Annex G: Checklists for staff

The following checklist should be referred to by personnel working remotely.  Individuals should be equipped with adequate equipment to properly perform their work and are encouraged have honest conversations with Supervisors about their reality.

Provide these checklists to staff in your communications plan.

Checklist for staff continuing remote work

HR Checklist:

  • Have a conversation with your Supervisor/Chain of Command about your situation;
    • Discuss topics such as work availability if caring for dependents, flexible work arrangements, access to childcare, leave options, mental health, etc.
    • Raise any concerns/fears/skepticism you may have about working in a COVID-19 environment;
    • Provide feedback on what you would like to see during the COVID-19 reality.
  • Engage with your Supervisor about flexible work arrangement and ensure clear understanding of expectations and desired outcomes;
  • Discuss IT/equipment requirements;
  • Discuss ergonomic needs;
  • Establish a regular schedule for bilateral-meetings with your Supervisor and/or team meetings;
  • Inform team and clients of your working situation (when/if necessary);
  • Consult the Frequently asked questions or reach out to your Supervisor when unsure about process/details.
  • If you have outstanding HR related questions, contact HR Connect HR at 1-833-RHR-MDND (1-833-747-6363). They can help answer your questions and or direct you to the right place.

IT Checklist:

  • Check/confirm availability of Internet/telecommunications bandwidth from your home;
  • Determine capacity to access critical systems of records and files – both unclassified and classified;
  • Ensure that you have access to any digitally enabling tools and digital devices that are required to perform your work;
  • Complete Onboarding to Defence O365 (unless working from DWAN);
  • Complete Mandatory course for all personnel the COVID-19 Awareness (See Annex F).

The following checklist should be referred to by personnel conducting business in the workplace. These are key considerations for Defence Team members to understand the new measures being implemented, and that they are provided with adequate PPE to safely perform their work.

Provide these checklists to staff in your communications plan.

Checklist for staff returning to the Office

  • Have a conversation with your Supervisor and flag any concerns about conducting business in the workplace;
  • Discuss requirements for properly onboarding (e.g. mandatory training/courses);
    • Complete Mandatory course for all personnel the COVID-19 Awareness (See Annex F).
  • Confirm with your Supervisor that PHM and PPE requirements will be fulfilled upon return;
  • Consult the Frequently asked questions, reach out to your Supervisor, and/or submit questions/concerns through the “Ask Anything: COVID-19 submission box.

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