COVID-19 update for offenders and their families: August 6, 2020

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC’s) Commissioner.

We are making good progress in safely resuming a number of activities under new health and safety measures. This includes physical distancing of at least two meters, wearing masks to protect each other, frequent hand washing, and making sure spaces are kept clean and disinfected. Our priority is to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in our institutions and I appreciate the efforts each of you are making. Below is an overview of what’s new.

As you are aware, chaplaincy services have been reinstated. We are expanding these services to further support you. We will soon resume both group activities and one-on-one sessions.

We are planning to resume previously approved escorted temporary absences, unescorted temporary absences, work releases and private family visits. These will resume in communities identified as being at a low-moderate risk of COVID-19 transmission. Public health measures will be in place, including the need to self-isolate for a period of 14 days following a private family visit or an overnight stay.

As you may be aware, CSC delivers victim-offender mediation services through its Restorative Opportunities (RO) program, based on the values and principles of restorative justice. This activity was recently approved to resume, in three phases. The program will start by giving priority to time-sensitive cases and those assessed as ready to move forward to a face-to-face mediation before the pandemic. For example, if you are approaching your warrant expiry date (WED) or a conditional release, you may be considered as a priority.

Reintegration Workers will also begin delivering some interventions, and Employment Coordinators and Indigenous Liaison Officers will resume work in the institutions and community. All spaces will be cleaned between in-person interventions in accordance with national standards. Cultural activities, hobbies and crafts will also start again in small groups and with a limited number of participants at the same time. 

COVID-19 is a highly transmittable virus that can spread through droplets from person-to-person and through contact with contaminated surfaces. It is also one of the easiest types of viruses to kill through proper cleaning using the appropriate disinfectant. When the pandemic hit, CSC developed enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols as part of our infection prevention and control efforts. We continue to update this guidance and cleaning directives, and communicate it to staff. This includes improved direction on cleaning cells, washrooms and other common areas for your safety. I encourage you to keep your spaces clean as we all have a role to play in prevention.

We will continue to keep you informed weekly on the latest developments. Thank you for your cooperation.

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