Future-oriented Financial Statements (Unaudited) from the 2012–13 RPP: Future-oriented Statement of Operations
For the year ended March 31
(in thousands of dollars)
Estimated Results 2012 |
Planned Results 2013 |
Expenses | ||
Defence Science and Technology | 403,448 | 378,786 |
Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training | 1,171,386 | 1,136,989 |
Equipment Acquisition and Disposal | 1,493,697 | 1,151,609 |
Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal | 441,610 | 430,400 |
Maritime Readiness | 2,312,374 | 2,137,925 |
Land Readiness | 3,954,936 | 3,690,706 |
Aerospace Readiness | 1,924,550 | 1,810,141 |
Joint and Common Readiness | 2,481,472 | 2,327,587 |
Situational Awareness | 702,958 | 653,710 |
Canadian Peace, Stability and Security | 308,115 | 290,786 |
Continental Peace, Stability and Security | 206,381 | 194,398 |
International Peace, Stability and Security | 2,610,566 | 2,440,113 |
Defence Team Personnel Support | 1,123,338 | 1,073,585 |
Canadian Identity | 400,581 | 382,242 |
Environment Protection and Stewardship | 121,283 | 114,409 |
Non-Security Support | 15,056 | 14,616 |
Internal Services | 1,468,942 | 1,374,980 |
Total | 21,140,693 | 19,602,982 |
Revenues | ||
Defence Science and Technology | 4,031 | 4,061 |
Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training | 9,775 | 9,845 |
Equipment Acquisition and Disposal | (11,766) | (11,850) |
Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal | 177 | 177 |
Maritime Readiness | 18,830 | 18,963 |
Land Readiness | 33,385 | 33,622 |
Aerospace Readiness | 23,456 | 23,624 |
Joint and Common Readiness | 16,101 | 16,216 |
Situational Awareness | 754 | 759 |
Canadian Peace, Stability and Security | 130 | 130 |
Continental Peace, Stability and Security | 899 | 906 |
International Peace, Stability and Security | 196,380 | 197,778 |
Defence Team Personnel Support | 121,774 | 122,641 |
Canadian Identity | 281 | 283 |
Environment Protection and Stewardship | 147 | 149 |
Non-Security Support | 1,074 | 1,082 |
Internal Services | 84,474 | 85,075 |
Total | 499,902 | 503,461 |
Net Cost of Operations | 20,640,791 | 19,099,521 |
* In fiscal year 2010-11 the Department moved to 17 reporting Program Activity Architecture elements.
Segmented information (Note 20)
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
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