12-41 – Acceptable Internet Use Within the CCO
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
On this page
- Purpose
- General
- Definitions
- References
- Categories of Use
- Official Use
- Authorized Use
- Unauthorized Use
- Prohibited Use
- Transmission of Classified and Designated Information
- Education and Supervision of Users
- Accountability
- Posting Of Grievances and Dissatisfiers
- Non-Conformance
- Reporting Non-Conformance
- Annex
1. The aim of this Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO) is to detail what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable Internet use within the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO).
2. Internet use within the CCO shall conform to Government of Canada and DND/CF laws, regulations, orders, directives and policies, as well as to this CATO.
3. This CATO summarizes departmental and CF standards of conduct for the following:
- CF members;
- civilian instructors (per reference at para 7.j.);
- DND employees;
- cadets; and
- volunteers in support of the CCO (per reference at para 7.k.).
4. This CATO applies to Internet use:
- on DND/CCO facilities and sites including training centres;
- during CCO parades, activities and events;
- when connecting to or from a DND/CCO computer, network, or software application; and/or
- when using DND provided and/or funded Internet connections.
5. This CATO does not apply to the Junior Canadian Rangers (JCR) who are governed by JCR Administrative and Training Orders (JCRATO).
6. The following definitions apply to this order:
computers. means personal computers, laptops, wireless communication devices, personal digital assistants (PDA) or other electronic devices that may be connected to electronic networks, or another computer, or operated on a standalone basis. (ordinateurs)
Internet. means a global information network consisting of national, regional and private electronic networks that use a common communication protocol and cooperate to provide their users with a common interface. (internet)
personnel. means the sum of:
- all CF members held against a corps, squadron or other CCO unit establishment or who volunteer with that unit;
- all civilian instructors held against a corps, squadron or other CCO unit establishment; and
- all DND employees;
but does not mean:
- persons who volunteer with a corps, squadron or their CCO unit, or
- cadets. (le personnel)
7. The following documents are referenced in this CATO:
- Treasury Board of Canada Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks;
- DAOD 6001-1, Acceptable Use of the Internet, Defence Intranet and Other Electronic Networks, and Computers;
- DAOD 2008-0, Public Affairs Policy;
- DAOD 2008-2, Media Relations and Public Announcements;
- National Defence Act, Part III, Code of Service Discipline;
- QR (Cadets), Section 5, Conduct and Discipline of Cadet Instructors, Civilian Instructors and Cadets;
- CATO 11-01, Cadet Administrative and Training Orders - Defined;
- CATO 15-21, Termination of Cadet Membership;
- CATO 15-22, Conduct and Discipline – Cadets;
- CATO 23-05, Terms of Employment – Civilian Instructors;
- CATO 23-07, Civilian Volunteers in Support of Authorized Cadet Activities; and
- CATO 23-11, Cadet Instructors Supporting Cadet Activities Without Pay.
Categories of Use
8. As defined at para 7.b., Internet use is categorized as follows:
- official;
- authorized;
- unauthorized; and
- prohibited.
Official Use
9. Official use involves tasks that are necessary to carry out official duties and functions in furtherance of DND/CF/CCO goals and objectives. This includes communicating with colleagues, other government departments, and the private sector, and conducting research for DND/CF/CCO purposes.
Authorized Use
10. Authorized use within the CCO is consistent with reference at para 7.b. It is defined as use that, while not necessary to carry out official duties, is for:
- undertaking professional development activities in accordance with DAOD 5031-0, Learning and Professional Development;
- communicating with family, friends and other persons for other than official purposes;
- are not unauthorized or prohibited;
- conducting routine personal banking transactions;
- shopping for, and purchasing of, personal and family items;
- any union activity or business specifically pre-authorized in writing by a commanding officer; and
- any other purpose that is consistent with the Treasury Board’s Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks (para 7.a.), DAOD 6001-1, and this CATO, and is specifically authorized in writing by a CO, or an officer senior to the CO in the chain of command.
11. Authorized use may only be of a reasonable duration and frequency and shall not interfere with the performance of the official duties and functions of an authorized user or any other person.
