the needs and interests of Canadians to provide evidence-based policy advice. It is responsible for policy development and advice to ensure a responsive legislative and policy framework in support of Canada's broadcasting and digital communications sector and the role it plays in enriching the cultural, political, social and economic fabric of Canada.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
5,773,868 | 5,773,868 | 5,773,868 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
50.3 | 50.3 | 50.3 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicator | Target | Date to Be Achieved |
Decision makers are well-informed on issues related to the overall legislative, policy and regulatory framework for broadcasting and digital communications in Canada. | Policy advice is provided, including advice in support of petitions to the Governor-in-Council in respect of Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) broadcasting licensing decisions, by legislative deadlines, or as required. | Targets are not applicable | Ongoing |
Planning Highlights
The Broadcasting and Digital Communications Sub-Program will continue to monitor changing socio-economic factors and evolving digital technologies, and to deliver advice on the legislation, policies and regulatory frameworks that apply to the Canadian broadcasting and digital communications sector, including advice on the Broadcasting Act.
In 2016–17, the Broadcasting and Digital Communications Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Support the Government's commitment to restore and increase funding for CBC/Radio‑Canada.
Sub-Program 1.2.2: Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund is funded by the Government of Canada and the cable, satellite distributors and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). It supports the creation of digital content across multiple platforms such as television, wireless devices or the Internet. The Canada Media Fund focuses investments on the creation of content Canadians want, and harnesses the opportunities provided by new technologies to deliver content to Canadians where and when they want it. Organizations supported by the Canada Media Fund include, but are not limited to, Canadian television and digital media production companies. Canadians as consumers of convergent programs and creators of leading-edge content and applications represent the ultimate target group. Indigenous communities, official language minority communities and other diverse language groups are also targeted by specific production funding envelopes. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions under the Canada Media Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
135,222,969 | 135,222,969 | 135,222,969 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
11.8 | 11.8 | 11.8 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Innovative Canadian content and software applications are created for commercial potential or public use. | Minimum number of innovative Canadian content and software application projects supported by the Canada Media Fund. | 60 | October 2017 |
Canadians watch or interact with Canada Media Fund‑supported television programs or digital convergent content. | Number of hours viewed (in millions of hours annually) for Canada Media Fund-funded English-language television productions. | 1,660 | October 2017 |
Number of hours viewed (in millions of hours annually) for Canada Media Fund-funded French-language television productions. | 980 | October 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Media Fund Sub-Program will continue to ensure availability of funding for the creation of digital content across multiple platforms such as television, wireless devices or the Internet. The Sub-Program will also continue to provide funding to, amongst others, Canadian television and digital media production companies, for Canadians as consumers of convergent programs and creators of innovative content and software applications.
The Canada Media Fund will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by supporting the creation of convergent television and digital media content on multiple platforms, and the creation of innovative Canadian content and software applications created exclusively for digital platforms.
Sub-Program 1.2.3: Film and Video Policy
The Film and Video Policy Sub-Program supports the overall federal policy, legislative and regulatory framework for the audiovisual sector, fostering the creation of a range of film and video productions and access to Canadian content by Canadian and international audiences. The Film and Video Policy Sub-Program also implements Canada's Policy on Audiovisual Treaty Coproduction by negotiating coproduction treaties.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
1,667,873 | 1,667,873 | 1,667,873 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
14.4 | 14.4 | 14.4 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadian feature films are accessible in Canada and abroad. | Market share (percentage) of Canadian feature film views in various markets (e.g. cinemas, DVD rentals/sales, and conventional, specialty and pay television, VOD). | 5 | December 2020 |
Film and video policies support the production of a range of Canadian audiovisual content. | Total budget (in billions of dollars) of Canadian film and television productions (including Canadian share of coproductions). | 2.5 | December 2020 |
Audiovisual treaty coproduction negotiations are advanced with key priority countries. | Number of treaty negotiations that are underway with foreign partners. | 8 | March 2020 |
Planning Highlights
The Film and Video Policy Sub-Program will continue to monitor changing socio-economic factors and evolving digital technologies. These efforts will support the delivery of advice to advance the overall federal policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks that apply to the Canadian audiovisual sector, with the aim of fostering the creation of audiovisual productions and access to Canadian content by Canadian and international audiences. The Sub-Program will also continue to pursue the implementation of Canada's Policy on Audiovisual Treaty Coproduction by advancing coproduction treaty negotiations with existing and new partner countries.
Film and Video Policy will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by providing policy advice that supports the development of a modernized framework of audiovisual support and that reflects the evolving realities of a digital and global marketplace.
In 2016–17, the Film and Video Policy Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Support the Government's commitment to increase funding for Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board of Canada.
Sub-Program 1.2.4: Film or Video Production Tax Credits
The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) administers, with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the following refundable tax credit programs to support the film and television production industry in Canada:
The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC), which encourages the creation of Canadian programming and the development of an active domestic independent production sector. It is available to Canadian production companies for productions qualified as Canadian content; qualified productions must meet specific criteria for key creative personnel and production costs. The CPTC is available at a rate of 25 percent of the qualified labour expenditure; and
The Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC), which encourages the employment of Canadians by taxable Canadian or foreign-owned corporations with a permanent establishment in Canada. The PSTC is equal to 16 percent of salary and wages paid to Canadian residents or taxable Canadian corporations for services provided to the production in Canada.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
106,586 | 106,586 | 106,586 |
* The Film or Video Production Tax Credits Sub-Program is mainly funded by Vote Netted Revenues which reduce the Planned Spending amount. |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
37.8 | 37.8 | 37.8 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadian content film and television productions receive certification from Canadian Heritage. | Number of Canadian film or television productions supported through the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit. | 1,000 | March 2020 |
Non-Canadian content film and television productions using Canadian production services receive accreditation from Canadian Heritage. | Number of foreign and Canadian film and television productions shot in Canada that received a Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit. | 180 | March 2020 |
Planning Highlights
The Film or Video Production Tax Credits Sub-Program, administered by the Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO), will continue to co-administer, with the Canada Revenue Agency, two tax credit programs to support the film and television production industry in Canada while maintaining and reinforcing relationships with the Canada Revenue Agency, Telefilm Canada and other key partners. CAVCO will continue to issue certifications and accreditations to Canadian production companies and to taxable Canadian or foreign-owned corporations for the creation of Canadian programming and to encourage employment of Canadians.
In 2016–17, the Film or Video Production Tax Credits Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Launch new policies following the publication of public notices for the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit.
Sub-Program 1.2.5: Canada Music Fund
The Canada Music Fund supports the activities of Canadian music creators, artists and entrepreneurs aimed at increasing the creation of and access to a diversity of Canadian music for audiences everywhere by enhancing the sector's ability to compete in domestic and international markets. This support is delivered through the following components:
Music Entrepreneur, which provides funding to Canadian music entrepreneurs as well as for not-for-profit national service organizations in support of the creation, publishing, production, distribution or and marketing of Canadian music, including touring related activities;
New Musical Works, which provides funding to Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs for the creation, publishing, production, distribution or marketing of Canadian music, including touring related activities, music showcases and business development activities;
Collective Initiatives, which provides funding to Canadian not-for-profit organizations as well as music entrepreneurs in support of to a diverse range of collective activities aiming to enhance the visibility and accessibility of Canadian music; and
Canadian Music Memories, which provides funding for the preservation of Canada's musical heritage for future generations. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Music Fund and Contributions under the Canada Music Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
25,957,282 | 25,957,282 | 25,957,282 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
13.7 | 13.7 | 13.7 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
A range of Canadian music is produced by Canada Music Fund recipients. | Number of Canadian music releases that were supported by the Canada Music Fund. | 400 | March 2020 |
Canadian music supported by the Canada Music Fund is accessed in Canada and abroad. | Percentage of domestic market share of albums by Canada Music Fund supported artists. | 12 | March 2020 |
International unit sales, in millions, of Canada Music Fund supported music. | 1 | March 2020 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Music Fund Sub-Program will continue to support the Canadian music industry to increase the creation of and access to a diversity of Canadian music for audiences everywhere. The Sub-Program will carry on with the administration of grants and contributions to various recipients, including music creators, artists, entrepreneurs and not-for-profit organizations, for the creation, publishing, production, distribution, marketing or preservation of Canadian music.
The Canada Music Fund will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by funding projects that enhance the accessibility of Canadian music on digital platforms.
Sub-Program 1.2.6: Canada Book Fund
The Canada Book Fund supports the activities of Canadian book publishers and other sectors of the book industry to ensure access to a broad range of Canadian-authored books. This support is delivered through the following streams of funding:
Support for Publishers, which provides funding distributed primarily through a formula that rewards success in delivering content that Canadians value. This funding contributes to the ongoing production and marketing of Canadian-authored books by offsetting the high costs of publishing in Canada and building the capacity and competitiveness of the sector;
Support for Organizations, which provides funding to develop the Canadian book industry and the market for its products by assisting industry associations and related organizations to undertake collective projects offering broad benefits to the industry and, ultimately, to readers everywhere. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Book Fund and Contributions under the Canada Book Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
39,664,776 | 39,664,776 | 39,664,776 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
27.7 | 27.7 | 27.7 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Readers everywhere have access to a broad range of Canadian-authored books produced by Canada Book Fund recipients. | Number of new Canadian-authored titles published by Canada Book Fund recipients. | 6,000 | March 2020 |
Readers everywhere consume a broad range of Canadian-authored books supported by the Canada Book Fund. | Value, in millions of dollars, of domestic and international sales of Canadian-authored titles by Canada Book Fund recipients. | 350 | March 2020 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Book Fund Sub-Program will continue to support the Canadian book industry so that readers everywhere have access to and consume Canadian-authored books. The Sub-Program will carry on with the administration of grants and contributions to publishers and organizations for the production and marketing of Canadian-authored books and to support innovation as well as drive competitiveness in the Canadian book industry.
The Canada Book Fund will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by supporting innovative technology-driven collective marketing projects that help consumers discover Canadian content in the digital marketplace.
