DAOD 5002-0, Military Personnel Requirements and Production
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2004-04-15
Date of Last Modification: 2015-09-30
Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)
Enquiries: Director Personnel Generation Requirements (DPGR)
2. Definition
personnel generation (production de personnel)
The process of providing individually qualified CF members to meet CF employment requirements. It includes strategic planning, attraction, recruiting, selection, retention, professional development and career management. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 32168)
3.1 CAF members remain integral to Canada’s ability to successfully adapt to the constant challenges of global violence, geopolitical instability, and social, economic and technological conditions, often of crisis proportion. The immense responsibilities placed upon CAF members require high levels of training, expertise, education and experience.
3.2 To meet military personnel requirements for operations and other defence tasks, the CAF recruits from the civilian sector and develops the skills of selected serving CAF members.
Policy Statement
3.3 The CAF is committed to:
- the vision and objectives described in Canadian Officership in the 21st Century (Officership 2020) and The Canadian Forces Non-Commissioned Member in the 21st Century (NCM Corps 2020);
- positioning itself as an employer of choice for applicants and serving CAF members;
- producing CAF members who are effective, relevant and responsive, and who remain capable of carrying out a range of operations, including combat; and
- managing CAF members as Canada’s most valuable and most difficult to renew resource in fulfilling the defence mission.
3.4 The CAF must:
- implement flexible military personnel doctrine, policies, programs and plans that:
- comply with government human resources legislation and policies;
- ensure the most effective recruiting and selection, personnel generation, employment and sustainment of CAF members; and
- take into account the potential effects on CAF members and their families;
- develop and maintain strategic military personnel requirements, recruitment and production plans to achieve the timely delivery of CAF members with the right skills at the right place at the right time in their careers and to the authorized force levels;
- develop and maintain a coordinated and coherent approach to investing in military human resources capabilities;
- develop entry, training and commissioning production plans and schemes, including instructions for military occupation and component transfers, and transfer programs to effect the strategic military personnel requirements;
- maintain co-ordinated and effective public affairs, attraction and advertising programs in support of recruiting operations;
- develop and maintain flexible, equitable and affordable compensation and benefit programs to attract applicants and retain CAF members;
- engage in workforce research, modelling and analysis to forecast personnel generation requirements and to optimize the CAF;
- develop and maintain an integrated military personnel management system that is operationally focused, accountable, and responsive to operational imperatives and the CAF strategic capability requirements; and
- monitor the effectiveness of this DAOD.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
4.1 Non-compliance with this DAOD may have consequences for the CAF as institution, and for CAF members as individuals. Suspected non-compliance may be investigated. The nature and severity of the consequences resulting from actual non-compliance will be commensurate with the circumstances of the non-compliance.
Authority Table
5.1 The following table identifies the authorities associated with this DAOD:
The ... | has or have the authority to ... |
officer commanding the Military Personnel Command |
occupational authorities, as set out in DAOD 5070-1, Military Employment Structure Framework |
Director General Compensation and Benefits |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
Other References
- DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment
- DAOD 5002-2, Direct Entry Officer Plan - Regular Force
- DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-Component Transfer
- DAOD 5002-5, Canadian Forces Personnel Selection
- DAOD 5002-6, Continuing Education Officer Training Plan – Regular Force
- DAOD 5002-7, Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan – Regular Force
- DAOD 5002-8, Reserve Entry Scheme – Officers
- DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Strategic Framework
- DAOD 5070-0, Military Employment Structure
- DAOD 5070-1, Military Employment Structure Framework
- CFAO 9-12, Regular Officer Training Plan
- CFAO 9-13, University Training Plan – Non-Commissioned Members
- CFAO 9-49, Reserve Entry Training Plan – Canadian Military Colleges
- CFAO 9-62, Military Dental, Legal, Medical, Chaplain and Pharmacy Training Plans
- CFAO 9-63, Medical and Dental Officer Training Plans
- CFAO 9-70, Special Commissioning Plan
- CFAO 11-9, Commissioning from the Ranks Plan
- Canadian Officership in the 21st Century (Officership 2020)
- The Canadian Forces Non-Commissioned Member in the 21st Century (NCM Corps 2020)
- B-GL-005-100/FP-001, Military Personnel Management Doctrine
- CF Mil Pers Instr 12/06, Subsidized Education for Entry-Level Masters in Physiotherapy, Masters in Social Work, Masters of Divinity – Regular Force
- CF Mil Pers Instr 01/08, Annual Military Occupation Review (AMOR)
- National Defence Security Policy (NDSP)
Page details
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