Supplementary Estimates (B) – 2020–21 (October, 2020)
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Supplementary Estimates
- Supplementary Estimates are part of the normal parliamentary approval process to ensure that preplanned government initiatives receive the funding they need to move forward and meet the needs of Canadians.
- The main purpose of Supplementary Estimates is to seek authority to revise spending levels, revisions which Parliament will be called upon to approve through an Appropriation Act.
- The Supplementary Estimates (B) is the second of three for 2020–21.
- Eligible items for inclusion:
- Requirements approved by Treasury Board on or before September 24, 2020;
- Increases to statutory authorities mainly attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Transfers within the Department between votes;
- Transfers between departments;
- Increases to existing grants that are to be funded within the vote; and
- Increases to vote netted revenue.
Canadian Heritage
Supplementary Estimates (B) 2020–21
The net impact of Supplementary Estimates (B) for Canadian Heritage represents a total increase of $60.6 million, resulting in an increase in new funding of $58.8 million, an increase in statutory of $4.4 million and a net decrease of $2.6 million in transfers with other organizations.

Figure 1. Canadian Heritage - Supplementary Estimates (B) 2020–21 – text version
- Voted 1b 2%
- Voted 5b 91%
- Statutory 7%
Organization Summary - Department of Canadian Heritage
Budgetary | Authorities To Date | These Supplementary Estimates (dollars) | Proposed Authorities To Date | |
Transfers | Adjustments | |||
1b Operating Expenditures | 208,994,352 | (67,788) | 1,264,918 | 210,191,482 |
5b Grants and contributions | 1,304,800,333 | (2,514,810) | 57,487,060 | 1,359,772,583 |
Total Voted | 1,513,794,685 | (2,582,598) | 58,751,978 | 1,569,964,065 |
Total Statutory | 445,106,097 | - | 4,445,000 | 449,551,097 |
Total Budgetary Expenditures | 1,958,900,782 | (2,582,598) | 63,196,978 | 2,019,515,162 |
Explanation of 2020–21 requirements of adjustments by initiatives
Total increase of $63.2 million:

Figure 2. Explanation of 2020–21 requirements of adjustments by initiatives – text version
Initiative | Operating | Grants & Contributions | Statutory |
Funding for the Canada Media Fund | - | 26,365,000 | - |
Funding for community spaces - infrastructure and teacher recruitment in Francophone minority schools, French immersion and French as a second language programs | - | 17,919,865 | - |
Funding to support minority-language education | - | 9,889,218 | - |
Covid-19: Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) | - | - | 15,000,000 |
Covid-19: Transfer to Canada Council for the Arts and Telefilm | - | - | (10,555,000) |
Funding for the Canada Book Fund | - | 1,342,700 | - |
Funding for a post-census survey on official language minority communities | 1,264,918 | - | - |
Funding for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | - | 1,240,877 | - |
Funding for the Manitoba Métis Heritage Centre | - | 729,400 | - |
Voted appropriations – PCH (Adjustments)
Financing for the Canada Media Fund $26.4M – Vote 5b Grants & Contributions
- Launched in 2010, the Canada Media Fund (CMF) is a public-private partnership that fosters, promotes, develops and finances the production of Canadian television programs, interactive content and cutting-edge software applications for various platforms.
- This additional funding of $26.4 million will provide a stable source of funds for the CMF and allow it to continue its investment of a minimum of $350 million per year in the creation of Canadian content. This funding directly offsets the decrease in contributions to the CMF from cable, satellite and Internet Protocol television distributors (BDU) as a result of lower subscription revenues due to the migration of consumers to online platforms.
- This additional investment reflects the Government of Canada’s commitment to ensuring the success of our creative industries in the digital age.
- In 2019–2020, the CMF contributed $275.6 million to 541 television programs and digital content and $48.3 million to 175 experimental projects, including games, applications and Web series. This investment translated into over $1.4 billion in production activities in Canada’s creative economy. Each dollar spent generates an average of $4 in investment.
- In Budget 2018, the Government committed to increase the federal contribution to the CMF by up to an additional $172 million over five years and $42.5 million recurring annually thereafter. This increase will be used to maintain funding for CMF programs at the 2016-2017 level: a minimum of $350 million per year.
