FAQ: Travel and Work Abroad
Note: This page has been archived and is no longer in use. For the most up-to-date COVID-19 FAQs, please consult the new Defence Team COVID-19 FAQs web page.
Will Defence Team personnel employed on exchange to other nations adopt the same protocols with respect to PHMs and the wearing of PPE?
Defence Team personnel employed on exchange to other nations shall comply with PHM and PPE protocols as prescribed by their host nations, but not less than those prescribed by DND/CAF as a minimum.
What is the current DND/CAF travel guidance?
Defence Team members can find detailed information regarding traveling restrictions in the CDS/DM Directive on DND/CAF Operating and Reconstituting in a Persistent COVID-19 Environment and related CANFORGENS (only accessible via the DWAN).
Defence Team work and duty-related travel may be approved through the pre-COVID-19 pandemic process provided that the starting, destination and any countries transited do not restrict such travel. Members are required to adhere to the nation’s public health measures and restrictions.
How should CAF members proceed with house hunting during posting season?
Members should consult CANFORGEN 036/22 and CANFORGEN 037/22 (only accessible via the DWAN) when planning House Hunting Trips (HHT) or Destination Inspection Trips (DIT). Currently, there are no domestic travel limitations which preclude relocating CAF members and their dependants from conducting HHTs or DITs. However, it is noted that this situation could change rapidly depending on the course of the pandemic. If you have concerns about moving during posting season, please reach out to your chain of command to discuss your personal situation.
How will the CAF catch up on training and recruitment backlogs that occurred due to COVID?
According to the latest CDS/DM Directive, the continuation of training and recruiting remain top priorities for CAF, and plans continue to develop for the conduct of these activities in a latent COVID-19 environment. At this time, it is not possible to know the extent of the impact that COVID-19 will have on Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) recruitment and training but the CAF has adapted to virtual training, where possible, and has rigorously applied the layered risk mitigation strategy and Public Health Agency of Canada guidelines to recruitment and training activities. The implications of deferred training and recruitment are being assessed and careful planning and preparations are ongoing to ensure that personnel, resources, and equipment are ready. Every effort is being made to ensure the CAF/DND workforce is safe while making progress where possible on critical activities like recruitment and training.
If an employee travelled overseas for personal reasons and test positive before their return and are in isolation overseas, can they use annual leave for that situation?
If an employee chooses to travel during their vacation, to affected areas contrary to public health advice or government travel advisories, and are required to self-isolate overseas, they must advise their manager of their intentions as soon as possible. In cases where remote work is not possible, the employee will be required to use what leave is available to them during the self-isolation period. “Other leave with pay” (699) will not be available for reasons where an employee voluntarily chooses to travel and will be required to self-isolate on return.
With QR codes being dropped, when will the unvaccinated be allowed back on CAF bases or into CAF armouries?
Anyone who is not a member of the CAF or a DND employee and requires access to Defence establishments will be required to follow the PHMs as determined by the local Commander. This will vary based on health advice and the local COVID-19 environment, but has a baseline of constant indoor masking and not showing any symptoms of infection.
Our family will be moving this summer for an Outcan Posting. Will house hunting trips for Outcan posting be authorized prior to the summer? What specific date, will the new directive start being effective?
As per CANFORGEN 037/22, members and their dependents may conduct international house hunting trips so long as there are no international travel limitations. No reimbursement will be made for expenses incurred due to quarantine measures at either the point of destination or origin.
If a CAF member travelling outside of Canada on leave tests positive and cannot return to Canada, can they request sick leave, or must they use annual? The directive says that all periods of quarantine are annual, however, this situation is different from quarantine required to travel onto leave.
All periods of self-isolation or quarantine outside the point of origin must be covered by Annual Leave. Exceptions can be made through your chain of command for special leave if at least 5 days of Annual Leave is being used to reunite with Next of Kin.
As we go back to normal travel requirements / restrictions, what level of medical coverage can Public Service employees expect should they contract COVID-19 during work-related travel at home and abroad. For example, if I'm working in Italy and require medical support or hospitalization, would my costs be covered?
In accordance with the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP), employees required to travel on "official travel status" for government business are covered under the Emergency Benefit While Travelling and the Emergency Travel Assistance Services during the entire period of official travel status. The maximum coverage for these benefits remains at $500,000.00. To note, employees’ coverage under the PSHCP varies based on an employee’s profile and specific travel requirements.
Compensation provided to employees while on travel status is subject to the National Joint Council’s Travel Directive (which applies to public service employees, exempt staff and other persons travelling on government business, including training) and the applicable, existing articles of your Collective Agreement. Although there is no compensation allowed specifically for self-isolating during or after official travel outlined within your Collective Agreement, you are encouraged to speak to your manager and your local union representative prior to travelling. They can provide support and advice to determine what provisions are applicable to your circumstances should you be required to self-isolate. Your manager should consult with their Labour Relations Advisor so that all parties come to an equitable solution and determine fair compensation for the prescribed period.
For assistance with travel related medical emergencies, PSHCP members travelling in Canada or the United States can call Allianz toll free at 1-800-667-2883.
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