Student Passport

The Student Passport outlines important onboarding tasks to help you integrate and familiarize yourself with the Department of National Defence (DND). It is developed specifically for this summer hiring season, when students will work remotely and have no access to the Defence Wide Area Network (DWAN). Note that within your first three days of work experience, you will be provided with a DND Orientation and a pay briefing virtually. The National Civilian Welcome and Integration Team (NCWIT) will contact you with information on these sessions.

Before you start with the DND

Your first day

Onboarding – Your first week onwards

Integration and Networking – Your first month onwards

Offboarding – Your last week at the DND


For additional resources and information about Virtual Onboarding, please visit the Working Remotely page on the Defence Team COVID-19 website.

Annex A

Template for out of office messages

Page details

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