Sub-Program 1.2.7: Canada Periodical Fund
The Canada Periodical Fund supports the activities of Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper publishers and organizations to ensure that Canadians have access to diverse Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers. The Fund is delivered through the following components:
Aid to Publishers, which provides formula funding to Canadian print magazines and non-daily newspapers for publishing activities, such as distribution, content creation, online activities and business development;
Business Innovation, which provides funding to print magazines and digital periodicals for business development and innovation projects; and
Collective Initiatives, which provides funding to Canadian magazines and non-daily newspaper organizations for industry-wide projects to increase the overall sustainability of the Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper industries. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Periodical Fund and Contributions under the Canada Periodical Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
79,013,182 | 79,013,182 | 79,013,182 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
38.4 | 38.4 | 38.4 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
A range of Canadian periodicals supported by the Canada Periodical Fund is produced. | Number of funded titles published by Canada Periodical Fund recipients. | 750 | March 2020 |
Canadian periodicals supported by the Canada Periodical Fund are accessed by Canadian readers. | Number of copies, in millions, of funded titles distributed to Canadians per year. | 150 | March 2020 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Periodical Fund Sub-Program will continue to support the Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper industries so that Canadians have access to a variety of Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers. The Sub-Program will carry on with the administration of grants and contributions to Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper publishers and organizations.
The Canada Periodical Fund will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by supporting digital publishing activities.
In 2016–17, the Canada Periodical Fund Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Implement the recommendations of the 2015 Evaluation of the Canada Periodical FundFootnote 16.
Sub-Program 1.2.8: Copyright and International Trade Policy
Copyright and International Trade Policy supports the development of a consistent and predictable copyright framework that enables an efficient marketplace as well as serves the interests of Canadians. This is achieved through the delivery of policies and initiatives aimed at fostering the development of a Canadian copyright regime responsive to changes in the domestic and international environments. Copyright and International Trade Policy also encourages the understanding and application of Canadian copyright laws, regulations and mechanisms. In addition, Copyright and International Trade Policy supports the development of Canada's positions pertaining to copyright and cultural trade policy in international negotiations. This is achieved notably through the delivery of expert advice to Canada's negotiators aimed at ensuring an effective representation of Canadian cultural interests and policy in all international trade negotiations by maintaining flexibility to carry out our cultural policy objectives.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
2,967,385 | 2,967,385 | 2,967,385 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
21.3 | 21.3 | 21.3 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicator | Target | Date to Be Achieved |
Decision makers are well-informed on issues related to the overall policy and regulatory framework for copyright and international trade. | Provision of policy advice by mandated deadlines and as required. | Targets are not applicable | Ongoing |
Planning Highlights
The Copyright and International Trade Policy Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by participating in trade-and norm-setting negotiations and by informing domestic copyright policy development to reflect Canada's cultural interests.
In 2016–17, the Copyright and International Trade Policy Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Prepare for the 2017 Parliamentary review of the Copyright Act (in collaboration with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) by engaging stakeholders and by supporting Canada's position on copyright and cultural trade issues at various international fora (e.g.: World Intellectual Property Organization);
- Implement new measures in support of international cultural promotion, in collaboration with portfolio organizations, Global Affairs Canada and other federal partners, cultural stakeholders, and provinces and territories, as appropriate; and
- Lead the preparation and tabling of Canada's second quadrennial periodic report to the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. This report will highlight the measures implemented by Canada to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions at home and abroad.
Sub-Program 1.2.9: Cultural Sector Investment Review
The Minister of Canadian Heritage has been responsible for reviewing and approving investments by foreign investors in the cultural sector, in accordance with the Investment Canada Act (the Act) and Regulations, since 1999. The purpose of the Act is "to provide for the review of significant investments in Canada by non-Canadians in a manner that encourages investment, economic growth and employment opportunities in Canada." The Cultural Sector Investment Review Branch administers the Act, as it pertains to acquisitions or to the establishment by non-Canadians of cultural businesses in Canada. Such businesses include those involved in the publication, distribution or sale of books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers or music in print or machine readable form. Also covered are the businesses involved in the production, distribution, sale or exhibition of film or video products or audio or video music recordings. The mandate of the Cultural Sector Investment Review is to apply the Act to such cultural investments to ensure they generate net benefit to Canada.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
864,491 | 864,491 | 864,491 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
6.7 | 6.7 | 6.7 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Foreign investments in the Canadian cultural sector are of net benefit to Canadians. | Percentage of investment proposals filed with Canadian Heritage compliant with requirements of the Investment Canada Act. | 100 | March 2017 |
Percentage of foreign investor commitments respected relating to the creation or production of Canadian cultural products as per the Investment Canada Act. | 100 | March 2017 | |
Percentage of foreign investor commitments respected relating to the sale, distribution or exhibition of Canadian cultural products as per the Investment Canada Act. | 100 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Cultural Sector Investment Review Sub-Program will continue to consistently and effectively apply the Investment Canada Act to foreign investments in Canada's cultural sector in order to ensure that they are of net benefit to Canada. Quarterly listings of completed applications for review and notifications of investments are available on the Department's websiteFootnote 17. The Sub-Program will continue to provide advice to the Minister and the Director of investments within legislated timelines.
Sub-Program 1.2.10: TV5
The TV5 Sub-Program supports the international TV5 partnership with France, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Switzerland, Québec and Canada. This Sub-Program enables Canadian productions to be presented around the world through TV5MONDE. Moreover, through TV5 Québec Canada, it provides Canadians with access to a rich diversity of programming from the international Francophonie. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grant to TV5MONDE and Contribution to TV5 Québec Canada.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
11,224,602 | 11,224,602 | 11,224,602 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
4.6 | 4.6 | 4.6 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadian content is part of TV5MONDE's international programming. | Percentage of Canadian content broadcast on TV5MONDE. | 7 | March 2017 |
Canadians have access to the diversity of the international Francophonie through TV5 Québec Canada. | Number, in millions, of Canadian households with access to TV5 Québec Canada. | 9 | September 2017 |
Maximum percentage of TV5 Québec Canada programming originating from the international Francophonie (except Canada). | 85 | September 2017 |
Planning Highlights
In 2016–17, the TV5 Sub-Program will support TV5 Québec Canada and TV5MONDE in implementing key initiatives, such as:
- TV5 Québec Canada's strengthened position vis-à-vis the Canadian public. The channel will continue to provide Canadians with access to unique international Francophonie programming and to develop and broadcast original Canadian content on new platforms in order to reach wider audiences; and
- TV5MONDE will continue the implementation of its strategic plan, "To be seen everywhere" and "To continuously increase viewership," which is aimed at airing more multilateral television shows reflecting the Francophonie as a whole, maintaining its distribution gains and continuing its foray into the multiplatform world.
TV5 will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by reaching viewers where they are, on the platform they wish to use.
Program 1.3: Heritage
The Heritage Program ensures that Canada's cultural heritage is preserved and accessible to Canadians today and in the future. It enables the heritage sector to improve professional knowledge, skills and practices, to preserve and present heritage collections and objects, and to create and circulate exhibitions and other forms of heritage content. This is accomplished by providing funding such as grants, contributions and tax incentives; information, expertise, training and other services; and regulatory and legislative measures. The primary goal of this Program is to promote the preservation and presentation of Canada's cultural heritage.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
32,530,362 | 32,530,362 | 32,530,362 | 32,530,362 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
123.8 | 123.8 | 123.8 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Heritage organizations and heritage workers have improved their professional knowledge, skills or practices. | Percentage of participants who report an improvement in professional knowledge, skills or practices. | 90 | March 2017 |
Heritage collections are preserved by heritage organizations for current and future generations. | Number of heritage collections and objects whose preservation has been supported by Canadian Conservation Institute, Museums Assistance Program and Movable Cultural Property Program interventions. | 50,000 | March 2017 |
Canadian and international audiences access content presented by heritage organizations. | Number of visitors to travelling exhibitions supported by Canada Travelling Exhibition Indemnification Program or Museums Assistance Program. | 1,600,000 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Heritage Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad". The Department will support organizations and workers in the sector to ensure that Canada's cultural heritage is preserved, presented and accessible to Canadians today and in the future. Through its planned investments of $32.5 million, the Department will help heritage organizations and workers improve their professional knowledge, skills and practices, manage and preserve collections, and enable access to heritage content. This will be achieved, in part, through continued support to the Young Canada Works initiative, which will help prepare the next generation of Canadians working in the heritage sector.
The Heritage Program will support the following organizational priorities through various initiatives:
- The Canada 150 priority will be encouraged by certain heritage programs through special consideration given to the museums who will be celebrating the significant moments which have contributed to the history of our country, and through special conservation projects undertaken by the Canadian Conservation Institute;
- The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) will advance the Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth priority by exploring how to broaden access to Canada's cultural heritage collections through Linked Open Data; and
- The Museums Assistance Sub-Program will reinforce the Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture priority through its Aboriginal Heritage component which supports the preservation, presentation, and management of Canada's Indigenous cultural heritage. It also seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of the rich and diverse cultures of Indigenous Peoples.
The Heritage Program will also focus on the following initiatives in 2016–17:
- Publish the results of the second Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions to gain a better understanding of not-for-profit heritage institutions in Canada and to aid in policy development and program delivery.
- Strengthen the implementation of Canada's treaty obligations to protect cultural property as a State Party to the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Protocols by developing the next periodic report to UNESCO on Canada's implementation of the Convention and Protocols, and by collaborating with the Department of National Defence to improve tools available to the Canadian Armed Forces concerning protection of cultural heritage in conflict situations.