Unauthorized Use
12. Consistent with reference at para 7.b., unauthorized use is defined as any use that is not an official use, an authorized use, or a prohibited use. Examples include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- any authorized use that is not of a reasonable duration or frequency or that interferes with the performance of official duties and functions of an authorized user or any other person;
- any use that would result in personal profit, union activity or business not specifically pre-authorized, accessing or distributing any material whose main focus is pornography, nudity, sexual acts or the incitement of hatred; and
- any use that would reflect discredit upon DND, the CF, or the CCO.
Prohibited Use
13. Prohibited use includes any use that:
- is contrary to the Criminal Code, any other federal statute, regulation, or provincial law, including any non-criminal statute or regulation or unlawful activity;
- has or could reasonably have caused harm to others; and
- is an intentional action that would jeopardize the integrity of DND/CF/CCO electronic networks and computers.
14. Annex A provides some examples but is a non-exhaustive list of prohibited activities based on reference at para 7.a.
Transmission of Classified and Designated Information
15. The Internet may be used for the transmission of “UNCLASSIFIED” information only. Other approved systems and methods exist for the transmission of classified (confidential, secret, etc.) and designated (protected A, B, etc.) information.
Education and Supervision of Users
16. CF members, civilian instructors, DND employees, cadets, and volunteers in support of the CCO shall:
- be expected to exert caution and sound judgement when using the Internet;
- ensure online activities are of a professional, ethical and legal manner and will not diminish the public positive image of the CCO;
- not represent personal views over the Internet which could be interpreted as being the policy of the DND/CF, the Government of Canada or the CCO;
- not express themselves in an abusive, sexist or racist manner over the Internet; and
- not violate the Public Affairs Policy (para 7.c.) through their use of the Internet.
17. Commanding Officers shall ensure that all personnel and volunteers are aware of the requirements of this CATO and that of DAOD 6001-1 (para 7.b.), DAOD 2008-0, Public Affairs Policy (para 7.c.) and DAOD 2008-2, Media Relations and Public Announcements (para 7.d.). Cadets are only required to be aware of and follow this CATO.
18. The laws regarding the use of the Internet are continually evolving. Users must thus ensure that they are aware of federal and provincial laws pertaining to the various uses of the Internet.
19. Internet users shall expect that, depending on the circumstances, evidence regarding incidents will be turned over to the military and/or civilian police authorities. Where the incidents involve cadets, parents/guardians may be informed and/or appropriate social agencies.
20. CF members, civilian instructors, cadets, DND employees, and volunteers in support of the CCO are ultimately responsible for the views and comments they express over the Internet and may be held personally accountable in accordance with federal and provincial statutes.
21. Commanding Officers should be aware that managerial and leadership accountability for the actions of those under their authority applies to Internet use, as it does for any other activity.
Posting Of Grievances and Dissatisfiers
22. Grievances and personal dissatisfactions with the CCO or individuals involved with the CCO shall not be posted on the Internet. Established procedures exist for the resolution of grievances at all levels.
23. For CF members, per references at paras 7.b. and 7.e. above, unauthorized or prohibited use may result in administrative action up to and including release from the CF, and/or disciplinary proceedings. This includes CF members supporting Cadet activities without pay per reference at para 7.l. above.
24. For DND employees, per reference at para 7.b. above, unauthorized or prohibited use may result in administrative action (up to and including termination of employment), and/or criminal charges.
25. For civilian instructors or volunteers, unauthorized or prohibited use may result in the termination of involvement with any cadet activities, the termination of any civilian instructor or volunteer agreement, and/or criminal charges.
26. For cadets, unauthorized or prohibited use may result in disciplinary actions per reference at para 7.i. above, and/or compulsory termination of Cadet membership per reference at para 7.h. above, and/or criminal charges.
27. For staff cadets and cadets attending Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC), unauthorized or prohibited use may result in RTU, and/or disciplinary actions per reference at para 7.i. above, and/or compulsory termination of Cadet membership per reference at para 7.h. above, and/or criminal charges.
Reporting Non-Conformance
28. All users have an obligation to report non-conformance. Non-conformance should be reported to the applicable regional helpdesk who in turn may escalate it to the National CCO Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) as required.
Annex A
OPI: OPI: D Cdts 2
Date: Jun 10
Amendment: Original (Ch 15/10)
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