Internal services

In this section


Internal services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required tothat are provided within a department so that it can meet its corporate obligations of an organization. Internaland deliver its programs. There are ten categories of internal services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are:

  • management and oversight services;
  • communication services;
  • legal services;
  • human resources management services;
  • financial management services;
  • information management services;
  • information technology services;
  • real property management services;
  • materiel management services; and
  • acquisition management services.

Progress on results

This section presents details on how the Department performed to achieve results and meet targets for internal services.

Management and Oversight Services

The Department continued to carry out internal audits, evaluations and investigations to identify objective insights and to promote transparency and accountability. Engagements completed during fiscal year (FY) 2023-24 focused on strengthening elements of internal management and the effectiveness of Defence programs and initiatives that are foundational to enabling the execution of the Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)'s mandate, and on supporting key departmental transformation initiatives. Engagements completed and published include using data as a Strategic Asset and the Military Training and Cooperation Program. The findings and recommendations highlighted through these reviews support the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of operations by the DND/CAF in the delivery of Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada's Defence Policy.

DND/CAF continued to coordinate all aspects of the Defence Team's obligations under the DND-CAF Sexual Misconduct Class Action Settlement, ensuring all requirements of the settlement were met or on track.

Additionally, the Department continued to lead a coordinated approach in the interdepartmental implementation of the LGBT Purge Class Action Fourth Supplementary Settlement Agreement – Archival Records, Phase II Research Project. The archival research phase was completed in accordance with the terms of the settlement agreement while work began to review selected records. Through the interdepartmental Progress Committee, regular updates were provided to the LGBT Purge Fund in support of its initiative to memorialize the history of the Purge with a permanent archive.

Communications Services

Communicating with Canadians -The Defence Team remains committed to transparency and plain language communications with Canadians on our programs and activities. Key results for FY 2023-24 included the following:

  • The Media Relations Office managed 1,783 media requests, responding within negotiated deadlines 95% of the time;
  • The Public Inquiries Desk responded to 2,390 requests for information from Canadians within two business days, 95% of the time, providing timely information and transparency to Canadians;
  • National and regional Stakeholder Engagement Offices delivered 322 activities, which contributed to increasing Canadians' understanding of defence priorities. It also provided an opportunity for senior leadership to connect with communities, build relationships, and develop dialogue with well-informed stakeholders, and to help increase public discourse on defence and security issues;
  • The 2023 National Veterans' Week Speakers Program (NVWSP) received 2,444 requests, of which 2,138 were filled by available CAF members (87.5%). These included requests for NVWSP videos and in-person and virtual presentations by CAF members to schools and community organizations. This initiative reached more than 1,224,821 Canadians, fostering an understanding of the history and raison d'être of the CAF; and
  • The Speechwriting Team wrote 206 speeches, more than half of which were in support of raising awareness of CAF operations.

To reach Canadians through the mediums they use most, the Defence Team takes a digital-first approach to communications. In FY 2023-24, the Department achieved the following:

  • Launched advertising campaigns to meet CAF-specific organizational goals: Awareness, Priority Occupations, Indigenous peoples, Paid Education, and Reserve Force. These campaigns focus on raising awareness of the CAF as an employer of choice and consideration of full and part-time military career opportunities. A mix of traditional and digital media were used to reach the target audiences to generate 947 million impressions; 2.6 million web visits; 424,000 start application clicks. These results reflect the Department's commitment to attract a diverse pool of potential applicants considering a career in the CAF; and
  • Streamlined information on social media accounts. Compared to FY 2022-23, these changes resulted in an average audience increase of 6.6% across all social media platforms, including Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. Results were achieved using the following methods:
    • Evaluating statistics to identify best times and days for posting various types of content;
    • Increasing collaboration with other DND/CAF and GoC social media accounts;
    • Increasing the use of features offered by platforms such as stories, reels, albums, and collaborations; and
    • Closing 140 underutilized accounts as part of the ongoing social media account audit.

