Specific Purpose Flight Permits Issued by the TAA (DTAES 3)

Effective Date: June 2011

Version in effect: 4 (revised 20 March 2023)

References: TAM Part 5, Chapter 7

OPI / Telephone: DTAES 3-2 / 819-939-4813

Alternate format

1. Purpose

1.1. This TAA Advisory provides guidance for the issuance of a Specific Purpose Flight Permit (SPFP) by the TAA (Directorate of Technical Airworthiness and Engineering Support (DTAES) 3 staff) and the Operational Airworthiness Authority (OAA) for the purposes identified in paragraph 2. SPFPs released by accredited Weapon System Management (WSM) organizations are issued in accordance with AF9000 procedure EMT09.047 of the Department of National Defence (DND) Aerospace Equipment Program Management (AEPM) Division's Business Management System Manual of AEPM Processes (MAP) (reference 3.3.a).

2. Applicability

2.1. This TAA Advisory applies to TAA staff and Applicants (usually WSM and Project Management (PMO) staff). SPFPs will be issued by the TAA (DTAES 3 staff) for the purpose of granting flight authority for aircraft (including Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS)) in the following situations:

  1. when the aircraft fleet has not been issued a Provisional Airworthiness Clearance (PAC) or Airworthiness Clearance (AC);
  2. when the aircraft has not been issued a Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) by the TAA;
  3. to authorize use of aircraft capabilities, systems or equipment not yet certified by a Provisional Type Certificate issued by the TAA; or
  4. for the purpose of authorizing Research & Development (R&D) flight testing of UAS 15 Kg and below (see paragraph 4.4).

2.2 SPFPs may also be issued in accordance with this TAA Advisory to other military and civilian organizations who provide defence-related services to the DND/CAF, and are regulated via Temporary Authority to Operate (TAO).

Note: Not all UAS used by the DND/CAF require an AC (e.g., the Open Category UAS, as defined in reference 3.2.a, Part 2, Chapter 3, Section 1, paragraph However, when a UAS is required to obtain an AC, the requirements are the same as for crewed aircraft.

3. Related Material

3.1. Definitions:

  1. Operational Commander and Risk Acceptance Authority (OCRAA) (as defined in reference 3.3.b). The operational commander responsible for the employment of the aeronautical product or aviation system at risk. Within 1 and 2 Canadian Air Division, the OCRAA is usually the Commander or, depending on airworthiness risk level, the applicable Director Fleet Readiness/Director Aerospace Readiness/Director Air Force Training. Determination of the OCRAA in unique situations is to be coordinated with the SSO OA
  2. See the Technical Airworthiness Manual (TAM) Glossary for all other applicable definitions

3.2. Regulatory Reference:

  1. C-05-005-001/AG-001 – Technical Airworthiness Manual

3.3. Other References

  1. AF9000 procedure EMT09.047 – Flight Permit
  2. AF9000 procedure EMT01.003 – Airworthiness Risk Management Process
  3. TAA Advisory 2011-03 – Experimental Flight Permits
  4. TAA Advisory 2013-16 – Aircraft Registration and Marking
  5. AF9000 procedure TAA04.003 – Technical Airworthiness Clearance
  6. Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) 3003-1 – Management, Security and Access Requirements Relating to Controlled Goods
  7. Canadian Forces Technical Order (CFTO) C-02-007-000/AG-001 – Controlled Technology Access and Transfer (CTAT) Manual, Part 2, Section 1

1. AF9000 procedures and AEPM forms are available internally, within DND, on the AEPM Division’s Business Management System Manual of AEPM Processes (MAP) SharePoint intranet website.
2. DAODs and CFTOs are available internally, within DND, on the DND intranet.
3. TAA Advisories are available on the Government of Canada’s website, Canada.ca

4. Discussion

4.1 General

4.1.1 A SPFP is issued jointly by the TAA and OAA to provide temporary flight authority when an aircraft does not meet the conditions for a CofA, but is capable of safe flight, or the risk has been identified and accepted in accordance with the AF9000 procedure EMT01.003 (see reference 3.3.b).

