List of Personal Information Banks
A personal information bank (PBI) is a description of personal information that is organized and retrievable by a person's:
- name or
- by an identifying:
- number
- symbol or
- other particular assigned only to that person
The personal information described in a personal information bank has been used, is being used, or is available for an administrative purpose and is under the control of a government institution.
The personal information banks outlined in this section describe personal information about members of the general public that is contained in Correctional Service Canada (CSC) records.
Admission and discharge
This bank contains admission and discharge records and data on the personal effects of incoming and outgoing offenders. It may also contain any operational information in this area that may be required by CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To compile an inventory listing of an offender's cell and stored effects, monies and securities, valuables and other important documents.
Consistent uses
This bank assists in the processing of claims against the Crown and in accessing the personal effects of offenders. Personal information may be shared with all levels of government for the administration of such matters as transfers, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services, for the purpose of applying the Immigration Act, and for monitoring, and/or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 050 | 001075 | CSC PPU 025 |
This bank contains records on claims by and against the Crown, and debt due to and against the Crown, including the nature of the claim and settlement transactions that may result.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To document all claims involving the Crown and federal offenders.
Consistent uses
This bank is used to assess the validity of claims and to determine monetary settlements for compensation.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained for 6 fiscal years after all actions relating to the settlement of the claim have been taken and then they are destroyed.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
99/004 | CSC CDS 020 | 002675 | CSC PPU 120 |
Case management
This bank contains records, data and sensitive information on all offenders under the responsibility of Correctional Service Canada, such as release programs, applications submitted by an offender as well as notifications given to an offender on case management matters. It may contain information provided under expressed or implied confidentiality related to the offender's conduct, such as routine police reports, community investigations and information of a general investigative nature. This bank also holds any operational information in this area that may be required by CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes. This bank includes information on those offenders who are participating or who have participated in the Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP). The EMP is an additional supervision strategy that allows certain offenders to wear and electronic monitoring device to ensure compliance with their release conditions.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To provide documentation to assist in the case management process for the offender and the decision-making process for parole and to record requests and events of short-term significance, such as escorted temporary absence permit, application for transfer (offender), etc.
Consistent uses
This bank is used in the day-to-day management of offenders and in the decision-making process for determining the type of institution in which an offender should be incarcerated and the type of custody, the type and number of escorts required in cases of temporary absences or transfer, plans and progress in regard to preparation for release. Information may be shared with victims or potential victims of offenders, private after-care agencies, government institutions at all levels including foreign governments for the administration of matters such as transfers, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services, for the purposes of applying the Immigration Act, and for monitoring and/or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 050 | 003195 | CSC PPU 042 |
Case management: Institution A
Only those individuals who served time under the jurisdiction of CSC before the conversion of the case management records system that was gradually introduced since 1991, can have information on the Case Management: Institution A Bank (CSC PPU 035).
Class of individuals
Individuals who have been incarcerated in a federal institution prior to 1992.
To assist in the case management process for the offender.
Consistent uses
This bank is used in the decision-making process for determining the type of institution in which an offender should be incarcerated and the type of custody; the type and number of escorts required in cases of temporary absences or transfer; plans and progress in regard to preparation for release. Information may be shared with victims or potential victims of offenders, private after-care agencies, government institutions at all levels including foreign governments for the administration of matters such as transfers, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services; for the purposes of applying the Immigration Act; and for monitoring and/or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 050 | 001077 | CSC PPU 035 |
Case management: Institution B
Only those individuals who served time under the jurisdiction of CSC before the conversion of the case management records system that was gradually introduced since 1991, can have information on the Case Management: Institution B Bank (CSC PPU 040).
Class of individuals
Individuals who have been incarcerated in a federal institution prior to 1992.
To record requests and events of short-term significance, such as escorted temporary absence permit, performance notice, application for transfer (offenders), etc.
