RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario) – Adventures in Storage Reorganization
One-day conference
Date: March 27, 2015
Location: Market Square Mall, 1 Market Street, Brantford, Ontario
Conference aims
Recognizing that providing adequate storage has become one of the main challenges of running a museum, the aim of this conference is twofold:
- to share the progress of the six Ontario museums participating in the RE-ORG: Canada program, CCI's latest training initiative for storage reorganization, and of the RE-ORG Southeast Europe program; and
- to explore practical lessons learned from museums that have been involved in storage upgrade or reorganization projects of different scales.
It is by having honest discussions about the challenges we face that we may shed some light on solutions going forward.
Three days before the RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario) – Adventures in Storage Reorganization one-day conference, the RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario) participants worked together to reorganize a storage area at the Brant Museum & Archives. This exciting experience was presented at the conference. Participants also presented the challenges they were tackling in their own museums as they embarked on their project planning phase. In addition, guest speakers shared their experiences and lessons learned in storage reorganization or upgrade projects.
Video recordings of presentations
The presentations at the RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario) – Adventures in Storage Reorganization one-day conference were recorded so that they could be shared after the event. Below are links to online videos of each presentation.
- Welcome and Introduction, Simon Lambert, CCI, and Lana Jobe, Brant Museum & Archives
- The RE-ORG International Initiative; RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario), Simon Lambert, CCI
- RE-ORG: Southeast Europe; Reorganizing Storage at the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Azra Bečević-Šarenkapa, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario) condition reports, RE-ORG course participants
- Lambton Heritage Museum, Laurie Webb and Luke Stempien
- Timmins Museum, Karen Bachmann and Roxanne Collins
- Collingwood Museum, Susan Warner and Melissa Shaw
- West Parry Sound District Museum (Museum on Tower Hill), Nadine Hammond and Marianne Bourgeois
- Clarington Museums, Charles Taws
- Norfolk Arts Centre, Deirdre Chisholm and Carrie Kitzul
- Reorganizing a Storage Area in Three Days: Results of the Three-day Workshop RE-ORG: Canada (Ontario), Justin Butler, Brant Museum & Archives, and Karen Bachmann, Timmins Museum
- Managing a Capital Storage Upgrade Project: Pitfalls, Successes and Lessons Learned, Susan Neale, Peterborough Museum and Archives
- Imagine the Worst: Storage Design and Emergency Preparedness, Irene Karsten, CCI
- Cleaning House: Centralizing and Reorganizing Storage for the City of Hamilton's Historic House Museums, Roberta Sealy, City of Hamilton
- A Balancing Act: Preparing to Move, Store and Protect Parliament's Centre Block Art and Artefact Collections, Tania Mottus, CCI
- The Big Move: Lessons Learned in Deaccessioning for the Relocation of the Fanshawe Pioneer Village Permanent Collection, Shanna Dunlop, Fanshawe Pioneer Village
- Brant Museum & Archives, Brantford, Ontario
- ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property)
- Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade
- Ontario Museum Association
Additional information
Please contact CCI if you require additional information.
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