Sub-Program 1.3.1: Museums Assistance Program
The Museums Assistance Sub-Program (MAP) supports heritage institutions and workers in the preservation and presentation of heritage collections. MAP provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions for activities that facilitate Canadians' access to our heritage, foster the preservation of Canada's cultural heritage, including the preservation of representative collections of Aboriginal cultural heritage, and foster professional knowledge, skills and practices related to key museum functions. In support of the Youth Employment Strategy, MAP helps heritage organizations create summer employment and internship opportunities for Canadian youth through the heritage components of Young Canada Works. MAP also provides grants through the Movable Cultural Property Program to assist designated institutions in acquiring cultural property threatened with export or available on international markets. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Museums Assistance Program and Contributions under the Museums Assistance Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
18,572,088 | 18,572,088 | 18,572,088 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
27.3 | 27.3 | 27.3 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Heritage organizations have gained skills in key museum functions. | Percentage of recipients reporting a positive impact on key museum functions. | 90 | March 2017 |
Heritage organizations have access to resources to preserve heritage. | Percentage of recipients reporting a positive impact on heritage preservation. | 90 | March 2017 |
Heritage organizations provide opportunities for Canadians to access heritage. | Number of venues providing exhibitions and other programming products/activities. | 90 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
As we approach the 150th anniversary of Confederation, the Museums Assistance Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priority Canada 150 by giving funding priority to exhibitions that touch on the many events and people that have defined our country. Examples include the 175th anniversary of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's birth and the Centennial of women's suffrage.
In 2015–16, a program evaluation confirmed that Museums Assistance Sub-Program remains critical to support museums' and heritage institutions' activities. In 2016–17, the Museums Assistance Sub-Program will undertake a review, based on a 2015–16 environmental scan, to ensure the program's priorities are aligned with the most important challenges facing the museum community.
Sub-Program 1.3.2: Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program
Through the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Sub-Program (INDEM), established pursuant to the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act, the Government of Canada assumes potential liability for loss or damage to objects in eligible travelling exhibitions. The Sub-Program's objectives are to increase Canadians' access to Canadian and international heritage through the circulation of artefacts and exhibitions in Canada, and to provide eligible Canadian heritage institutions with a competitive advantage when competing with foreign institutions for the loan of prestigious international exhibitions. Eligibility criteria and liability limits for the Government are defined in the Act and its Regulations. To be approved for indemnification, exhibitions and hosting facilities must meet assessment standards. Once approved, the Sub-Program issues contractual indemnity agreements that must be co-signed by the Owner and the Crown. This is not a grants and contributions program. Indemnification is a contingent liability as it provides compensation for damage or loss only if they occur.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
583,473 | 583,473 | 583,473 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
4.3 | 4.3 | 4.3 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Opportunities are created for Canadians to access major travelling exhibitions presenting Canadian and international cultural heritage. | Number of exhibition venues. | 11 | March 2017 |
Number of provinces in which venues are located. | 5 | March 2017 | |
Number of visitors to indemnified venues. | 700,000 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program will continue to focus on increasing Canadians' access to Canadian and international heritage through the circulation of artefacts and exhibitions in Canada. The Sub-Program will also continue to provide assistance so eligible Canadian heritage institutions have a competitive advantage when competing with foreign institutions for the loan of prestigious international exhibitions.
Sub-Program 1.3.3: Canadian Heritage Information Network
The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) is a special operating agency of the Department of Canadian Heritage. CHIN serves as a national centre of expertise to museums and other heritage institutions across Canada, enabling them to connect with each other and their audiences through digital technologies. CHIN is an international leader in the creation, management, presentation and preservation of digital heritage content. It provides Canada's not-for-profit heritage sector with research, products, services and fora that support skills and career development. CHIN delivers much of this support through its website for heritage professionals and volunteers.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
2,602,665 | 2,602,665 | 2,602,665 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
14.3 | 14.3 | 14.3 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadian Heritage Information Network's learning and collaborative opportunities are used by Canadian and international heritage institutions and workers. | Number of online visits to Canadian Heritage Information Network's resources for heritage professionals and volunteers. | 650,000 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Canadian Heritage Information Network will continue to enable museums and other not-for-profit heritage organizations to take full advantage of digital technologies by undertaking research in standards development and related fields; disseminating knowledge through the provision of technical advice, training and online publications; and delivering reference and data-sharing tools. This Sub-Program also oversees Artefacts Canada, the national, online inventory of museum objects, which provides access to records and images from more than 500 heritage organizations across Canada.
The Canadian Heritage Information Network will contribute to the organizational priority Engage and Innovate: Canada's Creative and Cultural Industries Drive Canada's Economic Growth by undertaking the following key initiatives in 2016–17:
- Launch for public use the product to emerge from its experimentation with Linked Open Data, an initiative to modernize Artefacts Canada. Drawing from lessons learned, the Canadian Heritage Information Network will also begin to scale up the modernization to Artefacts Canada as a whole;
- Undertake research into collections management software to inform the guidance it provides to museums; and
- Commence the development of an application which provides museums with online access to the most current standard for the classification of cultural collections.
Sub-Program 1.3.4: Canadian Conservation Institute
The Canadian Conservation Institute is a special operating agency within the Department of Canadian Heritage. The Canadian Conservation Institute supports heritage institutions and professionals in conserving Canada's heritage collections so they can be made accessible to current and future generations. This mission is achieved through research, expert services, professional development and information (web site and publications). The Canadian Conservation Institute has expertise in conservation science, treatment of heritage objects and works of art, preventive conservation and heritage interiors. Its primary clients are approximately 2,000 heritage institutions in Canada such as museums, archives, libraries, and historic sites, as well as public authorities with heritage collections. Unique in Canada, the Canadian Conservation Institute is considered a leader in the international conservation community and frequently establishes partnerships and collaborative relationships to undertake joint projects related to research and knowledge dissemination with Canadian and international institutions.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
9,858,333 | 9,858,333 | 9,858,333 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
67.9 | 67.9 | 67.9 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
The Canadian and international heritage community has access to the results of Canadian Conservation Institute's research and development activities. | Ratio of Canadian Conservation Institute articles published in Canadian and international professional and peer-reviewed journals to number of full-time equivalent conservation scientists.* | 0.7 | March 2017 |
Canadian and international heritage institutions and workers use Canadian Conservation Institute learning materials online. | Number of users of Canadian Conservation Institute learning materials online. | 300,000 | March 2017 |
Canadian Conservation Institute expert services are used by heritage institutions to preserve their collections. | Number of heritage institutions that benefit from Canadian Conservation Institute expert services. | 150 | March 2017 |
* The ratio is equivalent to the number of articles published in professional or peer-reviewed journals over the number of conservation scientists divided by 2, since CCI scientists spend only 50% of their time on research. |
Planning Highlights
The Canadian Conservation Institute Sub-Program will continue offering its unique expertise, skills and services to continuously improve conservation knowledge and practices in order to meet the needs of the heritage community and to contribute to the preservation, celebration and accessibility of Canadian heritage. The Sub-Program will continue providing its support through research, expert services, professional development and information to Canada's heritage institutions, such as museums, archives, libraries and historic sites, as well as public authorities responsible for heritage collections.
The Canadian Conservation Institute will contribute to the Canada 150 organizational priority by giving priority to conservation treatments of artefacts that support the 2017 celebrations.
In 2016–17, the Canadian Conservation Institute will continue implementing its 2015–2020 Strategic Plan by prioritizing the following key initiatives:
- Develop an integrated research and development plan on modern materials and digital collections;
- Enhance the preventive conservation program through new tools to protect cultural assets during events or exhibitions at non-traditional sites; and
- Modernize and diversify professional development activities while ensuring that the new online learning resources are accessible after the web transition to
Sub-Program 1.3.5: Movable Cultural Property Program
The Movable Cultural Property Sub-Program (MCP) administers the Cultural Property Export and Import Act which aims to preserve heritage of outstanding significance and national importance in Canada so that it is accessible in public collections. MCP regulates export and upholds Canada's treaty obligations to discourage illicit traffic of cultural property. MCP allows for a system of tax incentives to encourage the donation or sale of cultural property to designated institutions. MCP designates institutions and public authorities to be eligible to apply for grants and certification of cultural property. Designation assesses an organization's implementation of the environmental standards and professional practices necessary to ensure long-term preservation of, and access to, cultural property.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
913,803 | 913,803 | 913,803 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Designated organizations have opportunities to acquire significant cultural property. | Number of certified objects/collections donated/sold by a private interest to a designated organization. | 5,000 | March 2017 |
Percentage of notifications sent to designated organizations within 10 calendar days for objects available for purchase as a result of an export delay set by the Review Board. | 100 | March 2017 | |
Cultural property illegally imported into Canada is identified and the mechanism for its return is initiated. | Percentage of referrals from the Canada Border Services Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that are successfully resolved within 90 days of receipt. | 100 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Movable Cultural Property Sub-Program will continue to administer the Cultural Property Export and Import Act (the Act), which aims to preserve in Canada significant examples of our artistic, historic, and scientific heritage so that they are accessible in public collections. The Sub-Program will continue to designate organizations, provide tax incentives and acquisition grants, and regulate the export and import of cultural property.
The Movable Cultural Property Sub-Program supports the organizational priority Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture. It does so through the Act which establishes provisions for the protection and preservation of significant examples of cultural, historic and scientific heritage in Canada, including our Indigenous heritage and multicultural heritage.
An evaluation conducted in 2015–16 found that there is a continued need for the Movable Cultural Property Sub-Program to help preserve significant cultural property in Canada so that it is accessible by current and future generations. This evaluation also led to recommendations to improve the services offered to Canadians. Consequently, in 2016–17, the Movable Cultural Property Sub-Program will develop an electronically available application form for cultural property export permits.