Consistent uses
This bank is used in the day-to-day management of offenders. Information may also be shared with victims or potential victims of offenders; information may also be shared for the purposes of applying the Immigration Act; and for monitoring and/or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 050 | 001078 | CSC PPU 040 |
Case management: Community
This bank contains records and data on an offender's release programs as well as background information on his/her incarceration, if the offender was incarcerated prior to 1992. It may contain information provided under expressed or implied confidentiality related to the offender's conduct, such as routine police reports, community investigations and information of a general investigative nature. This bank also encompasses any operational information in this area that may be required by CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution; or individuals who belong(ed) to a provincial jurisdiction but whose case preparation and supervision are (were) effected by Correctional Service Canada (Example: provincial offenders serving time in Nova Scotia).
To provide documentation to assist in the decision-making process for parole.
Consistent uses
This bank is used in the preparation of penitentiary placement and release. Information may be shared with victims or potential victims of offenders, private after-care agencies, government institutions at all levels including foreign governments for the administration of matters such as transfers, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services; for the purposes of applying the Immigration Act; and for monitoring and/or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 050 | 001076 | CSC PPU 030 |
Discipline and dissociation
This bank contains discipline and dissociation records and data on disciplinary measures taken against the offender as a result of breaches of institutional regulations, or irregularities. It also encompasses any operational information in this area that may be required by CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To document disciplinary measures taken against an offender
Consistent uses
To assist in the decision-making process for parole, temporary absence and transfer applications as well as in sentence calculation.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 130 CSC COP 390 |
001079 | CSC PPU 045 |
Education and training
This bank contains education and training records and data created while an offender is incarcerated in an institution. It also encompasses any operational information in this area that may be required by CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
The purpose of this bank is to document the education and training progress of an offender.
Consistent uses
The information is used to monitor an offender's education and training progress. Information may be shared with the private sector, other federal departments/agencies, and provincial, regional and municipal levels of government in areas such as corrections, social services, health, education and employment.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until an offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to the Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 140 | 001080 | CSC PPU 050 |
Employer programs
This bank contains records on individuals, groups, agencies or firms who are involved in creating work opportunities for offenders, such as joint venture projects, or who wish to obtain goods produced and/or services provided by offenders.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are involved in creating work opportunities for offenders.
It is used to manage offender employment programs, to record their expenditures and revenues, to market offender goods and services and to provide statistical and other data about these programs.
Consistent uses
This information is used to process the creation of employment opportunities for offenders or to obtain employment products or services. This data allow the monitoring of offender employment programs and the marketing of their products and services, and can be shared with individuals, groups, agencies or firms who are involved in such programs.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Retained for six years. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
2004-015 | CSC COP 500 | 003349 | CSC PPU 095 |
This bank contains records and data on an offender's employment within the institution and the community. It also encompasses any operational information in this area that may be required by CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To evaluate and assess an offender's progress and employability.
Consistent uses
To monitor and evaluate employment and pay progress. Information may be shared with the private sector, other federal departments/agencies, provincial, regional and municipal levels of government in areas such as corrections, social services, health, education and employment, and for monitoring and/or investigating recipients of socials benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 040 CSC COP 230 |
001081 | CSC PPU 055 |
Inmate trust fund: Current and savings accounts
This bank describes information that is used to establish and administer an Inmate Trust Fund for each inmate, consisting of a current account and a savings account. The fund is credited with moneys received from inmates at the time of incarceration, on the inmate's behalf while the inmate is in custody, inmate pay, net of earnings of inmates from the sales of crafts or other custom work, or the proceeds of an approved inmate owned business as well as interest. The current account can be used for the inmate's everyday expenditures, such as canteen items, telephone calls, hobby craft, temporary absences and family assistance. The savings account is not for regular withdrawals or purchases, but rather to save money for approved expenditures and eventual release. Personal information may include name, FPS (Finger Print System) number, information on the inmate's accounts and related financial transactions. The Fund may also record the names and contact information of other individuals who contribute to an inmate's account (spouse, relatives, friends, etc.). The bank also collects information about inmate pay (i.e. net earnings) that is described in institution-specific personal information bank, Offender Program Assignments and Payments: CSC PPU 055.
