14-18 Annex A – Cadet Fitness Assessment

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

1. The Cadet Fitness Assessment is a tool used for measuring the personal fitness level of cadets. The assessment is based on the FITNESSGRAM testing protocol produced by the Cooper Institute.  This package is based on extensive research and is designed specifically for youth.

2. The Cadet Fitness Assessment will help the cadets track their personal fitness level, plan personal fitness programs and promote lifelong fitness.

3. There are three areas of fitness that are assessed:

  1. cardiovascular endurance;
  2. muscular strength; and
  3. muscular flexibility.

4. The Cadet Fitness Assessment is conducted at the beginning and end of the corps / squadron training year to track personal fitness level.

The Cadet Fitness Assessment Scoring System

5. There is not one total score from the Cadet Fitness Assessment. The cadets will receive a separate score for each of the fitness-area tests, to include:

  1. cardiovascular component to include the 20-m Shuttle Run Test, which is scored by the number of laps completed;
  2. muscular strength component, to include:
    (1) curl-up, which is scored by counting the number of curl-ups completed, and
    (2) push-up, which is scored by counting the number of push-ups completed; and
  3. muscular flexibility component, to include:
    (1) shoulder stretch, which is scored on both the right and left arms by measuring the ability to touch hands (a yes or no), and
    (2) back-saver sit and reach, which is scored by measuring the distance that is reached on the measuring tool for the right and left legs.

The Sequence for the Cadet Fitness Assessment

6. The Cadet Fitness Assessment is conducted with the cardiovascular component (20-m Shuttle Run Test) being completed first.  The remaining components are set up as a circuit. 


Appendix 1

The Cardiovascular Component

Appendix 2

The Curl-Up

Appendix 3

The Push-Up

Appendix 4

The Shoulder Stretch

Appendix 5

The Back-Saver Sit and Reach

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