15-21 – ​​Termination of Cadet Membership

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)


1. This order sets out the procedures to be followed in the event that cadet membership is terminated pursuant to Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR (Cadets)) as a consequence of confirmed misbehaviour determined by investigation as provided for in the QR (Cadets).

2. Misbehaviour occurs when a cadet breaches the rights and responsibilities of a cadet as defined by the CATOs.

3. As indicated in CATO 15-22, termination is one of many actions that a cadet corps/squadron Commanding Officer (CO) may take in the case of confirmed misbehaviour but it is to be considered as a measure of last resort.


4. Prior to terminating membership, the CO shall provide to the cadet:

  1. the reasons why the decision to terminate the membership of the cadet is being considered; and
  2. a reasonable opportunity to communicate his or her side of the situation.

5. Once the cadet’s information has been received, the cadet corps/squadron CO shall consider the information and determine whether or not to proceed with the termination of membership.

6. The CO shall inform the CO RCSU or RCSU Detachment Commander of his/her decision.

7. In the event of termination of membership, the CO shall immediately inform the cadet and parent(s) or guardian of the decision with reasons in writing using the template at Annex A to this CATO. The notification must include the following:

  1. reason(s) for the termination;
  2. an explanation that the cadet may request a review of the decision by the CO of the RCSU or RCSU Detachment Commander as applicable; and
  3. the methods of contacting the CO RCSU or RCSU Detachment Commander as applicable.

8. The CO RCSU or RCSU Detachment Commander must ensure that the action taken by the CO of the cadet unit was fair, appropriate and in the best interests of the cadet and the cadet program.

9. If the cadet has reached the age of majority as defined by the applicable provincial legislation, any notification given may be provided to the cadet’s parent(s) or guardians(s) ONLY with the written consent of the cadet.

10. In the event that the cadet is a minor (as defined by the provincial legislation), disclosure of information relating to the termination may be provided:

  1. to a person acting on behalf of the minor as authorized by or pursuant to the law of Canada and applicable provincial legislation; or
  2. to a person having made a request in accordance with the applicable legislation.


Annex A

Sample Notification of Membership Termination Letter

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OPI: D Cdts 2

Date:  Sep 05

Amendment:  Ch 7/05

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