Restorative Engagement Class Member Updates June 2022


We are pleased to provide you another update on the Restorative Engagement (RE) program.

Information sessions

We hoped to offer information sessions about the RE program this past spring. However, at this time, the RE team is continuing to refine the program to ensure we can deliver the best service possible to meet class member needs. As a result, the Restorative Engagement team made the difficult decision to postpone the information sessions until we can share more relevant, up-to-date, comprehensive, and accurate information about the program.

We will invite class members to participate in information sessions once we have had the opportunity to work with and learn from the experiences of class members and Defence representatives who participated in the first stages of the program. We will keep you informed about the availability of upcoming information sessions through our website, the SMRC’s social media channels, and via email.

Duty to Report

We are pleased to confirm that on

The RE program is intended to help you, as a class member, to share experiences, knowledge and/or understanding of sexual misconduct with the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Department of National Defence (DND) to contribute to culture change. You decide what you share within the program.

The RE program was not intended, nor designed, to address individual accountability, which is one of the purposes of the Duty to Report. You will not communicate with the person who harmed you as a part of your RE engagement process. The intent and spirit of the program is to enable you to share your experiences and insights with Defence Team leadership representatives in a safe, supportive and confidential environment. This amendment will allow the program to be delivered as it was intended.

The amendment will not limit your ability to report; rather it will ensure that CAF representatives, who have volunteered to listen, acknowledge and learn from class members’ experiences, are not put in a position where they are obligated to report incidents of misconduct, regardless of whether the affected person is ready or wants to report them.

There may be circumstances where the information shared by class members requires action to ensure the safety of those involved or our workplace. However, the RE program team will work closely with class members and Defence representatives to ensure they are fully informed of the limits of confidentiality.

What’s next?

We will continue to provide you with updates throughout the duration of the program. If there are any changes to your contact information (email, or the best way to reach you), we ask that you please write to us at If you do not have access via email, you can contact us at 1-833-998-2048.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the program by email at or by phone at 1-833-998-2048 if you have any questions. The toll-free number for Restorative Engagement is currently being answered by the SMRC’s 24/7 line counsellors.

Thank you again for your interest in the RE program and for your patience as we continue to work on its development and implementation.


The Restorative Engagement program team

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