RE-ORG: Canada (Quebec) – Adventures in Storage Reorganization

One-day conference

Date: March 10, 2017
Location: Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, Montréal, Quebec

Conference aims

In recognition of the fact that providing adequate storage has become one of the main challenges of running a museum, the aim of this conference was threefold:

  1. to share the experiences of the three Quebec-based museums participating in the RE-ORG: Canada program, CCI’s five-year training program on storage reorganization;
  2. to share the outcomes of other national and international RE-ORG courses held in the Atlantic Region and in Belgium; and
  3. to explore practical lessons learned from museums that have been involved in storage upgrade or reorganization projects of different scopes.

By having honest discussions about the challenges we face, we hoped to shed some light on solutions going forward.

Video recordings of presentations

The presentations at the RE-ORG: Canada (Quebec) – Adventures in Storage Reorganization one-day conference were recorded. Below are links to online videos of each presentation (unless otherwise indicated, all videos are only available in French).
Full playlist 


Additional information

Please contact CCI if you require additional information.

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