4.1.2 When a SPFP is issued by an accredited WSM organization in accordance with AF9000 procedure EMT09.047 (see reference 3.3.a), both a SPFP Justification Form (AEPM 202) and a SPFP Form (AEPM 203) are required. When SPFPs are issued by the TAA (DTAES 3 staff), only the SPFP Form (AEPM 203) is used. The SPFP Justification Form is not required in this case. However, in the absence of the SPFP Justification Form, two key differences must be taken into consideration when preparing the SPFP:

  1. paragraph 2 of the SPFP Form should be annotated “N/A”; and
  2. the OAA signature must be on the SPFP Form in Block I.

4.1.3 It is the responsibility of the Applicant to complete the draft SPFP and to demonstrate that operations approved via the SPFP can be safely operated and supported. The focus of the SPFP should be on providing the necessary information to safely operate and maintain the aircraft. References to approved flight manuals, flight manual supplements and maintenance procedures should be used to the greatest extent possible. The SPFP should contain any operating procedures, limitations, restrictions and maintenance procedures that are specific to the operation, but are not contained in the reference documents.

4.1.4 The Applicant is to ensure that all applicable Records of Airworthiness Risk Management (RARMs), developed in accordance with reference 3.3.b, are complete, including acceptance of risk by the Operational Commander, before staffing the SPFP for TAA and OAA signatures. The SPFP must include all operational and technical mitigations required by the RARM(s).

4.1.5 The Applicant will ensure that the DTAES 3 Project Officer (PO), the 1 or 2 Canadian Air Division (CAD) operational Staff Officer (SO) and applicable specialists have been consulted in the development of the SPFP. Before staffing the draft for signatures, approval from both DTAES 3 and 1 or 2 CAD staff should be obtained. Sufficient time should be provided to allow for the process of obtaining both the TAA and OAA signatures.

Note: In the absence of an operational SO for the aircraft, the Senior Staff Officer Operational Airworthiness (SSO OA) should be consulted.

4.1.6 SPFPs are usually valid for one year, unless specifically authorized by DTAES 3. WSMs cannot reissue SPFPs issued by DTAES 3 staff.

4.2 Flight Testing of UAS 15 kg and below

4.2.1 The Flight Test Authority (FTA) does not intend to oversee R&D flight testing for UAS weighing 15 kg and below. As a result, the FTA has agreed to allow the use of SPFPs for these purposes. SPFPs for R&D for UAS 15 kg and below must be supported by a RARM prepared in accordance with reference 3.3.b. It is up to the Applicant to identify the Operational Command Risk Acceptance Authority (OCRAA), if the user organization is not the RCAF. 1 CAD SO UAS can provide guidance for the selection of an appropriate OCRAA.

Note: UAS over 15 kg require an Experimental Flight Permit (EFP) for R&D flight testing in accordance with TAA Advisory 2011-03 – Experimental Flight Permits (reference 3.3.c). However, the process described in this TAA Advisory could be applied on a case-by-case basis, and with the concurrence of the FTA. Applicants should discuss this possibility with DTAES 3.

