Creative Export Strategy
What we do
The Creative Export Strategy helps Canadian creative industries maximize their export potential and stand out in the global market by providing:
- funding for export projects;
- opportunities to participate in trade missions and industry events abroad;
- export-related guidance and information;
- support in markets abroad to find and develop business opportunities.

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On this page
- Who the strategy supports
- How the strategy supports Canadian creative exporters
- Related links
- Contact us
Alternate format
About the Creative Export Strategy [PDF version - 1.05 MB]
Who the Strategy supports
Canadian for-profit companies and not-for-profit organizations operating in the following sectors:

Artistic craft

Performing arts



Visual art

Interactive digital media


How the Strategy supports Canadian creative exporters
Export-Ready Stream ($7 million per year)
One intake per year
Funding for export-ready projects that forecast generating export revenues. Eligible projects can receive up to $2.5 million in funding.
Funding supports activities such as:
- development or implementation of digital or other technologies related to the international discoverability and monetization of Canadian content
- international market access
- facilitating the movement of exports to international markets
- marketing and promotion
Export Development Stream ($4 million per year)
One intake per year
Funding for:
- new and early-stage exporters to build capacity and expand into international markets
- seasoned exporters to expand into new markets and build business networks
Eligible projects can receive up to $90,000 in funding per fiscal year.
Funding supports activities such as:
- export planning
- export training and mentorship
- international market readiness
- market development
A percentage of the program’s funding is dedicated to Indigenous Peoples and members of equity-deserving communities.
Trade missions and events
To help Canadian businesses and organizations meet potential partners and explore trade opportunities around the globe, Canadian Heritage:
- leads creative industries trade missions, which include market intelligence, networking opportunities with the local business community, and tailored business-to-business meetings
- strengthens business programming for Canadian delegates at sector-specific international creative industry events
Creative Export Navigator Service
Advisors provide free support through:
- export advice and guidance for new and early-stage exporters
- assistance navigating government programs and services with an export focus
- market research on key international trade destinations
Global Affairs Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service
The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) is a free service that supports the growth and internationalization of Canadian companies by helping them:
- prepare for international business
- find global opportunities and qualified contacts
- resolve business problems abroad
The TCS is available to support Canadian creative industries worldwide, including through dedicated officers located in key markets.
Related links
Stakeholder engagement
Learn more about how the CES engages with stakeholders, including through the Creative Exports Advisory Table.
Doing business with Indigenous creative industries in Canada
Guide: Doing business with Indigenous creative industries in Canada
Aimed at prospective international buyers and business partners, this guide contains helpful information on how to do business with First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities in ways that will foster more respectful and successful business relations.
Contact us
Department of Canadian HeritageCreative Export Strategy
25 Eddy Street
Gatineau (Québec)
J8X 4B5
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