Class of individuals
Inmates and other individuals who contribute to an inmate's fund.
Personal information is collected under the authority of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA), the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations and relevant Commissioner's Directives and is used to manage inmate money and inmate pay to ensure that inmate financial transactions are properly authorized and recorded and that adequate financial information and support is provided to inmates to answer questions on transactions and account balances. The information is also used to ensure that receipt, transfers and disbursements of funds are administered in compliance with the CCRA and relevant CSC policies and directives.
Consistent uses
To control and monitor the flow of money in institutions to ensure the safety of persons and the security of the penitentiary and to establish Inmate Welfare Funds for the purpose of contributing to the welfare of inmates collectively or for recognized charitable purposes outside the institution. Inmates' account information may be disclosed between institutions when inmates are transferred to other institutions. Money credited to an offender is released either by Departmental Bank Account cheque or Receiver General cheque. The information may also be disclosed to the institution's Security Intelligence Officer (SIO) or to police agencies for verifying the legitimacy of funds where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that money from an outside source may involve illicit activity. In addition, personal information may be disclosed to government institutions at all levels including foreign governments for the administration of matters such as transfers, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services, for the purposes of applying the Immigration Act, and for monitoring or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
The information may also be used and/or disclosed for evaluation and reporting purposes.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
1999/004 2004/015 |
CSC COP 040 CSC COP 230 |
20110210 | CSC PPU 0860 |
Note: The systems used to administer the inmate related financial transactions include the:
- Inmate Accounting System (IAS)
- Inmate Telephone System (ITS)
- Integrated Financial and Materiel Management System (IFMMS)
- Canteen Point of Sale System (POS)
International transfers
This bank, located at National Headquarters, contains applications for transfer, offender personal data, family data, citizenship data, case histories, offence data, sentence data, warrants of committal and confirmation of judgement. It may also contain other documents specifically required by individual countries.
Class of individuals
Canadians who are or have been incarcerated abroad or foreign offenders who are incarcerated in a Canadian federal institution and have requested a transfer to their country of origin.
To provide documentation in order to assist and support the decision- making process for international transfers.
Consistent uses
This bank is used to prepare international transfer cases. Information may be shared with the Department of Justice, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
The records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
Mother Child Program
This bank permits the storage and retrieval of records and data on a woman offender's participation in the Mother Child Program while ensuring the rights of children and information concerning children involved in the program are protected. These records are used to document the participation of the woman and her child(ren) in the Mother Child Program and will follow the offender through incarceration and into the community.
Class of individuals
Women who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution as well as their children who participate in the program.
To maintain a record of the mother and her child(ren)'s participation in the Mother Child Program.
Consistent uses
These records are used to document the participation of the offender and her child(ren) in the Mother Child Program and will follow the offender through incarceration and into the community. They include documents that address application to, participation in and/or termination of the program, all operational, security and program aspects of the woman and her child(ren)'s participation in the program, Parenting Agreements, case reviews, health information on the child, information from outside sources (e.g. child welfare agencies), etc.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
This bank is retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or 5 years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is the longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC WOS 010 | 005332 | CSC PPU 096 |
Offender grievances
This bank, at the different levels, contains complaints and grievances presented by offenders; receipt notices and replies by management; legal opinions; investigation and analysis; and all correspondence related to a grievance.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution and who have presented a grievance.
The purpose of this bank is to record information used in the grievance process at all levels.