4.3 SPFPs Issued Prior to Initial Technical Airworthiness Clearance

4.3.1 If a Technical Airworthiness Clearance (TAC) or Provisional TAC (PTAC) has not been issued, a SPFP Substantiation Report must be written and approved by an authorized TAA staff member. The substantiation report is written by DTAES 3 and 4 staff, with input from the Applicant. The purpose of this report is to ensure that all relevant TAC elements have been appropriately addressed prior to SPFP issuance. This report must address all of the TAC requirements necessary to support operations that are not contained in the SPFP itself. DTAES specialists will be required to identify outstanding airworthiness requirements, which have not been demonstrated as compliant, and offer their assessment of which of these deficits could present a hazard to the aircraft. The specialist assessments will normally be documented in Technical Notes, referenced in the Substantiation Report. The Applicant might be required to staff one or more RARMs (prepared in accordance with reference 3.3.b) to identify any airworthiness risk(s). The Applicant will be required to obtain the aircraft type designation, registration numbers, and approval of the markings and paint scheme, in accordance with reference 3.3.d. Provisional acceptance of maintenance, design and technical organizations will be required to ensure that the aircraft can be supported. The maintenance program and flight manual will require review/acceptance by DTAES 4 and 7 staff, respectively. The level of effort required to support a SPFP in this instance may be significant. The Applicant, therefore, should give careful consideration to the use of a SPFP prior to TAC. Typically, SPFPs are issued ahead of TAC and AC for:

  1. Initial Cadre Training (ICT); and
  2. Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E).

Note: In cases where a (P)TAC has been issued for the aircraft type, but either the (P)AC or the individual aircraft CofA have not been issued, DTAES 3 will issue the SPFP. In this case, a substantiation report is not required, since the TAC report will confirm that all appropriate TAC elements required to support the SPFP are complete.

4.3.2 A template initial TAC Report is available internally, within DND, in AEPM RDIMS #1996928. This can be used as the basis for the SPFP Substantiation Report. Staffing of the substantiation report for approval will be identical to the TAC report. AF9000 procedure TAA04.003 – TAC for a New Aircraft Fleet (reference 3.3.e) provides detailed explanations of all aspects of the TAC report, including staffing. It is the responsibility of the DTAES 3 PO to ensure that the SPFP Substantiation Report RDIMS file is included in the appropriate DTAES 3 project or fleet folder.

4.3.3 It is important to consult Airworthiness Investigative Authority (AIA) (Directorate of Flight Safety (DFS)) staff prior to staffing the SPFP for approval, to ensure that the requirements of the Investigative Airworthiness Clearance (IAC) have been sufficiently met to support flight safety investigations. The SPFP should contain appropriate direction and contact information, in the event that a flight safety incident/accident occurs.

4.4 SPFP Completion

4.4.1 The SPFP form (AEPM 203) can be downloaded from the AEPM Division Business Management System Manual of AEPM Processes (MAP) MS SharePoint intranet website, and completed as instructed. DTAES 3 staff can also provide a copy of the form upon demand. The SPFP should be kept as concise as possible. If it is necessary to include lengthy instructions or detailed information, consider placing them in an annex. Supporting details, such as the rationale for limitations, restrictions or maintenance actions, references to RARMs, or other supporting documents shall be included in the SPFP Substantiation Report.

4.4.2 Sections A, B and D. These sections are self-explanatory and should be completed as necessary. Accredited WSM organizations will assign the SPFP number. PMOs and those WSMs without an accreditation are to request a SPFP number from the TAA staff (DTAES 3-2-3).

Note: When using blocks of DND aircraft tail numbers in section A8 of the SPFP, special attention should be given to ensure that all numbers listed are in receipt of a DND Certificate of Registration. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that the applicable SPFPs are updated when new aircraft have entered into service.

4.4.3 Section C – Description. The background to the SPFP should be explained, and the scope of the flying activities or tests that are to be carried out under the SPFP should be described, as follows:

  1. Background. This section should support the reason for the SPFP included in Block 3 and provide the following information:
    1. Reason for requiring the SPFP, including an explanation as to why Type Certification and/or (P)TAC was not achievable; and
    2. Identification of any previously approved flight permits that are invalidated by this SPFP.
  1. Scope of Flying Activities. The Applicant must identify the scope of the flying activities to be authorized by the SPFP. Reference to a TAA-approved Flight Manual (FM) or Aircraft Operating Instructions (AOIs) can be provided. However, the SPFP must specifically list those flying activities or capabilities not included in the FM/AOI.
  2. Authorized Configurations. A description of the non-certified aircraft configurations or equipment that are being approved by this SPFP must be provided. Reference to a TAA-approved FM or AOIs can be provided. However, the SPFP must specifically list those configurations not included in the FM/AOI.

