CAF return to duty program management
The Director Casualty Support Management (DCSM)
The Director Casualty Support Management (DCSM) provides policy oversight and manages programs for the ill and injured members, casualty support, manages transition programs and services for all Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members. As well, the National CAF RTD Program direction and oversight is the responsibility DCSM.
The Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group
The Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG) is under the responsibility of the Commander Military Personnel Command. Nine CAF Transition Units (CAF TU) provide command and control within a designated area of responsibility. The provision of support services for currently serving and former CAF ill and injured personnel, their families, and the families of the fallen, is done through Transition Centres (TC) and Satellites providing service delivery at over 31 different locations across Canada.
The Transition Centre (TC)
Coordination and oversight of the CAF RTD Program is done locally on Bases/Wings through the affiliated TC. TCs are a network of “one-stop” support centres that provide ill, injured or fallen CAF personnel and their families access to comprehensive, standardized and coordinated support services, regardless of location. An TC has three main components - a Services Section, a Support Platoon, and partner organizations. The strength of service delivery is achieved by all stakeholders working collaboratively as a team.
The core services of the TC include:
- Return to Duty coordination
- Transition Planning Assistance
- Casualty Tracking
- Outreach
- Leadership and supervision
- Advocacy Services
- Designated Assistant disengagement and support to families.
Ill and injured members may be posted to CAF TG based on the recommendation of the unit CO, medical authority, and the local CAF TU HQ. Those posted to CAF TG are under command of the nearest TC Support Platoon. While some members posted to CAF TG may eventually be released due to their medical condition, the primary objective of CAF TG is to provide support to the member throughout his or her recovery and enhance their return to duty in the CAF.
The TC Service Partners
Because some of the partner organizations are co-located in an TC, currently serving and former CAF members, and family are provided with a one-stop service for a majority of their requirements. Key partners associated with an TC include:
- Veterans Affairs Canada
- Director Military Family Services - Family Liaison Officer
- SISIP Vocational Rehabilitation
- Personnel Support Programs
- CF Health Services
- Base and Wing partners (Personnel Selection Officers, Chaplains, etc.)
- Soldier On Representative
The TC RTD Coordinator
Each TC has a Services Section which coordinates the provision of support services to ill and injured members. One of the core services of the TC Services Section is RTD coordination. This service is provided for members recommended RTD who are posted to the CAF TG as well as those members recommended RTD who remain with their Parent Unit.
The TC RTD Coordinator is responsible to the national TC Service Manager for assuring the coordination, planning and development of the individualized RTD plans for the ill and injured CAF members are consistent with DAOD 5018 CAF Return To Duty Program (TBI) and this Guide.
The TC RTD Coordinator works collaboratively with the member’s Unit RTD Representative, their PHCP, and the member’s Chain of Command to ensure their members on RTD are fully supported. While the successful reintegration of the member back to duty is the primary objective, the TC RTD Coordinator is not an advocate for the ill and injured member. The IPSC RTD Coordinator is an advocate for the RTD Program. The Unit RTD Representative functions as an advocate for the member.
The TC RTD Coordinator facilitates how the ill and injured member accesses and utilizes services associated with the RTD program. TC RTD Coordinators can assist ill and injured members in communicating their interests and needs to their Chain of Command, their HCPs, their duty placement employer or supervisor, and the TC Platoon staff (when they are posted to the CAF TG). The IPSC RTD Coordinator works with the vision of a multidisciplinary team, in close collaboration with the Chain of Command, their HCP Team and services partners.
The TC RTD Coordinator receives training in conflict management and facilitating multiparty discussion. This training is aimed at building conflict management competencies, facilitating dialogue and managing relationships between and amongst stakeholders. As facilitators of the RTD Process, RTD Coordinators are responsible for the management of those relationships between the stakeholders. Collaborative communication between key stakeholders in the RTD Process is critical to the effectiveness of the RTD Plan. This training enables RTD Coordinators to establish and maintain clear and effective communication and facilitate the resolution of disputes at the lowest possible level between these key stakeholders. It is an essential operational and strategic capability for the RTD Program and an essential competency for the TC RTD Coordinator.
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