The Department improved its web presence in FY 2023-24 by ensuring Canadians can find what they are looking for to accomplish their tasks on the web. Usability testing was completed to improve task completion, findability and accessibility in priority areas that support recruitment and retention including jobs, pay, Reserves, as well as conduct and culture change. In addition, Web Services continued to monitor the data collected from the GC Task Success Survey – a method used by the GoC to measure the performance of web content and services – as well as the Page Feedback Tool to monitor user feedback, and use of these data to make improvements to the DND/CAF web presence on

In support of new and ongoing culture change initiatives, the Defence Team ensured that timely, meaningful, and accessible information was readily available to Canadians and the Defence Team in a variety of ways. This includes advancements in external review recommendations implementation, introduction of legislation to modernize the military justice system, the External Monitor's two progress reports, and evolution of support services and resources to those affected by military sexual trauma and other harmful behaviors. Support to Statistics Canada's CAF Sexual Misconduct Survey provided up-to-date data on the scope, prevalence, and nature of sexual misconduct in the CAF. Efforts were also concentrated on raising awareness and lifting-up voices through 18 commemorative events.

Transparency was underscored by the continued communications on 38 military legal proceedings and facilitating 31 culture change-related interviews with DND/CAF officials. Quarterly media briefs supported major milestone-driven events/announcements with an average attendance of 20 media; with the highest attendance of 32 for the initiation of the repeal for Duty to Report.

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Human Resources Management Services

During FY 2023-24, the draft Public Service People Management Strategy (HR Strategy) and the supporting Performance Measurement Framework were advanced for approval. The Department also made improvements in the Human Resources staffing process to the onboarding of new civilian personnel, by modifying the classification and language evaluation criteria, and by creating talent pools. DND also improved the Employee Assistance Program to provide online and in-person services through the Homewood Health service provider.

The Department developed a multi-year strategy to reduce the backlog of pay cases by FY 2024-25. This involved training, process improvements, and engagement initiatives. By collaborating with Public Services and Procurement Canada, communicating with the Defence Team, and implementing compensation training, DND has reduced pay case backlogs by 47,000 cases since 2018. The Office of Disability Management reached full operational capacity on 1 October 2023, after expanding in FY 2023-24.

The Department re-established a sub-committee to provide guidance on Employment Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) policies and programs for the Defence Team and appointed a senior official to EEDI for the public service workforce. In addition, the Department also reviewed its EEDI practices, consulted on the new 2024-27 EEDI plan and related tools, and issued a directive on EEDI for the public service workforce. DND finalized its Civilian Public Service Employment Systems Review, which is a comprehensive Human Resources review for DND civilian employees that identified 26 areas for improvement. Recommendations from the review contributed to developing the 2024-27 EEDI Plan.

The Defence Team also responded to the Clerk's Call to Action for Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service by supporting departmental employee networks,, running hiring campaigns to recruit Indigenous people, and creating memorandums on avoiding major meetings and events during significant religious and cultural periods.

The Chief Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC) continued to support DND/CAF in becoming an innovative, agile, and integrated organization that delivers excellence in client-oriented, credible, and transparent conflict solutions. FY 2023-24 efforts included:

  • The team surveyed 6,864 Defence Team Members from 18 units across the country and engaged directly with 2,022 members from an additional five-unit visits. They provided chains of command with direct feedback on unit climate, and with support to build unit cohesion. Additionally, 492 Defence Team leaders participated in the individual Defence Team Coaching program;
  • The Leadership Support Team (LST) program finalized an assessment tool of unit workplace climate, which integrated lessons learned, and subsequently finalized a program intervention framework, GBA Plus considerations. The GBA Plus analysis is now formally embedded in regular LST program reviews. The finalized version of the climate assessment survey tool was optimized to support the LST program and is now better aligned with other DND/CAF institutional assessments/surveys;
  • Restorative Services (RS) adjusted the inquiry and intake process to better respond to clients. RS increased collaboration with other teams in Director, Support Services to best meet the need of clients. RS improved its data collection process to capture daily data points for staffing plans regarding client services. During FY 2023-24, there were 68 incoming and ongoing files (41 of the 68 closed), and 72 inquiries (71 closed);
  • CAF Harassment Advisor & Investigation Services, and the workplace harassment and violence prevention (WHVP) began working on the alignment of these two distinct processes into one process. A total of 210 Notice of Occurrences were received with 34 of those related to discrimination. The WHVP Notices of Occurrence resolved 94 cases, negotiated resolution to 58 cases, five cases were submitted by witnesses, and 31 workplace assessments were completed;
  • In 2023, the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy Manual replaced the existing Interim policy manual. The Department also published DAOD 5014-0, Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention, on 29 May 2023; and
  • The Defence Team Coaching Program administered 750 psychometric assessments, conducted 492 individual coaching programs, launched two group coaching pilot programs, and initiated ten team coaching programs to enhance leadership development within DND/CAF.

DND continued to develop and implement its Strategic Security Risk Register and associated Risk Treatment Plans. An implementation report on the Year two of the Departmental Security Plan was produced and overall positive, documenting annual milestones and highlighting both completed and outstanding objectives. DND/CAF also worked to adapt and modernize the DND Security program, notably as it pertains to the streamlining of security screening. The Business Continuity Management program, through proactive governance and stakeholder engagement, also succeeded at identifying and managing critical services and their business impact. Lastly, as the governance of Security Pan-Government of Canada is becoming more and more institutionalized and deliberate, DND/CAF has been a key Lead Security Agency and active and collaborative participant.

Financial Management Services

The Defence approach to financial stewardship is underpinned by Canada's Defence Policy. The Department continued to make significant strides in improving the financial transparency, oversight, and accountability of the defence budget and commitment to deliver results that meet the expectations of Canadians. This approach to financial management and planning is to be a transformative leader in financial practices and in modernizing the business of Defence. In FY 2023-24, the DND/CAF financial community continued to provide oversight for the ongoing implementation of the defence policy through the sound stewardship of resources.

The Financial Planning and Forecasting tool continued to provide valuable insight and analysis to the Defence Team by further augmenting our capabilities for financial planning and in-year forecasting across all aspects of Defence. DND/CAF have made improvements to guarantee knowledge management, including the reliability of our data and our ability to align resources and strengthen accountability. These improvements enable DND/CAF to more effectively ensure that oversight and accountability, specifically towards enhanced management of resources, is supported through the administration of an internal financial control framework. The accuracy of our data is critical to high-performance costing and forecasting that delivers results and supports DND/CAF with capabilities that meet our real-time challenges, threats; and opportunities. In FY 2023-24, Defence continued implementing the new accounting standard on asset retirement obligations; achieved fully staffed costing teams; and identified high-level financial process modernization opportunities in anticipation of the Definition phase of the DEFENCEx system.

DND/CAF continued to help the advance Defence priorities through submission drafting support for a record-setting number of submissions that will advance the significant and complex remotely piloted aircraft system, Canadian multi-mission aircraft, DEFENCEx, and NORAD modernization projects, among others. These immediate and extended investments in continental defence ensured alliances and collective security, and the capabilities of the CAF.

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Information Management Services

Aligned with the Policy on Service and Digital, the Department has evolved its service management approach by producing a three-year roadmap to institutionalize the service management function. In FY 2023-24, the Department focused on educating and communicating requirements to promote a client-centric approach.

In accordance with the new Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) 2023-26 Data Strategy for the Federal Public Service, DND is reviewing and updating the DND/CAF Data Strategy (published in 2019). This update incorporates the latest strategies from Allies, as well as the CAF Digital Campaign Plan. Anticipated publication is June 2024. The Data Analytics Enablement successfully secured funding via Strengthening the Digital Backbone initiative to acquire and implement the IBM Cloud Pak, aiming to establish an enterprise-wide data management platform.