Strategic Outcome 2: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada
This Program strengthens Canadian identities by promoting pride and sense of common purpose among Canadians. It celebrates and commemorates Canada and enhances understanding of shared values, cultural diversity and knowledge of Canada. Also, it promotes civic education and participation among Canadians, including youth, as well as provides them with the opportunity to learn about and understand Canada's society, diversity, history and institutions. This is achieved by delivering programs and services through grants and contributions, as well as commemorations and celebrations of national significance. The core concept of this program is to promote knowledge and experiences of Canada among Canadians.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
150,174,516 | 150,174,516 | 150,835,117 | 60,590,359 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
203.5 | 203.5 | 203.5 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Knowledge of and appreciation for Canada's shared values and common interests by Canadians, including youth. | Percentage of Canadian participants in the Exchanges Canada, Youth Take Charge and Canada History Fund programs who report increased level of knowledge of and appreciation for Canada. | 75 | March 2019 |
Canadians have shared experiences that promote a sense of pride. | Percentage of Canadians who report being proud or very proud to be Canadian. | 89 | March 2021 |
Planning Highlights
The Attachment to Canada Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity". The Department will enrich Canadian identities by promoting pride and a sense of common purpose among Canadians, with an accent on youth. Through its planned spending of $150.2 million, the Department will work toward enhancing Canadians' knowledge of and appreciation for Canada's shared values and common interests.
Our initiatives will collectively enrich Canadian identities by reflecting Canada's cultural diversity and linguistic duality. The Program will provide opportunities to increase Canadians' knowledge and experience of our shared history and heritage, strengthen citizen participation and inclusion, and support youth engagement. The Program, along with the Heritage Program, will continue to play a key role in the implementation of activities in support of The Road to 2017, which builds momentum for the 150th anniversary of Confederation by marking significant national milestones, such as the centennial of women's suffrage. The Program will continue to promote knowledge of Canada's history and institutions by funding organizations that deliver a range of initiatives, such as the Government of Canada History Awards for outstanding high school students and teachers. Additional details on the Program's key initiatives for 2016–17 and how its expected results will be achieved can be found in its Sub-Programs sections.
Sub-Program 2.1.1: Celebration and Commemoration Program
This Sub-Program provides funding through grants and contributions to non-governmental and community organizations for community-based activities organized during the Celebrate Canada period, from June 21 to July 1. These activities celebrate National Aboriginal Day on June 21, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and Canada Day on July 1. Funding is also available for commemorations with a national scope that commemorate and celebrate nationally significant historical figures, places, symbols, events, and accomplishments. The activities that are funded build pride, promote participation in celebrations and commemorations and strengthen understanding of shared history. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program and Contributions in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
107,786,780 | 108,307,381 | 18,057,381 |
*The variance observed from 2017–18 to 2018–19 is mainly explained by the time-limited nature of funding received for the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation and its Governmental Advertising program. |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
79.1 | 79.1 | 79.1 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians participate in commemorations and celebrations of national significance. | Number of participants at celebration and commemoration events/activities. | 7,500,000 | March 2018 |
Canadians across Canada have opportunities to participate in community events that are open to the public and free of charge. | Number of community events held across Canada during the Celebrate Canada period (June 21 to July 1). | 1,700 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program will continue to invest in core activities to ensure that Canadians across Canada have opportunities to participate in community events open to the public and free of charge that build pride, promote inclusiveness and celebrate cultural diversity. The Sub-Program will carry on with the administration of grants and contributions to non-governmental and community organizations for community-based activities organized during the Celebrate Canada period and for commemorations with a national scope, such as the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The Sub-Program will once again invite young Canadians to express what makes them proud to be Canadian through the Canada Day Challenge.
The Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program will contribute to the Canada 150 priority by delivering Canada 150 projects to support the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Confederation, and by continuing to support the Road to 2017 by marking significant anniversaries leading up to the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The Sub-Program will also contribute to the organizational priority of Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting community-based celebrations across the country that enable Canadians to appreciate Canada's cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.
In 2016–17, the Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Fund initiatives at the community, regional and national levels in support of celebrating the 150th anniversary of Confederation;
- Continue to mark significant World War anniversaries, spanning from 2014 to 2020, through a series of commemorations and activities, including the 100th anniversaries of the Battles of the Somme and Beaumont-Hamel (First World War) and the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Hong Kong (Second World War); and
- Fund initiatives for the centennial of Canadian women's suffrage and the 175th anniversary of the birth of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, striking strategic alliances to expand the scope and reach of the commemorations.
Sub-Program 2.1.2: Capital Experience
The objective of this Sub-Program is to foster pride about being Canadian, while increasing overall awareness of Canada's Capital Region as a destination where people can experience Canada's heritage, culture and achievements. To reach its objectives, the Capital Experience Sub-Program organizes Canada Day celebrations in Canada's Capital Region, Winterlude, and Christmas Lights across Canada. In Canada's Capital Region it oversees the construction of new commemorative monuments, provides support to other federal institutions to highlight important commemorative events and anniversaries, and offers visitor information and interpretation regarding Canada's Capital Region's sites and symbols of national significance. It also presents the Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill, ensures that Canadian values, stories and symbols are represented in Canada's Capital Region, showcases Canadian artistic expression through a public art collection and organizes activities for youth. The Sub-Program also promotes Canada's Capital Region to Canadians across the country through outreach and broadcast initiatives using both traditional and new media.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
10,688,105 | 10,628,105 | 10,633,347 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
83.4 | 83.4 | 83.4 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians who visit Canada's Capital Region gain a sense of attachment to Canada and of national pride. | Percentage of Canada Day participants who agree that the celebrations help increase their sense of pride about being Canadian. | 70 | March 2018 |
Planning Highlights
The Capital Experience Sub-Program will continue to invest in core activities to foster pride and attachment amongst Canadians towards Canada, while increasing overall awareness of Canada's Capital Region. The Sub-Program will continue to organize key events and offer information that showcase Canadian values, stories, achievements and symbols and to provide support to other federal institutions to highlight important commemorative events and anniversaries by, for example, overseeing the construction of commemorative monuments.
The Capital Experience Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priority Canada 150 by delivering commemorations and adapting programming and activities in Canada's Capital Region to highlight milestones on The Road to 2017 and promote the 150th anniversary of Confederation.
In 2016–17, the Capital Experience Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Oversee the planning, design, construction and unveiling of new commemorative monuments in Canada's Capital Region;
- Reinforce the pan-Canadian aspect of major events and programming in Canada's Capital Region, such as Christmas Lights Across Canada; and
- Deliver programming and major events in Canada's Capital Region that promote and celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation. These events will be leveraged through private sector participation and funding.
Sub-Program 2.1.3: State Ceremonial and Protocol
State Ceremonial and Protocol provides authoritative information on Canada's national symbols such as the National Flag. The Sub-Program responds to public inquiries related to commercial use of symbols, rules for flying the flag, flag etiquette and the use of Royal images. It is the centre of expertise for domestic protocol and procedures and provides information and advice to provincial and territorial government protocol offices. The Sub-Program manages national ceremonies, including State funerals, installation of a new Governor General, the Canada Day Noon Show on Parliament Hill and Royal Tours. The Sub-Program is responsible for managing the half-masting of the National Flag of Canada, including policy development, in collaboration with other departments. It manages federal responsibilities related to Lieutenant Governors, by providing salaries to Lieutenant Governors, delivering annual grants to help fund Lieutenant Governors' operating costs, providing advice for special events, and providing Lieutenant Governors with information on their roles and responsibilities. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants under the Lieutenant Governors of the provinces of Canada.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
5,369,752 | 5,369,752 | 5,369,752 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
18.1 | 18.1 | 18.1 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicator | Target | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians participate in national ceremonial events (i.e. State Funerals, Installation of Governor General, Royal Tours, Canada Day ceremony on Parliament Hill). | Percentage of venue capacity filled for national ceremonial events. | 95 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The State Ceremonial and Protocol Sub-Program will continue to provide authoritative information on Canada's national symbols and expertise on domestic protocol and procedures. The Sub-Program will also continue to manage national ceremonies and federal responsibilities related to Lieutenant Governors. It aims to have Canadians participate in national ceremonial events.
In 2016–17, the State Ceremonial and Protocol Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Coordinate National Flag of Canada Day celebrations on February 15, 2017 that highlight the 150th anniversary of Confederation;
- Deliver the annual Canada Day Noon Show on Parliament Hill, which is broadcast across the country; and
- Showcase Canadian talent and achievements through Canada Day celebrations that reflect our diverse and pluralistic society.
Sub-Program 2.1.4: Canada History Fund
The Canada History Fund encourages Canadians to learn about Canada's history, civic life, and public policy. The Fund provides funding through agreements in support of the development and/or enhancement of learning materials, the organization of learning and developmental experiences, and the establishment and maintenance of networks. Through various partnerships within government and through key national history and civics sector organizations and post-secondary educational institutions, the Fund gives Canadians opportunities to enhance their understanding of Canada, thus building an informed and engaged citizenry. This Fund uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Canada History Fund and Contributions in support of the Canada History Fund.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
4,797,679 | 4,997,679 | 4,997,679 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
5.7 | 5.7 | 5.7 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicator | Target | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians enhance their knowledge of Canada's history, civics and public policy. | Percentage of Canadians reached by the Canada History Fund who have enhanced their knowledge of Canada's history, civics, and/or public policy. | 75 | March 2019 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada History Fund Sub-Program will continue to support key national Canadian history and civics sector organizations, as well as post-secondary educational institutions that contribute to the development and enhancement of learning materials and experiences, and the establishment and maintenance of networks designed to give Canadians opportunities to learn about Canada's history, civics and public policy.
The Canada History Fund will contribute to the organizational priorities of Canada 150 and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture, by supporting activities that allow Canadians to learn about key events and people that have shaped the nation.
In 2016–17, the Canada History Fund will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Support two new Heritage Minutes;
- Continue to build on the success of the Government of Canada History Awards, promoting interest in Canadian history among high school students and teachers; and
- Continue to develop Canada History Week through ongoing collaborative efforts with federal government organizations to promote the week and related activities for Canadians.