- Each year, the exact supplementary funding is calculated based on the difference between the reference year and the BDU payments made to the CMF in the previous year (i.e., $216.5 million [2016–2017 reference year] – $190.1 million [2019–2020 BDU fees] = $26.4 million additional in 2020–2021.
Post-census suvey on official language minority communities $1.3M – Vote 1b Operating
- Funding of $5.1 million over three years to fund a post-census survey of official-language minority communities (OLMCs), administered by Statistics Canada.
- This new funding will make it possible to gather evidence to explore specific issues that the census can cover only partially, if at all. This survey will contribute, among other things, to the data ecosystem for the enumeration of those entitled to minority-language education in Canada, to the evaluation of the Action Plan for Official Languages 2018-2023 and, ultimately, to supporting the development and vitality of OLMCs in Canada.
- An interdepartmental agreement will allow Statistics Canada to conduct the survey.
Reprofiles – PCH (Adjustments)
Reprofiles $31.1M
Description | Voted 5b (in dollars) |
Community spaces – infrastructure and teacher recruitment in Francophone minority schools, French immersion and French as a second language programs This reprofile is seeking to transfer funds received in fiscal year 2019-20 to 2020-21 for the initiative entitled Action Plan for Official Languages 2018-2023: Investing in Our Future. This funding will help strengthen official-language minority communities, improve access to services in both official languages, and promote a bilingual Canada. |
17,919,865 |
Support minority-language education This reprofile is seeking to transfer funds received in fiscal year 2019-20 to 2020-21 for the Enhancing Support for Minority-Language Education in Canada initiative. The funds are used to further support the provinces and territories provide education in official language minority communities and to persuade them to conclude the next Protocol with strengthened conditions. |
9,889,218 |
Canada Book Fund This reprofile is seeking to transfer funds received in fiscal year 2019-20 to 2020-21 via Budget 2019 Measure: Inclusion of Canadians with Visual Impairments and Other Print Disabilities. The funds are used to enhance the production and distribution of accessible digital books by Canadian independent book publishers. |
1,342,700 |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation This reprofile is seeking to transfer funds received in fiscal year 2019-20 to 2020-21 via Budget 2019 Measure: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The funding is used to enable communities to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools; celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. |
1,240,877 |
Manitoba Métis Heritage Centre This reprofile is seeking to transfer funds received in fiscal year 2019-20 to 2020-21 under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund Program. The funds are to be used for the development of a Métis National Heritage Centre. The creation of the Métis National Heritage Centre in Winnipeg, the homeland of the Métis Nation, is a key initiative in the commitment to nation-to-nation relationships and reconciliation that are key priorities for the present government. |
729,400 |
Total Reprofiles | 31,122,060 |
Statutory- PCH (Adjustments)
Statutory $4.4 M
Description | (in dollars) |
Payments to support students and youth impacted by COVID-19 On June 25, 2020, the Government of Canada announced an urgent investment to support students and youth impacted by COVID-19 pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern payment Act. In the context of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, $15 million was allocated to Canadian Heritage to create up to 1,245 additional job placements and paid internships in various sectors and communities, including Official Language Minority Communities. |
15,000,000 |
Payments for the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations On July 7, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the “Final Components of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations”. PCH’s initial allocation was reduced by $10,555,000 from $418,000,000 to $407,445,000 in order to allocate an additional amount of $7,800,000 to the Canada Council for the Arts and $2,755,000 to Telefilm Canada. |
(10,555,000) |
Total Statutory | 4,445,000 |
Transfers – PCH
Transfers 2020-21
Organization | Transfer description | Budgetary Expenditures (in dollars) | |
Voted 1b Operating |
Voted 5b G&C |
Transfers from Other Organizations | |||
Indigenous Services | To promote public awareness and community participation in National Aboriginal Day activities and celebrations on June 21. These activities funded by the Department will serve to preserve, revitalize and promote Aboriginal cultures. | - | 310,000 |
Veterans Affairs | To support PCH-lead activities related to the creation and erection of the National Monument for Canada's Mission in Afghanistan on Lebreton Flats in Ottawa, an initiative led by Veterans Affairs Canada. The funds for PCH will be more specifically used to pay jury and moderator honoraria and expenses related to a site visit by finalist teams. | 29,000 | - |
Transfers to Other Organizations | |||
Public Works and Government Services | Transfer of one full-time equivalent resource following the November 20, 2019 transfer of responsibility for the National Capital Commission (NCC) from Canadian Heritage to Public Works and Government Services Canada (now referred to as Public Services and Procurement Canada). | (86,788) | - |
