Gender-based analysis plus

Institutional GBA+ capacity

Governance structure

In February 2020, the Directorate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (DGDI) in the Department of National Defence and the Directorate for Integration Gender Perspectives (DIGP) in the Canadian Armed Forces were approved to merge in order to optimize coordinated and consistent efforts to influence policies, directives, programs, and operations to advance gender equality, increase diversity and inclusion, and promote and protect human rights. The Directorate consists of Gender Equality and Diversity Specialists and Analysts. This team will report directly to the Chief of Defence (CDS) and the Deputy Minister (DM) through the Corporate Secretary and the Director of Staff of the Strategic Joint Staff.

The Defence Team continues to support an intradepartmental network of GBA+ Focal Points within DND, CAF Gender Focal Points, as well as full-time Gender Advisors (GENADS) within the CAF. They received tailored training on the application of GBA+ / gender perspectives in a defence and security context in institutional work and operational planning.

DND/CAF revised its network of Senior Management Champions which includes: two Gender and Diversity Champions (General Officer and Chief Warrant Officer);  one Women, Peace and Security Champion (General Officer); one Champion for the Modernization of Sex and Gender Information Practices (ADM); one Champion for Youth and Youth Networks; and, four Employment Equity Champions. Within their line of effort, the Champions increased awareness on GBA+ and also engaged with external stakeholders, from academia to international partners, to share knowledge and best practices in advancing gender equality and inclusion within the armed forces and the department.

Human resources

The was approved to merge Directorate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (DGDI) with the Directorate for Integration Gender Perspectives (DIGP) led to the creation of an Executive Director (EX-02) who oversees a team of 13 Full Time Equivalent (FTEs).

There were five full-time Gender Advisors (GENADS) positioned institutionally within the CAF at the strategic and operational levels. There were also five Gender Advisors (GENADS) deployed to the following operations:

NMI (NATO Mission to Iraq)

UNMISS (Republic of South Sudan)





Completed Activities

DND continued to raise awareness and build capacity to conduct gender-based analyses plus (GBA+).  GBA+ training was provided to Defence Team members through the delivery of clinics, workshops, and orientation sessions. A GBA+ Data Resource Tool to support DND/CAF capacity to conduct GBA+ was also developed and disseminated.

DND/CAF created a Champion for the Modernization of Sex and Gender Information Practices, who is a member of the interdepartmental network of such Champions, focused on raising awareness and supporting the implementation of the April 2019 Government of Canada Policy Direction on the Modernization of Sex and Gender Information Practices. DND/CAF established an internal working group to develop implementation plans. DND/CAF, along with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), also engaged in a Treasury Board Secretariat-led Design Jam on “Working in the Military” to brainstorm on how to align with the Policy Direction.

A Technical bulletin was issued by the Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment/Directorate of Architecture and Engineering Services) that directs that gender-neutral washrooms should be considered as a design option, reflecting the Defence Team’s commitment to utilize gender-based analysis plus (GBA+ and recognize the diversity within its membership. It applies to the calculation and design of all new washrooms to be constructed in buildings at all DND Bases and Wings. This Technical Bulletin provides direction for how the required number of water closets shall be calculated and provides clarification on the design of gender-neural washrooms. Further direction is also given on barrier-free washroom design.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) published an Aide Memoire on Gender Perspectives on Operations and disseminated it internationally with partners, to directly support military planners and operators.

The Chief of Defence Staff assumed the Chair of the United Nations’ Women Peace and Security (WPS) Chiefs of Defence (CHoDs) Network in July 2019 and actively advanced the WPS agenda in support of UNSCR 1325 within the international community.

Highlights of GBA+ Results by Program
Program Inventory

DND/CAF is not in a position to report on the impacts on gender and diversity in relation to programs in the 2019-20 Program Inventory due to the unavailability of information and data collection initiatives to measure GBA+ results.

Actions are being taken to develop data collection and analysis tools that will enable the DND to report on its Program Inventory to improve the capacity to measure and assess the impacts of the programs on gender and diversity in the future.

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