Sub-Program 2.1.5: Exchanges Canada Program
The Exchanges Canada Sub-Program provides grants and contributions in support of youth participation initiatives that allow young Canadians to learn about Canada, create linkages with each other and better appreciate the diversity and shared aspects of the Canadian reality. The Sub-Program supports not-for-profit organizations to provide Canadian youth with a range of exchange and forum activities to strengthen their sense of belonging to Canada and therefore their sense of Canadian identity. The Sub-Program has two components: Youth Exchanges Canada (YEC) and Youth Forums Canada (YFC). YEC funds reciprocal homestay exchanges for youth, and also includes the Summer Work / Student Exchange sub-component, which provides summer job opportunities for 16 and 17 year-olds in their second official language. YFC enables young Canadians to connect with one another through forums, study sessions and workshops on a range of relevant topics. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of Innovative Youth Exchange Projects and Contributions in support of the Exchanges Canada Initiative.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
19,358,726 | 19,358,726 | 19,358,726 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
12.9 | 12.9 | 12.9 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Young participants enhance their knowledge and understanding of Canada. | Percentage of participants who report enhanced knowledge and understanding of Canada. | 75 | March 2018 |
Young participants connect and create linkages with one another. | Percentage of participants who report having created new ties with other young Canadians as a result of the exchange. | 75 | March 2018 |
Young participants enhance their appreciation of the diversity and shared aspects of the Canadian experience. | Percentage of participants who report having a better understanding of what Canadians have in common. | 75 | March 2018 |
Planning Highlights
The Exchanges Canada Sub-Program will support initiatives that provide about 12,000 Canadian youth with opportunities to learn and experience Canada's diversity, connect with each other and enhance their appreciation of Canada's diverse cultural expressions, history and heritage. By continuing to administer grants and contributions to not-for-profit organizations, the Sub-Program will support initiatives that provide Canadian youth with a range of exchange and forum activities to strengthen their sense of belonging to Canada and their sense of Canadian identity.
The Exchanges Canada Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priorities of Canada 150 and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting activities that allow Canadian youth to learn about and experience Canada, including its history and significant milestones leading up to the 150th anniversary of Confederation.
Sub-Program 2.1.6: Youth Take Charge
The objective of the Youth Take Charge Sub-Program is to strengthen youth attachment to Canada through engagement in the fields of history and heritage, civic engagement and youth service, arts and culture, and economic activities. The Sub-Program provides grants and contributions to eligible organizations in support of youth-led projects involving youth generally aged 7 to 30, which demonstrate the ability to strengthen attachment to Canada while addressing one or more of the above-mentioned thematic areas. It is expected that the Sub-Program will increase awareness among youth participants of the importance of being an active and engaged citizen; will increase relevance of youth-serving organizations to youth; and will increase youth engagement in communities. These outcomes will, in the long-term, lead to increased youth attachment to Canada and an increased sense of shared Canadian identity among youth. The Sub-Program is also responsible for managing an annual matching grant payment to the Michaëlle Jean Foundation. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Youth Take Charge Program and Contributions in support of the Youth Take Charge Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
2,173,474 | 2,173,474 | 2,173,474 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
4.3 | 4.3 | 4.3 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Youth have a sense of attachment to Canada. | Percentage of youth participants who report having a greater sense of attachment to Canada. | 55 | March 2018 |
Youth have a sense of shared Canadian identity. | Percentage of youth participants who report having a sense of shared Canadian identity. | 60 | March 2018 |
Planning Highlights
The Youth Take Charge Sub-Program will continue to support youth-led projects that demonstrate the ability to strengthen attachment to Canada through engagement in one or more of the thematic areas: history and heritage, civic engagement and youth service, arts and culture, and economic activities. As such, youth participants will have an opportunity to learn about Canada's rich history and diversity and to become active and engaged citizens.
The Youth Take Charge Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priorities of Canada 150 and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by prioritizing projects that feature Canadian history and heritage, with an emphasis on the milestones leading up to the 150th anniversary of Confederation. In particular, in 2016-17, young Canadians will have opportunities to organize and participate in exchanges and forums across the country, to celebrate Canada's past, present, and future. The youth will explore their history, contribute to community projects and express their ideas about Canada's future.
Program 2.2: Engagement and Community Participation
This Program aims to engage Canadians and provide them with opportunities to participate in the civil, social and cultural aspects of life in Canada and in their communities. This is accomplished through funding programs and initiatives that support the efforts of communities to build stronger citizen engagement, and to encourage social inclusion and collaboration through a variety of activities, including events marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation, and through local arts and heritage; contribute to increasing the respect for and awareness of human rights in Canada; and develop innovative and culturally appropriate initiatives to support the efforts of Indigenous communities in the revitalization and preservation of their languages and cultures. This Program has strong social benefits, as it contributes to the preservation of the history and identity of Canada's diverse communities, while offering a way for traditions and identities to evolve over time. The Program supports the Department's mandate to strengthen Canadian identity and values, and build attachment to Canada.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
60,446,783 | 65,439,465 | 66,304,783 | 41,600,983 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
116.0 | 114.0 | 104.5 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians are engaged and have the opportunity to participate in social and cultural aspects of community life in Canada. | Number of volunteers on average per Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage project. | 112 | March 2018 |
Number of opportunities taken by Canadians to participate in social aspects of community life by seeking out information about human rights issues in Canada made available by the Human Rights Program. | 57,000 | March 2017 | |
Number of Canadians (Aboriginal Peoples' Program participants) engaged in social and cultural aspects of community life in Canada. | 3,250 | March 2018 | |
Canadians feel a sense of belonging to Canada. | Percentage of Canadians who report a strong sense of belonging to Canada. | 90 | 2021 |
Planning Highlights
The Engagement and Community Participation Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity". The Department will continue to provide opportunities for people across Canada to participate in the social and cultural aspects of community life, and to experience the rich diversity of our Canadian identities. Through its planned spending of $65.4 million, the Department will encourage Canadians to get engaged in their local communities through performing and visual arts, the expression, celebration, and preservation of local historical heritage and the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The Department will focus on initiatives that help Canada meet its domestic and international human rights commitments, including the promotion of human rights domestically. The Department will also encourage the participation of Indigenous peoples in Canadian life, and support the continuation of Indigenous cultures and languages as living elements of Canadian society. This Program will measure the engagement and participation of Canadians in social and cultural aspects of community life in Canada. Additional details on the Program's key initiatives for 2016–17 and how its expected results will be achieved can be found in its Sub-Programs sections.
In 2016–17, the Engagement and Community Participation Sub-Program key initiatives will include:
- The coordination of a pan-governmental approach ensuring that events and projects of the Canada 150 Initiative promote values of inclusiveness and diversity while supporting stronger engagement of Canadians in their communities with a focus on youth and Indigenous people;
- The promotion, preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages and cultures, in the broader context of the Government's commitment to supporting the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; and
- The updating and reinstating of a court challenges program.
Sub-Program 2.2.1: Human Rights Program
The Human Rights Sub-Program contributes to increasing the respect for, and awareness and enjoyment of human rights in Canada, and seeks to inform and support enhanced domestic implementation of international human rights instruments in Canada. The Sub-Program manages federal-provincial/territorial consultations on human rights issues, coordinates intergovernmental and interdepartmental consideration of treaty body recommendations and those arising from Canada's Universal Periodic Reviews; manages the reporting process on Canada's reports to the United Nations on domestic implementation of international human rights obligations; provides policy advice in developing Canada's positions on emerging human rights issues; and promotes human rights instruments through the dissemination of human rights information. The Sub-Program seeks to strengthen and maintain one of the core values relating to Canadian identity – the respect for human rights – by addressing barriers to active participation that arise from a lack of awareness, understanding and access to rights.
2016–17 Planned Spending* | 2017–18 Planned Spending* | 2018–19 Planned Spending* |
2,264,303 | 2,264,303 | 2,264,303 |
*The Human Rights Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions in support of the Court Challenges Program. |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
8.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Federal, provincial and territorial governments are engaged in activities supporting the implementation of international human rights treaty obligations. | Number of opportunities for provincial and territorial governments to contribute to reporting on Canada's international human rights obligations and to participate in related intergovernmental discussions. | 24 | March 2017 |
Rate of participation of provincial and territorial governments contributing to reporting on Canada's international human rights obligations and attending related intergovernmental discussions. | 78 | March 2017 | |
Canadians have access to information on human rights issues in Canada, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and applicable international human rights instruments. | Number of visits on the Human Rights Program Website. | 75,000 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Human Rights Sub-Program will continue its main activities, including managing the reporting process on Canada's implementation of international human rights obligations, managing federal, provincial and territorial consultations on human rights and promoting human rights instruments.
The Human Rights Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priority Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by sharing information with provinces and territories with a view to increasing awareness of international human rights, and by encouraging the use of information in policy and program development, leading to a more inclusive Canadian society.
In 2016–2017, the Human Rights Sub-Program will lead the federal, provincial and territorial coordination for Canada's preparation for the following key reports:
- Canada's Seventh Report on the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and
- The Review by the United Nations' Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women of Canada's Eight and Ninth Reports on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women including, Canada's response to the List of issues and questions in preparation for the review.
Sub-Program 2.2.2: Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Sub-Program provides grants and contributions in support of local festivals, community anniversaries and capital projects. Funding is made available to stakeholders presenting arts and heritage festivals and events that emphasize local engagement. Its objective is to engage citizens in their communities through performing and visual arts as well as through the expression, celebration and preservation of local historical heritage. The Sub-Program has three components:
- Local Festivals supports recurring festivals that involve the whole community and give opportunities to local artists and artisans to engage in their communities and/or celebrate local history and heritage;
- Community Anniversaries supports one-time commemorations through activities that celebrate a major anniversary (100 years and then increments of 25 years) of a significant local person or event; and
- Legacy Fund supports tangible, lasting capital projects that commemorate or celebrate a major anniversary (100 years and then increments of 25 years) of a significant local person or event. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program and Contributions in support of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
24,263,494 | 24,263,494 | 24,263,494 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
62.1 | 62.1 | 62.1 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Citizens across the country are engaged in their communities through local arts and heritage. | Average number of volunteer hours per project. | 2,750 | March 2018 |
Average number of local artists, artisans and heritage performers per project. | 85 | March 2018 | |
Local organizations carry out local festival, community anniversary and / or legacy projects in their communities. | Number of communities reached per year. | 420 | March 2018 |
Planning Highlights
The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Sub-Program will continue to encourage citizens across the country to connect with one another and to get engaged in their local communities through performing and visual arts, as well as through the expression, celebration, and preservation of local historical heritage, thereby sharing the rich diversity of our Canadian identities.
