2011-2012 Departmental Performance Report
Correctional Service Canada
The Honourable Vic Toews, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety
Table of Contents
Section I: Organizational Overview
- 1.1 Raison d'ĂȘtre and Responsibilities
- 1.2 Strategic Outcome and Program Activity Architecture (PAA)
- 1.3 Organizational Priorities
- 1.4 Risk Analysis
- 1.5 Summary of Performance
- 1.6 Expenditure Profile
- 1.7 Estimates by Vote
Section II: Analysis of Program Activities by Strategic Outcome
1 http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/about-us/index-eng.shtml
2 http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/about-us/index-eng.shtml
3 Report on Government of Canada Online Consultations on Linguistic Duality and Official Languages, 2009-03-31. http://www.pch.gc.ca/pc-ch/conslttn/lo-ol_2008/index-eng.cfm,
Canadians in Context - Aboriginal Population.http://www4.hrsdc.gc.ca/.3ndic.1t.4r@-eng.jsp?iid=36, and
Canada Year Book. http://www41.statcan.gc.ca/2009/10000/cybac10000_000-eng.htm
4 Offenders are released according to various provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act. Some offenders are released by law, whereas others are released as a result of the decision-making authority of the Parole Board Canada.
5 Treasury Board Secretariat, http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rpp/2011-2012/index-eng.asp?acr=1761
6 The Planned Spending amount will be updated to better align with CSC's approved allocation model. As a result, the variance between the Planned Spending and the Actual Spending should significantly decrease in future years.
7 The variance is mainly due to centrally-managed activities such as Information Management & Information Technology. CSC does not reallocate these costs on a prorated basis by activities.
8 The only sunset initiative over this timeframe is approximately $1M for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) that will end in fiscal year 2014-15.
9 http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/recgen/txt/72-eng.html
10 The explanation for the variances is presented in Section 1.5, Summary of Performance.
11 The explanation for the variances is presented in Section 1.5, Summary of Performance.
12 The explanation for the variances is presented in Section 1.5, Summary of Performance.
13 The explanation for the variances is presented in Section 1.5, Summary of Performance.
14 http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pblct/dpr/2011-2012/iae-vie-eng.shtml
15 http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pblct/dpr/2011-2012/rnr-srd-eng.shtml
16 http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/pblct/dpr/2011-2012/uf-fu-eng.shtml
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