The Data Strategy Implementation Plan will be revised to create a DND/CAF Data Operating Model that will prioritize segments of the 2024-26 DND/CAF Data Strategy for effective management of data capabilities.

The benchmarks and key performance indicators from the new 2024-26 DND/CAF Data Strategy will serve to gauge data maturity. This activity will take the form of a Data Management Health Check.

The Digital Literacy Roadmap was expanded to include Data, Information Management and Artificial Intelligence Learning Content and collaborated with career managers to embed Digital Competencies within training for Officer General Specification and Non-Commissioned Member General Specification.

DND/CAF successfully delivered 17 Data and Analytics use cases for organizations within Defence in FY 2023-24. Efforts are in progress to publish the DND/CAF Culture Datacentre Dashboard to the public. The Digital Transformation Office collaborated closely with CPCC to ensure compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 standards for this public dashboard. Data Catalog prototypes have been deployed to enhance data cataloging processes, enabling improved data exposure and search capabilities. A new Disposition Authorization was approved, laying the foundation to modernize information management processes and practices and align with leading technology solutions.

A Defence Chief Data Officer (CDO) Instruction on Data Access Requests has been drafted and is in the consultation and approval phase. The instruction provides procedural elaboration on the requirements of DAOD 6500-1, Data Access. As part of its efforts to support data-driven decision-making, DND/CAF is developing a Data Access instruction to support the need for enhanced management and secure access to data within information technology systems.

The Data Stewardship Model has been promoted and applied across all of DND/CAF to ensure oversight and compliance monitoring. The Defence Team has successfully identified data roles, including Data Governors and Data Officers, and has released a Data Stewardship Register to maintain identification or the roles. The appointment of specific Data Advisors and Data Domain Stewards is pending formal approval of Data Domains which, once released, will allow the Data Stewardship Model to be fully implemented.

An enterprise-level Data Quality Framework has been developed and is in the final approval phases. The Framework establishes a comprehensive approach to define and assess data quality within DND/CAF. It also aligns with broader governmental priorities, digital policy goals and requirements.

The DND/CAF Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy was published on 7 March 2024, and a Deputy Minister/Chief of the Defence Staff Joint Directive on AI Strategy Implementation is under development to provide instructions and timeframes for DND/CAF organizations to implement the strategy.

A prototype of the enterprise data hub has been designed, leveraging off-the-shelf cloud platforms. It is currently undergoing a security categorization review. Moreover, additional tools are being considered for deployment to fulfill the complete functional requirements.

A data costing guide is in its final stages of publication, and it will be shared with DND/CAF and GoC Partners. Additionally, the new Data Operating Model will distill Data Capabilities that will serve to provide DND/CAF organizations with service-related profiles for data management, allowing for a more robust costing approach.

A Defence CDO Directive on Minimum Baseline Metadata will establish minimum essential metadata standards to maintain interoperability with Allies and partners.

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Information Technology Services

In FY 2023-24, the Department:

  • The Defence Team completed the procurement of an information technology solution for their Enterprise Federated Authentication Service for provision of a centralized authentication service to enable Multi-Factor Authentication and Single-Sign-On for DND users;
  • Provided frequent feedback to Shared Services Canada (SSC) through the Customer Satisfaction Feedback Initiative and weekly client relationship interactions. Collaboration continued with SSC to facilitate the implementation of an Enhanced Delivery Model Program of Work ensuring dedicated resources are allocated to meet DND's delivery requirements on demand, as well as Alternate Service Delivery to optimize use of mutual resources and scale service delivery significantly to reduce a growing backlog;
  • Clients and their information technology Projects were directed to the Security Assessment and authorization process, and whenever possible, instructed to leverage pre-existing enterprise systems and/or guided towards the often, more cyber secure posture of a cloud-based solution through Joint Defence Cloud Programme;
  • DND, in collaboration with SSC, made a significant investment in upgrading its cable plants, local area network, and internet connectivity to meet the growing demands of cloud services. DND and SSC continue to work towards planning the wide-scale upgrades to strengthen the overall network posture to be able to connect effectively to on premise and cloud-based services;

Did you know that the Defence Team deployed field laptops where capability to support classified communications.