The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priorities of Canada 150 and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture.
In 2016–17, the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Continue to support projects that commemorate the 75th anniversary of locally significant events related to the Canadian participation in World War II.
Sub-Program 2.2.3: Aboriginal Peoples' Program
The Aboriginal Peoples' Sub-Program (APP) focuses primarily on strengthening cultural identity, encouraging the full participation of Indigenous peoples in Canadian life, and supporting the continuation of Indigenous cultures and languages as living elements of Canadian society. APP programming incorporates Indigenous cultures and languages into community-driven activities designed to strengthen cultural identity. The APP provides investments that help to support the efforts of Indigenous communities to develop and deliver innovative and culturally appropriate projects, under initiatives such as the Aboriginal Languages Initiative, Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting, Scholarships and Youth Initiatives, Territorial Language Accords, National Aboriginal Day, and the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Aboriginal Peoples' Program and Contributions under the Aboriginal Peoples' Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
18,169,187 | 13,176,505 | 13,176,505 |
*The variance observed from 2016–17 to 2017–18 is explained by the anticipated funding for the Aboriginal Languages Initiative which is scheduled to sunset at the end of fiscal year 2016‑17. The Department will support the government's commitment to look at new funding to promote, preserve and enhance Indigenous languages and cultures. |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
20.9 | 20.9 | 20.9 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Engaged as an integral part of Canadian society, Indigenous peoples embrace and share their languages and cultures with other Canadians. | Number of participants who are engaged in Indigenous language and cultural activities. | 3,250 | March 2017 |
Indigenous individuals and groups are engaged in activities that strengthen Indigenous languages and cultures, and support community engagement. | Number of projects funded that incorporate Indigenous languages and cultures, and support community engagement. | 100 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Aboriginal Peoples' Sub-Program will continue to provide support for Indigenous language learning; development and distribution of language learning materials; production of radio and television programming of interest and relevance to Northern Indigenous communities; programming production and broadcast in Indigenous languages; and the provision of territorial government services in official Indigenous languages. Investing in Indigenous peoples and communities, the Sub-Program will also support projects that engage preschoolers, children, youth, adults, elders and groups in a broad range of community-based activities that promote, preserve and revitalize Indigenous languages and cultures, strengthen Indigenous identity and contribute to community-building.
The Aboriginal Peoples' Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priorities of Canada 150 and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture.
In 2016-17 The Aboriginal People's Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- In collaboration with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the Department will support the Government's commitment to promote, preserve and enhance Indigenous languages and cultures; and
- Support the Government's commitment to provide new funding for Indigenous languages and cultures.
Sub-Program 2.2.4: Canada 150 Federal Secretariat
This Sub-Program is responsible for coordinating and providing oversight for the whole-of-government approach to the 150th anniversary of Confederation. It supports federal institutions in the implementation of this one-time initiative. It is also responsible to engage non-governmental organizations, other levels of government and the private sector to develop projects throughout the country. Finally, the Sub-Program coordinates outreach and marketing activities to sustain engagement of Canadians.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
20,742,481 | 26,600,481 | 1,896,681 |
* Planned spending for Canada 150 Federal Secretariat includes funding for projects delivered directly by the Department in Canada's Capital Region and for national communication and marketing plans. The annual variations are explained by ramping up activities in support of the Canada 150 Initiative until December 2017 and winding down activities in 2018-19. |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
25.0 | 23.0 | 13.5 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Engagement of different sectors of Canadian society increase the reach of Canada 150 and help establish the role of the Government of Canada, through the Canada 150 Federal Secretariat as the leader for Canada 150. | Minimum number of partners that are involved in the Canada 150 Initiative through facilitation efforts of the Canada 150 Federal Secretariat. | 75 | March 2018 |
Planning Highlights
The Canada 150 Federal Secretariat Sub-Program will contribute to the implementation of two PCH organizational priorities: Canada 150 and Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture. As co-ordinator of the Canada 150 initiative, the Sub-Program's activities will support the promotion of inclusion and diversity in Canada. Its outreach activities will specifically aim to engage youth, Indigenous people, official language minority communities, and cultural communities.
The Canada 150 Federal Secretariat will continue to develop partnership opportunities for Canadian stakeholders to engage in events and activities marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2016 and 2017. Additionally, the Secretariat will coordinate with participating federal institutions, work in conjunction with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, not-for-profit organizations, and reach out to the private sector to support the initiative.
In 2016-17 the Canada 150 Federal Secretariat will implement the following key initiatives:
- Reaching out to Canadians to build momentum towards the 150th anniversary of Confederation;
- Identify initiatives that will leave a lasting legacy for Canadians.
Additional information on the whole-of-government approach for the Canada 150 initiative is found in the Canada 150 Horizontal Initiative Table.
Program 2.3: Official Languages
Canadian Heritage plays an important role in the horizontal coordination of official languages within the federal government and especially with respect to coordination and support to federal institutions in the implementation of the government's commitment towards the development of official-language minority communities (OLMCs) and the promotion of linguistic duality, pursuant to section 42 of the Official Languages Act. Canadian Heritage is also responsible for the planning, implementation and management of the Official Languages Support Programs pertaining to the promotion of linguistic duality within Canada and the development of OLMCs, in accordance with section 43 of the Act. These activities contribute to achieving the following Government Outcome: "A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion".
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
353,724,557 | 353,724,557 | 353,224,557 | 353,224,557 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
150.3 | 150.3 | 150.3 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians recognize and support linguistic duality. | Percentage of bilingualism amongst Canadian youth (15–19 years old). | 20 | March 2017 |
Percentage of the population who agree that the two official languages in Canada (English and French) are an important part of what it means to be Canadian. | 60 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Official Languages Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity ". The Department will implement the Government's commitment towards the development of OLMCs and the promotion of linguistic duality. Through its planned spending of $353.7 million, the Department will support provincial and territorial governments, as well as non-profit organizations, to help Canadians support linguistic duality and to ensure that OLMCs have access to programs and services in their language so they can live in their language in their community.
Focus will be put on initiatives that contribute to the promotion of both official languages and the vitality and the harmonious coexistence of Canada's two major language communities. Several mechanisms will be used by the Program to maintain an on-going dialogue with partners and clients. Additional details on the Program's key initiatives for 2016–17 and how the expected results will be achieved can be found in the Sub-Program sections.
The Program will undertake the following key initiatives in 2016–17:
- Continue to coordinate the implementation of the Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013–18: Education, Immigration, Communities;
- Undertake consultations in view of developing a new multi-year official languages plan;
- Explore options for establishing a free, online service for learning and retaining English and French as second languages;
- Continue the evaluations underway (Evaluation of Official Languages Support Programs, Evaluation of the Horizontal Coordination of the Roadmap, and Horizontal Evaluation of the Roadmap);
- Manage research activities linked to linguistic duality, OLMCs, and second-language learning; and
- Release official languages data files on the Open Government Portal of Treasury Board Secretariat.
Sub-Program 2.3.1: Development of Official-Language Communities Program
Pursuant to section 43 of the Official Languages Act, the Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program fosters the vitality of Canada's English- and French-speaking minority communities and enables them to participate fully in all aspects of Canadian life. The Sub-Program has three components. Through grants and contributions, the Community Life component supports the provision of activities and services for official-language minority communities (OLMCs) by non-profit community organizations in various fields, particularly arts, culture, heritage, and youth. Through intergovernmental contribution agreements, this component also supports the provision of minority-language services by provincial and territorial governments. Through intergovernmental contribution agreements, the Minority-Language Education component supports the provision of provincial and territorial educational programs and activities in the minority official-language, at all levels of education. Through a contribution agreement with an independent public entity, the Language Rights Support component provides access to mechanisms to foster the advancement and clarification of constitutionally-guaranteed language rights. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program and Contributions under the Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
235,305,136 | 234,805,136 | 234,805,136 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
100.4 | 100.4 | 100.4 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Members of official-language minority communities have access to programs and services in their language, in their communities. | Percentage of official-language minority community members who live within 25 km of an arts and culture organization offering minority-language services. | 85 | March 2017 |
Percentage of official-language minority community members who live within 25 km of an elementary minority-language school or a secondary minority-language school. | 95 | March 2017 | |
Percentage of official-language minority community members who live within 25 km of a local or regional community development organization offering minority-language services. | 85 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program will continue to invest in core activities to improve OLMCs' access to quality education and different programs and services in their language in their communities as well as to provide support for language rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Thanks to partnerships and agreements with community organizations, provincial and territorial governments, and their creations, the Sub-Program is able to support necessary infrastructure and value-added activities and/or services that will contribute to OLMCs' long-term development and ability to participate in all aspects of Canadian life. The new Community Cultural Action Fund will continue to enhance the cultural, artistic and heritage expressions of OLMCs.
The Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priority of Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture by supporting projects proposed by non-profit organizations and provincial and territorial governments that have a lasting effect on community vitality and the use of the minority language.
The Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative in 2016–17:
- Continue to support OLMCs' development through collaboration agreements prioritizing tangible and concrete activities;
- Collaboration with the governments of Quebec and of the three territories to renew bilateral agreements on the delivery of provincial and territorial services in the minority language;
- Continue collaboration with provincial and territorial governments in the areas of minority-language education and services; and
- Develop a follow-up strategy to the Collaboration Agreement for the Development of Arts and Culture in the Francophone Minority Communities of Canada 2013–18.
