Future-oriented Financial Statements (Unaudited) from the 2012–13 RPP: Future-oriented Statement of Cash Flow

For the year ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

Results 2012
Results 2013
Operating Activities
Net Cost of Operations 20,640,791 19,099,521
Non-Cash Items Included in Net Cost of Operations
Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets (2,458,459) (2,602,238)
Loss on Disposals of Tangible Capital Assets (190,654) (197,485)
Adjustments of Tangible Capital Assets (258,356) (354,011)
Services Provided Without Charge by Other Government Departments (762,302) (753,799)
Variations in Statement of Financial Position
Increase (decrease) in Receivables and Advances (21,742) 5,985
Increase in Prepaid Expenses 13,360 17,561
Increase (decrease) in Inventories (57,958) 161,633
Increase in Liabilities, net of Capital Lease Obligations 200,740 495,346
Cash Used by Operating Activities 17,105,420 15,872,511
Capital Investment Activities
Acquisitions of Tangible Capital Assets (Note 10) 4,123,368 4,347,881
Proceeds on Disposal of Tangible Capital Assets (12,309) (10,793)
Payments against / Adjustments to Capital Lease Obligations 9,071 36,228
Cash Used by Capital Investment Activities 4,120,130 4,373,315
Net Cash Provided by Government of Canada (21,225,550) (20,245,828)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

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