Energy Sustainability for Heritage Institutions

November 18 to 21, 2019

Canadian Conservation Institute
1030 Innes Road
Ottawa, Ontario  K1B 4S7

Application deadline
October 11, 2019

An advanced professional development (APD) workshop focusing on energy management for museums and other heritage facilities has been scheduled to take place from November 18 to November 21, 2019, at the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) in Ottawa.


In-person training. A one-day live webcast option also offered.

Stephen Dixon and Michel Parent, from the Canadian Institute for Energy Training (CIET), and staff from the CCI Preservation Services Division

Registration fees (HST included)

Workshop overview

Sustainability is an ever-growing focus for all types of institutions across the country. Institutions share many energy management issues; however, heritage facilities face the additional challenge of reducing the energy needed for collection storage, access and preservation. This APD is a three-and-a-half day course aimed at professionals who make energy management decisions and who are interested in learning about how to make their institutions more sustainable.

Day 1

The course will begin with an introductory conference day hosted by staff from the CCI Preservation Services Division. It will focus on several topics related to heritage facilities, including:

Days 2 and 3

Two instructors from the CIET, Stephen Dixon and Michel Parent, will offer a two-day customized CIET "Dollars to $ense" course at CCI. CIET specializes in energy management and energy efficiency training. The instructors will offer a practical, hands-on approach to developing energy management capacities in institutions. The course will focus on the following topics:

Day 4

The course will conclude with a half-day CIET energy hunt activity, which will be facilitated by Stephen Dixon at a local institution (location to be determined).


Stephen Dixon is a freelance energy consultant. As Principal of TdS Dixon Inc., he brings a practical, hands-on approach to developing energy management capacities for a broad range of institutional, commercial and industrial organizations. Stephen has accumulated more than 35 years of energy management experience, including more than 800 energy assessments and the facilitation of over 1,700 energy management workshops. He holds an M.A.Sc. in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Prince Edward Island.

Michel Parent specializes in energy efficiency in the commercial, institutional and industrial sectors. He has performed numerous audits across North America, which were used to develop long-term energy management plans. Since 1996, Michel has been a partner at Technosim, a consulting engineering firm specializing in energy efficiency. He holds a Bachelor's degree (Laval University, 1986) and a Master's degree (University of Waterloo, 1988, Solar Energy) in Mechanical Engineering.

Learning objectives

Participation options

First option

One-day conference in person (November 18, 2019)

Number of participants

The conference can accommodate up to 60 participants (including those registered for the full APD). Preference will be given to Canadian citizens.


CAN$250 (includes HST, lunch and refreshments)

How to apply

Please fill out our application form and select the correct participation option. Selection will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Second option

One-day conference via live webcast (November 18, 2019)

This option allows participants to see the conference live through a webcast at CCI. Participants will be able to see and hear presentations through WebEx, for which detailed instructions will be sent following registration and payment.

Number of participants

The webcast can accommodate up to 50 participants.


CAN$150 (includes HST)

How to apply

Please complete the application form and select the correct participation option. Selection will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Third option

Full three-and-a-half-day workshop in person (Monday, November 18, to Thursday, November 21, 2019)

A one-day conference followed by two days of practical training and a half-day activity at a local institution.

Number of participants

The workshop can accommodate up to 30 participants. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens.


CAN$750 (includes HST, lunch on the first three days and refreshments)
*Transportation costs to attend the workshop at CCI and to get to the local institution (day 4) are not included.

How to apply

Please complete the application form and select the correct participation option.

Selection will be based on the following criteria:

Applicants will be notified by October 18, 2019, of whether they have been accepted for the workshop. A waiting list will be established once the maximum number of participants has been reached.


Once your registration has been confirmed, you will be contacted by phone to process the payment, which is due no later than October 25, 2019. The payment will be processed in Canadian funds by credit card (American Express, MasterCard or VISA).

Canadian federal government employees must provide IS Reference Codes or a commitment number, department code and cost centre.


Requests to withdraw must be submitted in writing to CCI. Refunds will be issued according to the following schedule:

Exceptions to this refund policy may be made in the event of insurmountable difficulties in attending the workshop.


CCI reserves the right to cancel this workshop if the minimum enrolment requirement is not met 30 days prior to the event. In such cases, CCI will refund the full registration fee, but will not be responsible for any transportation, housing, loss of income, or other costs that may have been incurred by the participants.

Additional information

Please contact CCI if you require additional information.

Page details

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