Sub-Program 2.3.2: Enhancement of Official Languages Program
Pursuant to section 43 of the Official Languages Act, the Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program helps Canadians gain a better understanding and appreciation of the benefits of linguistic duality, as well as an awareness of the constitutionally-guaranteed language rights. The Sub-Program has three components. Through grants and contributions to non-profit organizations, the Promotion of Linguistic Duality component supports activities and projects to enhance official languages and unite Canadians, enhance the French language and culture in Canada, and increase the provision of services in both official languages from non-governmental organizations. As well, through intergovernmental contribution agreements, the Second-Language Learning component supports the provision of provincial and territorial programs and activities related to learning English and French, as second official languages, among young Canadians. Through a contribution agreement with an independent public entity, the Language Rights Support component supports the provision of information and awareness activities among Canadians, especially those living in official-language minority communities (OLMCs), of language rights and the mechanisms for exercising those rights. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program and Contributions under the Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
114,688,232 | 114,688,232 | 114,688,232 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
25.0 | 25.0 | 25.0 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians have a better understanding of and appreciation for the benefits of linguistic duality. | Percentage of Canadians that have a working knowledge of the second official language. | 15 | March 2017 |
Percentage of the population that recognizes that linguistic duality in Canada is a source of cultural enrichment. | 60 | March 2017 | |
*Recent data comes from the 2011 Census (practical knowledge only) and the 2011 Survey on Linguistic duality. Data are collected every five years. |
Planning Highlights
The Enhancement of Official languages Sub-Program will continue to invest in activities that help Canadians recognize and support linguistic duality as a fundamental value of Canadian society and foster mutual understanding and appreciation between English- and French-speaking Canadians. The Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program will continue to manage bilateral agreements with provincial and territorial governments in support of second-language learning. The Sub-Program will also carry on with the administration of grants and contributions to non-profit organizations in support of initiatives that encourage Canadians to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of Canadian linguistic duality and encourage Canadian youth to learn and improve their knowledge of their second official language.
The Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priorities Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture and An Open and Modern Government for All Canadians by supporting the management of Grants and Contributions improvement projects, and second-language instruction projects that reflect growing and emerging needs identified by provincial and territorial governments and that have a direct impact in the classroom.
The Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative in 2016–17:
- Continue to support activities to promote and enhance second-language learning, enhance official languages and unite Canadians;
- Continue to support volunteer organizations to develop their capacity in providing services in both official languages;
- Continue collaboration with provincial and territorial governments in the area of second-language instruction; and
- Participate in the Enterprise Online Solution (EOS) pilot project to modernize the application process to improve client experience and make the delivery of the Interpretation and Translation Program sub-component more efficient.
Sub-Program 2.3.3: Official Languages Coordination Program
The Department of Canadian Heritage contributes to the horizontal coordination of all Government of Canada official languages activities. Pursuant to section 42 of the Official Languages Act, the Department supports federal institutions, including Canadian Heritage, by coordinating the implementation of the government's commitment to the development of official-language minority communities (OLMCs), and promotes the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society. The Department also coordinates the implementation of the Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013–18: Education, Immigration, Communities, a horizontal governmental strategy on official languages.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
3,731,189 | 3,731,189 | 3,731,189 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
24.9 | 24.9 | 24.9 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Federal institutions report appropriately (on a three-year cycle) on the results of their activities for the benefit of official-language minority communities and for the promotion of official languages. | Percentage of federal institutions, including all partners of the Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013–18, that report (on a three year cycle) their results for the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act, to produce the Annual Report on Official Languages. | 100 | March 2017 |
Federal institutions are supported in the implementation of their official languages initiatives and obligations. | Percentage of federal institutions reporting satisfaction with the work accomplished by the Interdepartmental Relations and Accountability Directorate. | 75 | March 2018 |
Planning Highlights
The Official Languages Coordination Sub-Program will continue, through a variety of mechanisms, to maintain partnerships and an ongoing dialogue with federal institutions in their role in the development of OLMCs. The Sub-Program will also continue to coordinate the implementation of official languages horizontal initiatives and support federal institutions in their activities and obligations related to official languages.
The Sub-Program will contribute to the organizational priorities Diverse and Inclusive: Connecting Canadians through Language and Culture, and An Open and Modern Government for All Canadians by encouraging federal institutions in their efforts to carry out their obligations under the Act, in particular through the coordination of the implementation of initiatives funded under the Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013–18.
In 2016–17, the Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Pursue the coordination of interdepartmental activities to support federal institutions, including partners of the Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013–18, to fulfill their requirements in accordance with section 41 of the Act for the implementation of official language initiatives;
- Continue the review of the pan-governmental governance for official languages, in collaboration with the Treasury Board Secretariat and Justice Canada;
- Prepare the part of the Official Languages Coordination Sub-Program's Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Risk Strategy that relates to Section 42 of the Official Languages Act, in support of Interdepartmental Coordination obligations.; and
- Design, production, posting and promotion of a professional quality video that promotes Part VII of the Act, developed by employees in the context of the departmental Innovation Fund.
Strategic Outcome 3: Canadians participate and excel in sport
Program 3.1: Sport
This Program promotes development and excellence in sport among Canadians and Canadian communities through initiatives that provide direct support to Canadian high-performance athletes; enhance Canada's ability to host the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada; support the development of excellence in the Canadian sport system; and contribute to increasing participation in sport by Canadians of all ages and abilities. The core concept of this Program is to enhance and promote Canadian participation and excellence in sport, by providing funding, expertise and other services to Canadian athletes, sport organizations, stakeholders and event organizers.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
206,246,851 | 206,246,851 | 206,546,851 | 203,246,849 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
108.1 | 108.1 | 108.1 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canada has a sport system where Canadians, including high performance athletes, can participate and excel in sport with a technically sound and ethically supportive structure. | Percentage of Canadians who participate in sport. | 30 | March 2018 |
Canada's rank in Sport Canada's Combined (Summer & Winter) Olympic Ranking Index. | 8 | March 2017 | |
Canada's rank in Sport Canada's Combined (Summer & Winter) Paralympic Ranking Index. | 8 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Sport Program will continue to contribute to the strategic outcome "Canadians participate and excel in sport". The Department will continue to enhance, promote and develop participation and excellence in sport among Canadians and Canadian communities. Through its planned spending of $206.2 million, the Department will support Canadian athletes, sport organizations, stakeholders and event organizers for initiatives that provide direct support to Canadian high-performance athletes; enhance Canada's ability to host sport events in Canada; support the development of excellence in the Canadian sport system; and contribute to increasing Canadians' participation in sport.
In 2016–17, the Sport Program will undertake the following key activity:
- Identify innovative and collaborative approaches to address gaps in the Canadian sport system, while ensuring that all efforts directly or indirectly contribute to social and community benefits for Canadians.
Sub-Program 3.1.1: Hosting Program
The Hosting Sub-Program is a key instrument in the Government of Canada's overall approach to sport development in Canada and aims to enhance the development of sport excellence and the international profile of sport organizations by providing assistance for the hosting of the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada. The Hosting Sub-Program offers Canada-at-large a planned and coordinated approach to realizing direct and significant benefits, from bidding and hosting projects in the areas of sport development, economic, social, and cultural and community impacts, across a broad range of government priorities. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions for the Games' Hosting Sub-Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
24,187,041 | 24,187,041 | 24,179,890 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
48.3 | 48.3 | 48.3 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadian athletes, coaches and officials have opportunities to participate at sport events in Canada funded by Sport Canada. | Number of Canadian athletes, coaches and officials participating at funded events. | 6,000 | March 2017 |
Number of Canadian athletes from under-represented groups participating at funded events. | 350 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Hosting Sub-Program will continue to invest in core activities to enhance the development of sport excellence and the international profile of sport. The Sub-Program will carry on with the administration of contributions for the hosting of the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada to ensure that Canadians in the sport sector have access to opportunities to participate at sport events in Canada.
In 2016–17, the Hosting Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Develop a plan that outlines a more strategic focus for Government of Canada support for international sport events hosted in Canada, in order to realize both sport benefits as well as associated community and social benefits.
Sub-Program 3.1.2: Sport Support Program
The Sport Support Sub-Program is the primary funding vehicle for initiatives associated with the delivery of the Government of Canada's commitments to the Canadian Sport Policy. Funding is aimed at developing athletes and coaches at the highest international levels; providing sound technically-based sport programming for all athletes; increasing the number of Canadians from all segments of society involved in sport; and advancing Canadian interests and values in Canada and abroad. This funding is provided to eligible organizations in support of programming that supports the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions for the Sport Support Sub-Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
152,386,895 | 152,686,895 | 149,386,894 |
*The variance observed from 2017–18 to 2018–19 is explained by the time-limited nature of funding received for Special Olympics Canada. |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
51.7 | 51.7 | 51.7 |
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadians have access to quality sport programs and services. | Number of Canadians participating in sport through organizations or initiatives funded by Sport Canada. | 7,800,000 | March 2017 |
Percentage of funded sport organizations that have maintained or increased their overall organizational performance. | 100 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Sport Support Sub-Program will continue to ensure support for Canadians to have access to quality sport programs and services. This includes developing athletes and coaches; providing sound technically-based sport programming; increasing the number of Canadians involved in sport; and advancing Canadian interests and values in sport. The Sub-Program will continue to administer contributions to eligible organizations that support the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.
The key initiatives of the Sport Support Sub-Program for 2016–17 are:
- Provide targeted financial support to national sport organizations to help prepare Canadian athletes to achieve medal-winning performances at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic and Paralympic Games;
- Support the identification and/or implementation of efficiencies in the operations of the Canadian sport system, including looking at ways to merge certain activities across similar organizations;
- Identify and support innovative initiatives that are focused on improving the foundations within sport that contribute to increased levels of sport participation and greater physical activity; and
- Identify opportunities to respond to the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission specific to sport, and;
- Support sport participation initiatives that target specific groups of diverse Canadians.
