Commissioner's update for offenders and their families: April 14, 2023

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Commissioner.

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, April 16 to 22, we thank the thousands of volunteers who dedicate their time to support you. The volunteers in your support network can help contribute to your rehabilitation and reintegration. Thank you to those of you who contributed art and poetry to thank volunteers! If you are interested in getting a copy of the art and poetry or finding out more about how you can work with CSC volunteers, talk to your social program officer or your case management team. 

This important week also includes an Appreciation Day for Citizen Advisory Committees, who meet with offenders in fulfilling their mandate to:

on our operations. We also recognize members of our Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committees, who provide valuable advice to CSC on:

for ethnocultural offenders.

Every institution has an Inmate Committee that represents the interests of the institution’s residents. These committees are an opportunity for you to give input about institutional operations. It makes recommendations to the warden or institutional head on decisions affecting the inmate population. Committees can also propose new projects or activities that will benefit inmates and institutional operations. These suggestions should contribute to a safe and secure environment.

The committees are intended to reflect the incarcerated population in all areas of the institution, including Structured Intervention Units. As well, they should reflect the:

background of the population. The committees fall under Commissioner’s Directive–83 and are intended to assist in rehabilitation and reintegration. If you are interested in more information about, or in joining, an Inmate Committee, please submit your name to your social program officer or the liaison for the committee.

I wish a Happy Orthodox Easter, or Pascha, to those celebrating on Sunday, April 16.  

Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong. - Mahatma Gandhi

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