Canada Council for the Arts | To support multilateral cooperation on French-language theatre projects, as well as to ensure Canada's participation in meetings of the Commission internationale du théâtre francophone. | - | (127,000) |
National Arts Centre Corporation | For the 2021 edition of the biennal event "Zones théâtrales", which has a mandate to showcase professional theatre from Canadian francophone communities and the regions of Quebec. | - | (190,000) |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | To support the Sport Participation Research Initiative (SPRI), a joint initiative between the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Sport Canada that funds innovative research on sport participation to support the objectives of the Canadian Sport Policy. | (10,000) | (603,996) |
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | Transfer of funds from the Indigenous Languages Component of the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program for distribution to signatory Yukon First Nations. | - | (1,903,814) |
Total Transfers | - | (67,788) | (2,514,810) |
Portfolio organizations
Supplementary Budget Estimates (B) 2020-21
The net impact of Supplementary Estimates (B) for the Portfolio organizations represents an increase in Voted Appropriations in Vote 1 – Program or Operating Expenditures of $75.0 million, a decrease in Voted Appropriations in Vote 5 or 10 - Capital Expenditures of $32.8 million and an increase in Statutory Appropriations of $104.4 million.

Figure 3. Portfolio organizations - Supplementary Budget Estimates (B) 2020-21 – text version
- Statutory 49%
- Vote 1 – Operating 35%
- Vote 5 or 10 – Capital 16%
Voted appropriations Portfolio organizations (Adjustments)
Voted appropriations
Description | (in dollars) |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Advance on 2021-22 operating appropriations into 2020-21 operating appropriations In March 2020, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that the Tokyo Olympic Games (TOG) will be postponed to 2021. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is required to pay $36,700,000 for the broadcast rights by 2020-21. Originally, this expense would be offset by advertising revenue associated with the Tokyo Olympic Games. Since the advertising revenue will not materialize until 2021, by way of 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates B, CBC is seeking an advancement of $36,700,000 from its 2021-22 operating appropriation to offset the cash flow impact in 2020-21. |
36,700,000 |
Internal Vote transfer from CBC Capital Vote to CBC Operating Vote to address COVID-19 impact on advertising revenues and operating costs An internal vote transfer of $33,733,000 from the CBC’s Capital Vote to its Operating Vote will fund pressures on the operating budget. This funding will support implementing the measures necessary to adhere to public health orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and cover decline in revenues due to COVID-19 impact. Due to Covid-19, CBC/Radio-Canada advertising revenues have declined, and are expected to decline for the remaining year. CBC/Radio-Canada has implemented aggressive internal cost reductions to offset the maximum extent of the revenue loss as possible, while still maintaining essential services. |
33,733,000 |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) - Funding for critical operating requirements (COVID-19) COVID-19 Economic Response Plan - Support for the Broadcasting Industry: the Government of Canada provided financial relief to broadcasters by remitting the Part I broadcasting license fees in respect to fiscal year 2020–2021, with the commitment to transfer necessary funds to the CRTC to support its operations. As a result, an amount of $27,330,000 was included in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (A). An additional $4,886,585 is required in 2020-21 to fully cover the CRTC’s actual regulatory costs of broadcasting-related activities. |
4,886,585 |
Library and Archives Canada - Partnership between Library and Archives of Canada and the Ottawa Public Library Through a collaborative agreement with the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Public Library (OPL), Library and Archives Canada (LAC) will acquire its share of a new LAC-OPL Joint Facility, which is anticipated to be delivered by the City of Ottawa in 2024-25. 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates B includes a reprofile of funds of $976,079 to ensure that LAC will be able to continue fulfilling its mandate and complete the definition phase of the project and the Budget 2018 commitment. |
976,079 |
CRTC - Funding for the Terrasses de la Chaudière Makeover and to support the Government of Canada Financial and Materiel Solution project A reprofile of funds of $400,000 is requested in 2020-21 to support an ongoing non-discretionary project, the Terrasses de la Chaudière Makeover, and to address bed bugs issues within CRTC's workspace at 1 Promenade du Portage. The remaining reprofiled funds as part of this request, in an amount of $467,000, are required in 2021-22 to support the non-discretionary Government of Canada Financial and Materiel (GCFM) Solution project which aims to implement a standardized SAP Solution. |
400,000 |