Sub-Program 3.1.3: Athlete Assistance Program
The Athlete Assistance Sub-Program (AAP) contributes to the pursuit of excellence through its support for improved Canadian athlete performances at major international sporting events, enabling athletes to combine their sport and academic or working careers while training intensively in pursuit of world-class performances. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Athlete Assistance Sub-Program.
2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
29,672,915 | 29,672,915 | 29,680,065 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
8.1 | 8.1 | 8.1 |
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Date to Be Achieved |
Canadian athletes access academic opportunities. | Number of currently and formerly carded athletes using tuition grant (including deferred tuition). | 750 | March 2017 |
Canadian high performance athletes are optimally prepared to achieve podium level performance at Olympic and Paralympic Games and the respective sports' Senior World Championships. | Number of athletes receiving AAP funding who have achieved a top 8 finish at the Olympics, Paralympics, or World Championships. | 325 | March 2017 |
Planning Highlights
The Athlete Assistance Sub-Program will continue to invest in athletes to allow them to pursue excellence in sport. It will ensure support for improving Canadian athlete performances at major international sporting events, enabling athletes to combine their sport and academic or working careers while training intensively in pursuit of world-class results.
In 2016–17, the Athlete Assistance Sub-Program will undertake the following key initiative:
- Examine the Government of Canada's approach to supporting Canadian high performance athletes.
Internal Services
Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization, and not those provided to a specific program. The groups of activities are Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Security and Real Property Services; Materiel Services; and Acquisition Services.
2016–17 Main Estimates | 2016–17 Planned Spending | 2017–18 Planned Spending | 2018–19 Planned Spending |
72,267,948 | 72,267,948 | 72,267,948 | 72,267,948 |
2016–17 | 2017–18 | 2018–19 |
657.7 | 657.7 | 657.7 |
Planning Highlights
Internal Services support and contribute to the effective and efficient delivery of the Department's programs and are integral to the quality of the services the Department provides to its clients and partners. Clients, staff and management benefit from a range of professional corporate services including information management and technology support; workplace values, ethics and well-being; a centre of expertise on grants and contributions; information modernization and innovation initiatives; amongst others.
Internal Services will support the government's goal of governing for all Canadians in an open and transparent manner by supporting the development of communication and collaboration initiatives for the development and delivery of Departmental programs and activities. The Department is committed to supporting a capable and innovative workforce that is committed to achieving organizational priorities and that is devoted to service excellence.
The Department's commitment to innovation will be implemented by fostering innovation in day-to-day business, empowering employees, improving communication, and providing leadership support. Organizational well-being is a shared responsibility that depends on the active participation and full engagement of both managers and employees. It relies on elements such as: clear purpose, effective leadership, teamwork, fairness, open communication, access to resources, positive climate, living the values, constructive feedback, innovation and creativity, and employee engagement.
The Internal Services will support and contribute to all five Organizational Priorities outlined in Section I.
In 2016–17, the Internal Services will undertake the following key initiatives:
- Better serve Canadians and offer greater value to taxpayers through the Grants and Contributions initiative that will enhance PCH digital services and making it easier for clients to access our programs and services;
- Continue to contribute to Government of Canada Blueprint 2020 initiatives to help shape the future of the Public Service;
- Carry out the Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) and consolidate our departmental information management system in order to contribute to an open and modern government;
- Support citizen and stakeholder engagement through a number of key departmental initiatives in the areas of innovative communication and collaboration;
- Act on the forthcoming Public Service vision to create a culture that enshrines psychological health, safety and well-being in all aspects of the workplace through collaboration, inclusivity and respect; and
- Provide Canadian Heritage employees with access to activities that demystify and destigmatize mental health in the workplace, create an environment for open and honest dialogue on mental health, and raise awareness of the tools available to them.
Section III: Supplementary Information
Future-Oriented Statement of Operations
The future-oriented condensed statement of operations provides a general overview of Canadian Heritage's operations. The forecast of financial information on expenses and revenues is prepared on an accrual accounting basis to strengthen accountability and to improve transparency and financial management.
Because the future-oriented condensed statement of operations is prepared on an accrual accounting basis, and the forecast and planned spending amounts presented in other sections of the Report on Plans and Priorities are prepared on an expenditure basis, amounts differ.
A more detailed future-oriented statement of operations and associated notes, including a reconciliation of the net cost of operations to the requested authorities, can be found on Canadian Heritage's websiteFootnote 18.
Financial Information | 2015–16 Estimated Results | 2016–17 Planned Results | Difference |
Total expenses | 1,291,377 | 1,324,842 | 33,465 |
Total revenues | 8,382 | 11,600 | 3,218 |
Net cost of operations | 1,282,995 | 1,313,242 | 30,247 |
The increase in Planned Results for 2016-17 compared to Forecast Results for 2015-16 is mainly due to funding of the newly created Canada 150 Secretariat, within the Engagement and Community Participation and Attachment to Canada programs, as the support required for activities under the Celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation and the Road to 2017.
Supplementary Information Tables
The supplementary information tables listed in the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities are available on the Department of Canadian Heritage's website.
- Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
- Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More
- Disclosure of Transfer Payment Programs Under $5 Million
- Horizontal Initiatives
- Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations Over the Next Three Fiscal Years
- Up-Front Multi-Year Funding
- User Fees and Regulatory Charges
Tax Expenditures and Evaluations
The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Tax Expenditures and EvaluationsFootnote 19 publication. The tax measures presented in that publication are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.
Section IV: Organizational Contact Information
- Address:
- Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5
Canada - Email:
- Website:
- Telephone:
- 819-997-0055
- Toll-free*:
- 1-866-811-0055
- Fax:
- 819-555-5555
- TTY** (Toll-free):
- 1-888-997-3123
*The toll-free lines have agents available to answer your questions, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
**The TTY is a telecommunication device for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired.
Appendix: Definitions
- appropriation (crédit):
- Any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
- budgetary expenditures (dépenses budgétaires):
- Includes operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
- Departmental Performance Report (rapport ministériel sur le rendement):
- Reports on an appropriated organization's actual accomplishments against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the corresponding Report on Plans and Priorities. These reports are tabled in Parliament in the fall.
- full-time equivalent (équivalent temps plein):
- Is a measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person-year charge against a departmental budget. Full-time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
- Government of Canada outcomes (résultats du gouvernement du Canada):
- A set of 16 high‑level objectives defined for the government as a whole, grouped in four spending areas: economic affairs, social affairs, international affairs and government affairs.
- Management, Resources and Results Structure (Structure de la gestion, des ressources et des résultats):
- A comprehensive framework that consists of an organization's inventory of programs, resources, results, performance indicators and governance information. Programs and results are depicted in their hierarchical relationship to each other and to the Strategic Outcome(s) to which they contribute. The Management, Resources and Results Structure is developed from the Program Alignment Architecture.
- non-budgetary expenditures (dépenses non budgétaires):
- Includes net outlays and receipts related to loans, investments and advances, which change the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
- performance (rendement):
- What an organization did with its resources to achieve its results, how well those results compare to what the organization intended to achieve and how well lessons learned have been identified.
- performance indicator (indicateur de rendement):
- A qualitative or quantitative means of measuring an output or outcome, with the intention of gauging the performance of an organization, program, policy or initiative respecting expected results.
- performance reporting (production de rapports sur le rendement):
- The process of communicating evidence-based performance information. Performance reporting supports decision making, accountability and transparency.
- planned spending (dépenses prévues):
- For Reports on Plans and Priorities (RPPs) and Departmental Performance Reports (DPRs), planned spending refers to those amounts that receive Treasury Board approval by February 1. Therefore, planned spending may include amounts incremental to planned expenditures presented in the Main Estimates.
A department is expected to be aware of the authorities that it has sought and received. The determination of planned spending is a departmental responsibility, and departments must be able to defend the expenditure and accrual numbers presented in their RPPs and DPRs. - plan (plan):
- The articulation of strategic choices, which provides information on how an organization intends to achieve its priorities and associated results. Generally a plan will explain the logic behind the strategies chosen and tend to focus on actions that lead up to the expected result.
- priorities (priorité):
- Plans or projects that an organization has chosen to focus and report on during the planning period. Priorities represent the things that are most important or what must be done first to support the achievement of the desired Strategic Outcome(s).
- program (programme):
- A group of related resource inputs and activities that are managed to meet specific needs and to achieve intended results and that are treated as a budgetary unit.
- Program Alignment Architecture (architecture d'alignement des programmes):
- A structured inventory of an organization's programs depicting the hierarchical relationship between programs and the Strategic Outcome(s) to which they contribute.
- Report on Plans and Priorities (rapport sur les plans et les priorités):
- Provides information on the plans and expected performance of appropriated organizations over a three-year period. These reports are tabled in Parliament each spring.
- result (résultat):
- An external consequence attributed, in part, to an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results are not within the control of a single organization, policy, program or initiative; instead they are within the area of the organization's influence.
- statutory expenditures (dépenses législatives):
- Expenditures that Parliament has approved through legislation other than appropriation acts. The legislation sets out the purpose of the expenditures and the terms and conditions under which they may be made.
- Strategic Outcome (résultat stratégique):
- A long-term and enduring benefit to Canadians that is linked to the organization's mandate, vision and core functions.
- sunset program (programme temporisé):
- A time-limited program that does not have an ongoing funding and policy authority. When the program is set to expire, a decision must be made whether to continue the program. In the case of a renewal, the decision specifies the scope, funding level and duration.
- target (cible):
- A measurable performance or success level that an organization, program or initiative plans to achieve within a specified time period. Targets can be either quantitative or qualitative.
- voted expenditures (dépenses votées):
- Expenditures that Parliament approves annually through an Appropriation Act. The Vote wording becomes the governing conditions under which these expenditures may be made.
- whole-of-government framework (cadre pangouvernemental):
- Maps the financial contributions of federal organizations receiving appropriations by aligning their Programs to a set of 16 government-wide, high-level outcome areas, grouped under four spending areas.
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