Consistent uses
Information contained in this bank is used to accommodate and, where possible, resolve grievances at all levels in the grievance process. Personal information may be used for program management purposes and for purposes of research, planning, evaluation, statistics and audit purposes. Information contained in this bank may also be shared with members of CSC Boards of Investigation, or health care professionals designated by such Boards for the purpose of conducting investigations pursuant to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Individual case files created at the initial level are to be kept two years after settlement then destroyed. Individual case files created at the final level are to be kept five years after decision, then transferred to Library and Archives Canada for historical purposes.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
2004-015 | CSC CDS 020 | 001584 | CSC PPU 082 |
Offender health care
Information created in this bank is currently held in the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for the offenders. Prior to the implementation of the EMR this information was kept in a paper medical file; therefore some offenders may have a hybrid file with some of the information in the EMR and historical information in the paper file. Any use made of or access to this information is permitted only within the strict guidelines, medical confidentiality and Canadian legislation that protects private medical information. This bank contains records on the health care provide to an offender within the federal institution and the community. The bank contain health care histories, screenings and assessments, health education and teaching, immunizations, test results and interpretations, clinical diagnoses, medical and clinical recommendations and treatments provided.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
The bank is used for treatment purposes, and to record and respond to offender health care problems such as illness or injury.
Consistent uses
Certain health care records are used for research, evaluation and training purposes, but no decisions directly affecting the individual result from these uses. Aggregate or unidentifiable information may also be shared with the private sector in the areas of health and social services, and with the public sector in the areas of health and social services, the Employment Accident Compensation Program and corrections. Information contained in this bank may also be shared with members of CSC Boards of Investigations, or health care professionals designated by such Boards, for the purpose of conducting investigations pursuant to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act. Health information contained in this bank will only be shared as per CSC policy, professional codes of conduct and Canadian law.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until ten years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. However, with respect to x-ray films, these records are retained, at the institution of taking, for a minimum of five calendar years. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 / 94/020 | CSC HS 7000 CSC HS 7010 CSC HS 7030 CSC HS 7050 CSC HS 7060 CSC HS 7070 CSC HS 7080 CSC HS 7090 CSC HS 7110 |
003345 | CSC PPU 060 |
Offender information
This bank, located at National Headquarters, contains administrative records of a general nature and background information on all aspects of an offender's incarceration in a federal institution. It may contain copies of correspondence retained on other offender banks at the institutional level.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution and have written correspondence to the Minister or the Commissioner.
To provide documentation to assist in the decision-making process for sentence management, institutional program planning and release on parole.
Consistent uses
This bank is used to prepare departmental correspondence.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained for five years after last action is complete. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
71/023 | CSC COP 050 CSC COP 130 CSC COP 140 CSC COP 230 CSC COP 390 CSC COP 420 CSC COP 480 CSC HS 7050 CSC HS 7060 CSC HS 7070 CSC HS 7080 CSC HS 7090 |
002674 | CSC PPU 115 |
Preventive security
This bank contains records, such as incident reports, police intelligence reports, criminal profiles, modus operandi and any other data related to incidents. Documents may contain personal information relating to offence history, criminal activity, the use of drugs and/or contraband, security treat group (STG) affiliation, STG participation, associates, other offenders, acquaintances, friends and victim information.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To prevent, reduce and control various incidents. These records are also used to assist in the classification, transfer and special handling of dangerous offenders.
Consistent uses
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
The records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 390 | 002685 | CSC PPU 065 |
Psychiatric treatment centres
Information in this bank is held in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for the offenders. Therefore, any use made of or access to that information is permitted only within the strict guidelines, medical confidentiality and Canadian legislation that protects private medical information. This bank contains records on an offender's psychiatric health care within the federal psychiatric treatment centre, the treatment provided and related information. The dockets contain health care histories, test results and interpretations, treatment provided and related information. The federal psychiatric treatment centres are: the Regional Treatment Centre at Dorchester Penitentiary (Atlantic Region), the Mental Health Regional Centre at Archambault Institution (Quebec Region), the Regional Treatment Centre (Ontario Region), the Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairies Region), and the Regional Treatment Centre (Pacific Region).
Class of individuals
Individuals who are, or have been, incarcerated in a federal psychiatric treatment centre.
This bank is used for treatment purposes and to record offenders' mental health problems while incarcerated in a Treatment Centre facility.