Reimbursement from the CRTC to the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for activities associated with development of the Government of Canada Financial and Materiel Solution project A transfer $169,000 in 2020-21 from the CRTC, as a contributing organization, is to reimburse the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for the Government of Canada Financial and Materiel (GCFM) change management and project management activities. This amount was settled by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in effect as of April 1, 2019, which continues until March 31, 2022. |
169,000 |
Reimbursement from LAC to the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for activities associated with development of the Government of Canada Financial and Materiel Solution project A transfer $169,000 in 2020-21 from LAC, as a contributing organization, is to reimburse the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for the Government of Canada Financial and Materiel (GCFM) change management and project management activities. This amount was settled by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in effect as of April 1, 2019, which continues until March 31, 2022. |
169,000 |
Transfer from LAC to the Department of Industry to maintain the Shirleys Bay Campus, in the National Capital Region LAC, in addition to various other organizations, transfers funds to the Department of Industry to meet the Communications Research Centre Canada’s (CRC) requirements to maintain the Shirleys Bay Campus’ infrastructure. The $18,230 to be transferred represents CRC’s tenants’ portion of the Campus projects. |
18,230 |
Statutory Portfolio organizations (Adjustments)
Description | (in dollars) |
Telefilm Canada On July 7, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the “Final Components of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations”. For Phase 2 following a transfer of authority from PCH, Telefilm Canada received a statutory appropriation of $2,755,000 pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act including $1,000,000 in support of Audio-visual training and development partners and $1,755,000 in support of Movie theatres that show Canadian films. As a result, Telefilm is receiving $29,755,000 in total ESF funding. In addition, on September 25, 2020, the Government of Canada announced a “Temporary Measure to Compensate for the Lack of Insurance Coverage for Production Stoppages due to Confirmed COVID-19 Cases on Film Sets in the Audiovisual Industry”. The Short-Term Compensation Fund for Canadian Audiovisual Productions (STCF) will compensate for the exclusion of risks associated with the pandemic from insurance policies. The STCF, to be administered by Telefilm Canada, will compensate independent production companies following the interruption or cancellation of an eligible audiovisual production due to the emergence of confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the set of a production. As such, Telefilm Canada will receive a statutory appropriation of $50,000,000 pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act. More details on the coming into force of this new Fund and the terms and conditions will be communicated by Telefilm Canada in the coming weeks. |
52,755,000 |
Canada’s National Museums and the National Battlefields Commission On June 18, 2020, the Government of Canada announced an emergency investment of $25.7 million to help the 6 National Museums and the National Battlefields Commission maintain essential services and be ready to reopen their doors to the public once precautionary measures are lifted. This funding was provided by way of a statutory appropriation pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act.
25,700,000 |
National Arts Centre Corporation On July 7, 2020, the Government of Canada announced an emergency investment of $18.2 million to help the National Arts Centre (NAC) ensure the continuity of its operations and be ready to reopen to the public. The Crown corporation is the only multidisciplinary, bilingual performing arts centre in North America. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NAC closed its doors to the public on March 13, 2020 to protect the health and safety of their staff, visitors, and all Canadians. This investment will support the national institution as it continues to be a leader and innovator in performing arts fields, supporting emerging and established artists, and producing quality educational activities. It will also protect jobs on which many Canadians depend. |
18,200,000 |
Canada Council for the Arts On July 7, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the “Final Components of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations”. For Phase 2, following a transfer of authority from PCH, the Canada Council for the Arts received a statutory appropriation of $7,800,000 pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act to support Professional not-for-profit Canadian arts groups and organizations that represent Indigenous and other equity-seeking communities. As a result, the Canada Council for the Arts received $62,800,000 in total ESF funding. |
7,800,000 |
Transfers - Portfolio Organizations
Transfers from Canadian Heritage 2020-21
Organization | Transfer description | Budgetary Expenditures (in dollars) (Vote 1b) |
National Arts Centre Corporation | For the 2021 edition of the biennal event "Zones théâtrales", which has a mandate to showcase professional theatre from Canadian francophone communities and the regions of Quebec. | 190,000 |
Canada Council for the Arts | To support multilateral cooperation on French-language theatre projects, as well as to ensure Canada's participation in meetings of the Commission internationale du théâtre francophone. | 127,000 |
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