Sustainable practice for heritage institutions

The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) has produced a number of resources, including guidelines, technical documents, design solutions and software tools that can help heritage institutions address issues related to sustainability. Further information is also under development through active research projects. This page provides a brief outline of relevant CCI work with further links to external resources.

CCI Notes and Technical Bulletins

Several CCI publications relate to energy and resource management in the operation of heritage facilities. Topics include passive control of relative humidity (RH) in enclosures, energy reduction with LED lighting and effective packaging of objects for transportation.

CCI tools, resources and services

Related CCI research

Several areas of CCI research seek to advance our knowledge of the relative risks to heritage collections and reduce the ecological footprint of facility operation. Topics range from broad geographic information system (GIS) analyses of many risk factors to the testing of specific material sensitivities in laboratory experiments.

External links

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