Future-oriented Financial Statements (Unaudited) from the 2012–13 RPP: Future-oriented Statement of Operations

For the year ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

Results 2012
Results 2013
Defence Science and Technology 403,448 378,786
Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training 1,171,386 1,136,989
Equipment Acquisition and Disposal 1,493,697 1,151,609
Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal 441,610 430,400
Maritime Readiness 2,312,374 2,137,925
Land Readiness 3,954,936 3,690,706
Aerospace Readiness 1,924,550 1,810,141
Joint and Common Readiness 2,481,472 2,327,587
Situational Awareness 702,958 653,710
Canadian Peace, Stability and Security 308,115 290,786
Continental Peace, Stability and Security 206,381 194,398
International Peace, Stability and Security 2,610,566 2,440,113
Defence Team Personnel Support 1,123,338 1,073,585
Canadian Identity 400,581 382,242
Environment Protection and Stewardship 121,283 114,409
Non-Security Support 15,056 14,616
Internal Services 1,468,942 1,374,980
Total 21,140,693 19,602,982
Defence Science and Technology 4,031 4,061
Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training 9,775 9,845
Equipment Acquisition and Disposal (11,766) (11,850)
Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal 177 177
Maritime Readiness 18,830 18,963
Land Readiness 33,385 33,622
Aerospace Readiness 23,456 23,624
Joint and Common Readiness 16,101 16,216
Situational Awareness 754 759
Canadian Peace, Stability and Security 130 130
Continental Peace, Stability and Security 899 906
International Peace, Stability and Security 196,380 197,778
Defence Team Personnel Support 121,774 122,641
Canadian Identity 281 283
Environment Protection and Stewardship 147 149
Non-Security Support 1,074 1,082
Internal Services 84,474 85,075
Total 499,902 503,461
Net Cost of Operations 20,640,791 19,099,521

* In fiscal year 2010-11 the Department moved to 17 reporting Program Activity Architecture elements.

Segmented information (Note 20)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Page details

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