COVID-19 update for offenders and their families: September 14, 2020

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC’s) Commissioner.

I hope you had a good week. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation in provinces across the country. Currently, there are no cases of COVID-19 among inmates in any of our 43 institutions.

I want to provide you with some information on what we do when we suspect that someone may have the virus or tests positive, including any of our employees. We have protocols in place to take immediate action to reduce any spread in our institutions. This includes medical isolation (at home, if it is an employee), which is similar to how individuals are required to quarantine in communities. We also work closely with public health to conduct contact tracing to find the source of transmission and monitor close contacts of a positive case, which can lead to additional actions and testing, as required.

CSC has been rolling out broader COVID-19 testing in our institutions. We are focusing on areas identified as higher risk, based on the amount of COVID-19 circulating in those communities. This helps with early detection, including cases where an individual may be asymptomatic (not yet have symptoms). To date, we have offered testing to everyone at over 20 of our institutions. We continue to implement broader testing at other sites as well, as needed. If you are offered a test, please consider participating as more information helps us take appropriate actions to protect everyone.

Over past months, we have also had infection prevention experts review how we are doing things at each of our institutions. These reviews have allowed us to implement recommendations to enhance our prevention measures in a variety of areas – from cleaning to supplies, and guidance and training on personal protective equipment. As the situation evolves and we learn more about the virus, we will continue to adapt our measures in line with the latest public health advice and science.

We continue to look at ways we can safely increase access to additional activities at our sites. Starting next Monday, September 14, we will resume on-site dietitian clinics, using a combination of in-person services and videoconferencing.

CORCAN continues to produce products directly related to the COVID-19 response, based on their set up and capacity. These include disposable masks, washable masks, gowns, bed linens, bath linens, clothing, pillows, and mattresses. CORCAN is also developing other products such as a new washable mask with clear front panel to allow visibility of a person’s mouth to facilitate communication.

Also, as part of the CORCAN agriculture program, last Wednesday, Collins Bay Institution in Ontario welcomed Olive, the first dairy calf born on the farm since the program re-opened at that site. In June 2019, six dairy cows were purchased to provide offenders with the opportunity to work with livestock. Thank you to everyone who is involved in these different initiatives.

Thank you very much for your ongoing your cooperation. Stay safe.

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