DAOD 6000-0, Information Management and Information Technology

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Policy Direction
  4. Consequences
  5. Authorities
  6. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 1998-08-31

Date of Last Modification: 2019-07-16

Application: This DAOD is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).


Approval Authority: Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) (ADM(IM))

Enquiries: Director Defence Information Management Planning (DDIMP)

2. Definitions

communications security (sécurité des communications)

The protection resulting from the application of cryptographic, transmission, emission, physical and traffic-flow security measures to deny unauthorized persons or entities any information of value that might be derived from the study of all communications means. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 23375)

defence terminology (terminologie de la défense)

The body of standardized general, doctrinal, operational, organizational, technical, procedural and administrative terminology pertaining to DND and CAF activities. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 27543)

information management (gestion de l’information)

A discipline that directs and supports effective and efficient management of information and data in an organization, from planning and systems development to disposal or long-term preservation. (Policy on Information Management, Treasury Board)

information security (sécurité des informations)

The protection of information against unauthorized disclosure, transfer, modification or destruction, whether accidental or intentional.

Note – Information may exist in the human mind, in document form and in electronic form. Information in the human mind will be protected by the use of appropriate personnel security measures. Information in document form will be protected by the use of appropriate document security measures. Information in electronic form will be protected by the use of appropriate INFOSEC measures (AAP-31; AComP-01 - 790.NN.33). (Defence Terminology Bank record number 13819)

information technology (technologies de l’information)

Involves both technology infrastructure and IT applications. Technology infrastructure includes any equipment or system that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission or reception of data or information. IT applications include all matters concerned with the design, development, installation and implementation of information systems and applications to meet business requirements. (Directive on Management of Information Technology, Treasury Board)

information technology security (sécurité des technologies de l'information)

Safeguards to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, availability, intended use and value of electronically stored, processed or transmitted information. (Operational Security Standard: Management of Information Technology Security (MITS), Treasury Board)

3. Policy Direction


3.1 ADM(IM), as the Defence Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the DND and the CAF, is responsible for the effective and efficient management of IM and information technology (IT) as described in the Treasury Board Directive on Information Management Roles and Responsibilities and the Directive on Management of Information Technology.

3.2 This DAOD, along with the DND and CAF IM and IT Policy Framework, provides the strategic context on how the Defence CIO provides supporting direction and guidance relating to the management of IM, IT, information security, IT security, communication security (COMSEC) and defence terminology to the DND and the CAF.

Policy Statement

3.3 The DND and the CAF are committed to a collaborative approach for the delivery of IM and IT, aligned with DND and CAF priorities, and supported by centralized oversight and direction.


3.4 The DND and the CAF must:

  1. develop and maintain integrated IM and IT business plans;
  2. establish DND- and CAF-wide strategic direction and governance structures for IM and IT;
  3. ensure that the Defence CIO has visibility on all IM and IT activities across the DND and the CAF; and
  4. provide clear, concise and consistent direction and guidance on the management of IM, IT, IT security, information security, COMSEC and defence terminology.

4. Consequences


4.1 Should clarification of the policy statement, requirements or authorities set out in this DAOD be required, DND employees and CAF members may seek direction through their channel of communication or chain of command, as appropriate. The anticipated results set out in the policy statement may not be achieved by the DND and the CAF if the requirements specified in this DAOD are not properly implemented. Not achieving the anticipated results could affect the ability of the DND and the CAF to ensure that the CAF is prepared to undertake missions for the protection of Canada and Canadians and the maintenance of international peace and stability.

5. Authorities

Authority Table

5.1 The following table identifies the authorities associated with this DAOD:

The ... has or have the authority to ...


  • establish strategic direction and governance structures, and approve strategies, plans, projects and programmes, for IM, IT, IT security, information security, COMSEC and defence terminology in the DND and the CAF;
  • issue policies, directives, instructions and standards for IM, IT, IT security, information security, COMSEC and defence terminology  in the DND and the CAF, and oversee their compliance;
  • establish IM and IT services and capabilities that align with business and operational objectives, and oversee their management, delivery and maintenance;
  • lead DND and CAF coordination, and act as the focal point, for IM, IT, IT security, information security, COMSEC and defence terminology with other government departments and agencies, industry and allies; and
  • establish:
    • a defence IM and IT programme for the effective and efficient management of IM and IT in the DND and the CAF;
    • an IT security programme as part of a coordinated DND and CAF security programme;
    • a COMSEC programme to protect DND and CAF information from unauthorized access; and
    • a defence terminology programme for the effective and efficient management of defence terminology.

level one advisors and commanders of commands

  • issue amplifying IM, IT, IT security, information security and defence terminology direction and guidance to their organizations;
  • set the IM and IT priorities of their organizations;
  • develop and maintain integrated IM and IT business plans;
  • represent the IM and IT interests of their organizations to the ADM(IM); and
  • assist the ADM(IM) in representing their IM and IT interests with other government departments and agencies, industry and allies.

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6. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References


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