COVID-19 update for offenders and their families: November 20, 2020

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC’s) Commissioner.

I want to thank you for continuing to adapt to the changes we have made at our facilities over the last eight months, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As public health experts predicted, we are now seeing a second wave or rise in COVID-19 cases across the country. Unfortunately, last week we had positive cases related to a few of our institutions: Edmonton Institution for Women and Edmonton Institution in Alberta, Stony Mountain in Manitoba, and Drummond in Quebec. We are monitoring the situation closely and working closely with public health and the Canadian Red Cross to ensure we have the most effective infection prevention and control measures in place.  

It is more important than ever that you continue to follow the health and safety measures in place at your site. Please continue to wear your mask, wash or sanitize your hands often, keep, and avoid crowding by maintaining a physical distance with others as much as possible. I know these things are not always easy to do, but layers of protection are important to keep yourself and others from getting sick.

Our focus in on preventing and containing any spread of the virus. The best way to ensure COVID-19 does not spread is to know if you have it or not. The only way to know for sure is to get tested. I encourage you to be tested even if you feel fine, as it is possible to have the virus and be contagious before you have symptoms. Knowing the amount of cases we are dealing with also helps us to contain it sooner and resume activities within the institution more quickly.  

We have been working with the Public Health Agency of Canada to implement rapid testing for COVID-19 in our institutions. We have already used the rapid testing devices at Stony Mountain Institution and Drummond Institution. Nurses have been trained to use the device and it gives us results in around 15 minutes. This is one more measure to help us rapidly identify and contain COVID-19 within our institutions. We will be receiving more rapid testing devices in the coming weeks and will roll them out across the country.

Victims and Survivors of Crime Week is coming up from November 22 to 28. CSC provides victims with the information they need to have an effective voice in the federal correctional system. During this week, it is an opportunity to reflect on the impacts that crime can have on victims and their families. CSC offers a Restorative Opportunities program. It is available to you and victims as a way to promote dialogue and healing. Talk to your case management team if you would like more information.

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