  • Advanced the Enterprise Architecture practice to ensure better alignment and oversight of technical solutions within DND/CAF. Collaborating closely with TBS, the Department ensured alignment with GoC information management and information technology directives and standards, including the Directive on Service and Digital, the Directive on Standard on Systems that Manage Information and Data, and Government of Canada Enterprise Architecture Review Board reviews. DND/CAF will continue to evaluate and maintain its information management/information technology (IM/IT) investments through its Application Portfolio Management Program to ensure the quality capture of application and business data, thereby enhancing the management of IM/IT investments and facilitating necessary support services for its partners;
  • The Workplace Communication Services project resulted in more than 38,000 fixed line telephones being migrated from beyond end-of-life Private Branch Exchanges at 81 geographically disperse locations across Canada. This hybrid Voice over Internet Protocol enterprise solution resulted in a reduction of more than 27,000 lines associated with the DND/CAF; and
  • The D365 team completed key foundational work in preparation for the migration of the Department's email to Microsoft 365 (M365). Among the work completed is the design and pilot implementation of a solution to continue to allow unmanaged devices to access our M365 tenant, but with an improved security posture.

The Defence Team released software for the planned scope of the Financial Planning and Forecasting and Material Identification initiatives by developing a predictive analytical tool for in-year expenditure forecasting and leveraging historical data for enhanced accuracy and precision.

DND/CAF is the first department to onboard Release 2 of the GC Digital Core, integrating it with the Systems, Applications and Products (SAP) Defence and Security Module. Phase one of the Defence Digital Core (DDC) concluded in February 2024, with several integrated process demonstrations and improvements for DDC Phase 2 execution.

Project Approval for DEFENCEx was delayed pending the implementation of αDEFENCEx (AlphaDEFENCEx) which is a precursor project to mitigate risks in the main project and will provide DND a model for other future transformation initiatives.

Significant progress has been made on the Target Architecture, focusing on how best to leverage cloud services, in line with the SAP product roadmap. Specifically, pathfinder work on the classified requirements has advanced significantly and will put DND in a good position to choose the target model during the Definition phase.

Defence advanced IM in the development and release of managed cloud repositories and enabled the enterprise to leverage modern technologies and automations while adhering to GoC and NATO standards for interoperability and emerging technologies.

Resources required to achieve results

Table 7.1: Resources required to achieve results for internal services this year







Full-time equivalents



Complete financial and human resources information for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces' program inventory is available on GC InfoBase.

Contracts awarded to Indigenous businesses

Government of Canada departments are to meet a target of awarding at least 5% of the total value of contracts to Indigenous businesses each year. This commitment is to be fully implemented by the end of 2024-25.

The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces' is a Phase 3 department and is aiming to achieve the minimum 5% target by the end of 2024-25, by:

  • Continued support of economic development opportunities for Indigenous communities and Indigenous procurement modernization within the scope of the DND/CAF mandate;
  • Ongoing collaboration via the DND/CAF Indigenous Procurement Working Group, where members shared information and lessons learned, offered guidance, and discussed issues related to advancing four times per year and discusses appropriate strategies for building Indigenous participation in Indigenous Procurement across the DND/CAF;
  • Continued collaboration via the Defence Industry Advisory Group, working group on Indigenous Procurement, meets at least Defence Procurement;
  • Early engagements with Indigenous peoples in their areas of responsibility, including support to procurement obligations and objectives in modern treaties, Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Procurement, and the Inuit Nunangat Policy, and to align with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act; and
  • Further development of the knowledge base of the DND/CAF procurement community on Indigenous considerations in Procurement via the release of targeted communications, and developed draft instructions and guidance to be published in 2024 in the Departmental procedural Manual on Procurement and contracting, the Procurement Administration Manual.

This target was met in FY 2023-24, with 5.18% of the total value of contracts awarded to Indigenous businesses.

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