COVID-19 update for offenders and their families: August 26, 2021

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC’s) Commissioner.

Why get vaccinated against COVID-19?

Many of you have already received your two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 through a complete COVID-19 two-dose vaccine is very important. Thank you for doing your part - it is making a huge difference. We are now at 73% of inmates that are fully vaccinated. With your help, let’s get closer to 100%.

There is currently a Delta variant of the virus, which causes more infections and spreads faster than earlier forms of the virus. It might cause more severe illness than previous strains in unvaccinated people. Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus, as well as reduces your risk of serious illness, hospitalization or death from COVID-19.  

Here is some helpful information on why you should get the vaccine:

COVID-19 vaccines are safe:

COVID-19 vaccines are effective:

COVID-19 vaccination is the best way to help build your protection:

The health care system is currently overwhelmed with many treatments and surgeries being postponed. Doing our part helps those in need get the care they require by reducing the burden on our health care system.

I urge you to get vaccinated. Vaccines work, and paired with other public health measures, remain our best defence.  If you have any questions about the vaccine, speak to Health Services today! 

"You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice."
– Author unknown

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