COVID-19 update for offenders and their families: March 13, 2020
Fact sheet for inmates: Update on COVID-19
The safety of staff, offenders and our institutions is a priority for CSC.
COVID-19 is a new respiratory illness. It is spread through infected droplets (a sneeze or cough) or by touching an infected surface.
Symptoms include fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
If you have any of these symptoms, please see Health Services immediately. You will be assessed and given the necessary health care. You will be asked to self-isolate in your cell/room until health care can see you.
CSC has robust health services in its institutions and experience caring for patients with infectious diseases and respiratory illnesses.
We have protocols to deal with COVID-19 (hospital-grade cleaning products, enough food, water, medicine and other supplies).
Take the following steps to prevent the spread of infection:
wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
avoid contact with people who are sick
cough or sneeze into your sleeve
We recommend that you get the flu shot. Ask Health Services about it.
To ensure your ongoing safety, all visits to inmates are being suspended and we will reassess in ten (10) days. Visits may still occur by telephone or video visitation with approved visitors.