Consistent uses
The information recorded in this bank can be used for the transfer of the offender to a provincial psychiatric treatment centre after the last warrant expiry date. Information may also be shared with the private sector, and with the public sector in the areas of health, social services and corrections. Information contained in this bank may also be shared with members of CSC Boards of Investigations, or health care professionals designated by such Boards, for the purpose of conducting investigations pursuant to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC HS 7080 | 001585 | CSC PPU 061 |
Information in this bank is held in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for the offenders. Prior to the implementation of the EMR, this information was kept in the Psychology Files of the offenders. Therefore, any use made of or access to that information is permitted only within the strict guidelines, medical confidentiality and Canadian legislation that protects private medical information. This bank contains records on an offender's mental health care within the federal institution and the community, as well as the treatment provided and related information. The dockets contain health care histories, test results and interpretations, treatment provided and related information. Information filed on the psychiatric docket includes, although not exclusively, all documentation prepared on an offender to determine if there is a requirement to transfer the subject to a psychiatric treatment centre.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To provide a psychological profile of an offender and to determine any treatment required.
Consistent uses
The bank contains individual program and treatment plans of offenders that assist in the classification of the offender and document the offender's progress toward treatment goals by monitoring the psychological treatment received. Information may be used for program management purposes and for purposes of research, planning, evaluation, statistics and audit purposes. Information may be shared with the private sector, other federal departments and other levels of government in the areas of corrections and social services, health care, education and employment. Information contained in this bank may also be shared with members of CSC Boards of Investigation, or health care professionals designated by such Boards for the purpose of conducting investigations pursuant to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC HS 7090 | 001082 | CSC PPU 070 |
Record suspensions
When an offender is granted a record suspension under the Criminal Records Act, all personal information banks pertaining to that individual are segregated from the regular records holdings and are not disclosed for any purpose unless the record suspension is revoked and the records are returned to the regular records holdings.
Class of individuals
Individuals who have been incarcerated in a federal institution or supervised by a federal parole office and have been granted a record suspension.
The purpose of this bank is to store and protect records of record suspensions granted under the Criminal Records Act.
Consistent uses
These records cannot be used and disclosed for any purpose without the prior approval of the Minister of Public Safety who must be satisfied that the disclosure is for the administration of justice or supports public safety.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
The records are normally retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 050 CSC COP 130 CSC COP 140 CSC COP 230 CSC COP 390 CSC COP 420 CSC COP 480 CSC HS 7050 CSC HS 7060 CSC HS 7070 CSC HS 7080 CSC HS 7090 |
002121 | CSC PPU 110 |
Sentence management
This bank contains records and data related to the administration and management of an offender's sentence such as warrants of committals, court orders, sentence computation and transfer warrants and other warrants such as suspension warrants. records of earned remission, sentence computation and transfer warrant. It also encompasses any operational information in this area that may be required by the CSC to carry out its mandate under the relevant statutes.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution.
To ensure that policies and procedures on the administration of the offender's sentence are followed.
Consistent uses
To control the administration and legal documents pertaining to an offender's incarceration. Information may be shared with victims or potential victims of offenders, private after-care agencies, government institutions at all levels including foreign governments for the administration of matters such as transfers, extradition, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services, for the purposes of applying the Immigration Act, and for monitoring and/or investigating recipients of social benefits such as educational, social welfare and unemployment insurance benefits allocated by municipal, provincial or federal departments.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 420 | 001083 | CSC PPU 075 |
Victim-offender mediation
This bank describes information that is about individuals who have requested and provided consent for victim-offender mediation services. It contains information such as the names and contact information of victims and offenders, as well as, information on the offender's sentence and background information on his/her incarceration. It may also contain correspondence between CSC staff and participants, as well as, written correspondence and videos from message exchanges between participants. Details of the offence against a victim and some victim information such as contact information or other information directly related to the offence could also be present in this bank. All information held in this bank is held in separate files by the Restorative Justice Unit at NHQ. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, credit information, criminal checks/history, date of birth, date of death, educational information, medical information, other identification numbers, physical attributes, place of birth, place of death and signature.