4.4.4 Section E – Maintenance Instructions. This section should list all maintenance actions that are being approved by this SPFP, by indicating, for each one, when it is required (flight hours, calendar time or condition) and the level of Airworthiness Authority required to certify the technician’s work on installation and maintenance. Annexes and references can be used.

4.4.5 Section F – Operational Instructions, Limitations and Restrictions. This section will contain only those operational instructions, limitations and restrictions being imposed by the SPFP, including those imposed by applicable RARMs as risk mitigations. If required by DFS, this section should also include flight safety reporting instructions and contact information.

4.4.6 Section G – Risk Identification. The purpose of this section is to list each applicable RARM and associated mitigated risk. This section does not need to summarize the RARM, nor repeat the mitigations that have been included in Sections E and F, as applicable. The RARMs do not need to be listed in Section D – References, nor should they be attached as annexes to the SPFP.

1. After completing each section of the form, delete all instructions and comments, (i.e., those identified with the “less than” (<) and “greater than” (>) marks, such as < Delete as required >).
2. Wet ink or digital signatures are acceptable on SPFPs. Digital signatures must be added using the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) card.

4.5 SPFP Approval, Release and Monitoring

4.5.1 The SPFP Substantiation Report must be approved by an authorized TAA staff member before DTAES 3 staff sign the SPFP. It is the responsibility of the DTAES 3 PO to ensure that the SPFP is issued to all units that may have control over, and custody of, the applicable aircraft at any point of time during the validity period of the flight permit. Block 1 on the SPFP defines the positions of the individuals within the units who are accountable for the adherence to the terms of the SPFP. For in-service aircraft, the SPFP is usually issued to the Commanding Officer of the operational unit or squadron.

4.5.2 Information copies of the SPFP shall be sent to the following:

  1. the fleet WSM;
  2. the PMO SEM (if applicable);
  3. the appropriate fleet OA Desk Officer;
  4. A4 Maintenance (via email, at +A4 Maint Rdns@A4 Maint@Winnipeg);
  5. the Combined Aerospace Operations Center Mission Support (CAOC Msn Sp), via email, at: +CAOC Div Msn Sp@CAOC@Winnipeg;
  6. DFS (if applicable); and
  7. any other info addressees requested by the Applicant.

4.5.3 It is incumbent on the DTAES 3 PO to ensure that the SPFP AEPM RDIMS file is placed in the appropriate DTAES 3 project or fleet folder.

4.5.4 PMOs and WSMs must notify the applicable DTAES 3 PO of any issues or flight safety incidents that may occur, which are related to the SPFP.

4.6 SPFPs for New Aircraft

4.6.1 When a SPFP is used to grant flight authority for a new aircraft, the DTAES PO must inform DTAES 3-2-3, who will update the DND Military Aircraft Register to reflect the current aircraft status as “active” vice “reserved”. This must be done whenever a new aircraft commences operation either by modifying an existing SPFP, or by issuing a new SPFP.

4.7 Suspension, Rescission or Cancellation

4.7.1 Approval must be obtained from the OCRAA prior to the suspension, rescission or cancellation of a SPFP. In many cases, suspension or rescission of a SPFP could significantly affect operational readiness. Nevertheless, the OCRAA has the option of accepting the risk of continuing operations. Therefore, unless the SPFP is no longer required as a result of the completion of flying operations, a Risk Alert Notification (RAN) must be staffed in accordance with AF9000 procedure EMT01.003 (reference 3.3.c) to identify the risk(s) of continuing operations.

4.8 Controlled Goods

4.8.1 If the SPFP contains any technical data, the document must be marked to indicate whether or not the technical data are Controlled Goods in accordance with reference 3.3.f. The markings must conform to Figure 2-1-3 or Figure 2-1-6 of reference 3.3.g.

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