Class of individuals
Individuals who have requested to participate or are participating in CSC's victim-offender mediation program including, but not exclusively, individuals who are recognized victims of crime as defined in section 2 of the CCRA and individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution and / or supervised by a federal parole office.
The personal information is used to administer the Restorative Opportunities program and provide services for the program of victim-offender mediation activity. Personal information is collected pursuant to Corrections and Conditional Release Act which provides CSC with the authority to develop programs to assist offenders in their rehabilitation and reintegration and recognizes the rights of victims. CSC has Commissioner's Directives (CDs) that provide direction on areas prescribed by the CCRA and on fundamental areas of corrections that require consistent application. The Restorative Opportunities Program has developed CD 785 Restorative Opportunities Program and Victim-Offender Mediation Services.
Consistent uses
The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, safety, security and evaluation.
Retention and disposal standards
Non-historical records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date of the offender, whichever occurs last. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
Under development | CSC COP 010 | 20110398 | CSC PPU 200 |
This bank contains correspondence exchanges between the Correctional Service Canada and victims harmed by offenders who are serving (or have served) a federal sentence. The bank contains the names and contact information of victims who request information about the offender(s) who harmed them in accordance with section 26 of the Correctional and Conditional Release Act (CCRA), as well as victims who are eligible to receive information under subsection 745.6(2.8) of the Criminal Code. This bank records correspondence containing CSC's provision of information to victims who meet the definition of 'victim' as defined in subsections 2(2), 2(3) and 26(3) of the CCRA and as required by subsection 745.6(2.8) of the Criminal Code, as well as information received from victims. In addition, this bank may contain extremely sensitive information that, if revealed, could endanger the safety of one or more individuals.
Class of individuals
Individuals who request offender information including, but not exclusively, victims of crime as defined in subsections 2(1), 2(3) and 26(3) of the CCRA and as required by subsection 745.6(2.8) of the Criminal Code.
This information is used to administer the provision of information to victims of crime in accordance with section 26 of the CCRA and subsection 745.6(2.8) of the Criminal Code and to manage information provided by victims. It also provides enhanced protection for the storage and handling of extremely sensitive information (Protected B and C).
Consistent Uses
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information, as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Non-historical records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date of the offender, whichever occurs last. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 475 | 005389 | CSC PPU 135 |
Visits and correspondence
This bank contains records and data on an offender's visits and correspondence, such as applications for participation in visiting programs, declaration of common-law union, and listing of visitors.
Class of individuals
Individuals who are or have been incarcerated in a federal institution and individuals who have visited or corresponded with them.
To administer the offender's visits and correspondence privileges.
Consistent uses
To control the entrance of visitors or contraband into an institution. Information may be shared with victims or potential victims of offenders, private after-care agencies, other government institutions at all levels including foreign governments for the administration of matters such as transfers, employment, education, corrections, health care and social services.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Records are retained until the offender reaches 70 years of age or until five years after the last warrant expiry date, whichever is longest. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
96/048 | CSC COP 480 | 001084 | CSC PPU 080 |
This bank contains records of individuals offering their services on a voluntary basis. Information includes addresses, telephone numbers, biographies, resumes, and security clearances, training.
Class of individuals
Individuals (excluding offenders) who are, or have been, volunteers.
The personal information is issued to administer the Volunteer Program and management of volunteer efforts within CSC operational units.
Consistent uses
It is used to maintain an inventory of volunteers, and to monitor and control volunteers' activities and achievements.
Additional information provides information about other possible uses or disclosures of personal information as well as for more information about personal information sharing.
Retention and disposal standards
Retained for five years. Historical records are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
Reference numbers
RDA number | Related record number | TBS registration | Bank number |
2004-015 | CSC CCE 080 | 003348 | CSC PPU 090 |
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