Annex B: Example of appendix to SOW or PWS related to decisions of significance

This annex provides examples of a "Decisions of Significance/Airworthiness Scope and Depth of Authority" document, which is typically included as an appendix to the SOW or PWS. These examples include only the applicable airworthiness requirements. PMO and WSM staff must add any other requirements deemed necessary.

Decisions of Significance/Airworthiness Authorities

1. Introduction

1.1. The accomplishment of all decisions associated with work on the <Insert Contract #> will be split between the Contractor and Canada. Canada will retain the Decisions of Significance listed in this Appendix, unless otherwise stated in the SOW. Decisions of Significance fall into the following categories:

  1. Decisions impacting operations;
  2. Decisions having a financial impact on Canada; and
  3. Decisions affecting airworthiness.

1.2. The following sections are to be read in conjunction with Table 1 – Airworthiness Authority.

2. Decisions Impacting Operations

2.1. Decisions that impact operations include:

  1. Approval of changes to third line schedules (duration and induction dates);
  2. Issue of Special Inspections;
  3. Issue of Design Changes affecting the physical configuration of the aircraft;
  4. Conduct of Mobile Repair Parties;
  5. The grounding and operational restricting of aircraft;
  6. Changes that:
    1. significantly increase Canada’s maintenance burden, whereby the level of effort involved is perceived as being beyond the maintenance unit’s capability and will require augmentation to DND-provided resources;
    2. affect the aircraft operating procedures; or
    3. significantly impact the Training System, whereby the level of effort involved is perceived as being beyond the training unit’s capability and will require augmentation to DND-provided resources.

2.2. For clarification, the Contractor may approve alternative parts that are identical, or nearly identical, replacements for the existing parts described in the Canada approved maintenance program, which conform to the following requirements that are excluded from item 2.1.c above:

  1. The part does not introduce any new capabilities that would affect the way that the aircraft currently operates, which would result in a Major design change;
  2. The aeronautical product on which the part will be installed does not require modification; and
  3. There is no requirement to amend maintenance procedures, maintenance schedules, the flight manual or the aircraft operating instructions in order to accommodate the new part.

3. Decisions Having a Financial Impact on Canada

3.1. Canada will retain decisions for any changes to In-Service Support that have a financial impact upon Canada.

3.2. Canada will retain all decisions on the repair or replacement of components due to non-inherent failure damage.

4. Decisions Affecting Airworthiness

4.1. Canada will retain airworthiness decisions for which the Contractor has not been delegated the requisite authority from the Technical Airworthiness Authority (TAA).

4.2. The TAA, having satisfaction of the Contractor’s conformance to the DND/CAF Airworthiness Program, grants sufficient authority to the Contractor to permit completion of all assigned work in accordance with Table 1. Canada will retain airworthiness authority in accordance with the limitations identified in Table 1.

The formal assignment of airworthiness authority to the applicable Contractor organization is effected through the approval by the TAA of the applicable Contractor’s Airworthiness Process Manual or DND Airworthiness Supplement, in accordance with TAM Part 1, Chapter 4.

4.3. The DND Type Certificate Holder (TCH) or the TAA will retain fleet level airworthiness authorities within the construct of the Design Support Network (DSN) and any Airworthiness authority not assigned to the Contractor.

4.4. Although the Contractor will be permitted to make the airworthiness decision for which he possesses the requisite authority, if that decision results in an impact to operations, or has a financial impact on Canada, the resultant Business Decision will be made by Canada.

Table 1 – Airworthiness Authority
Airworthiness Activity Scope Limitations Notes
Design Change
  • Approve design change categorization  
  • Approve certification plans
  • Approve certification compliance matrix
  • Make findings of compliance  
  • Grant Airworthiness Approval
  1. Design changes deemed Major and Extensive, as per TAM Part 3, Chapter 2, must be referred to the TAA for determination of TAA Level of Involvement.


  1. Based on typical OEM/Design Authority capabilities.
  2. Limitations must be defined and expanded based on actual organizational experience and competency.
  3. The project team needs to work closely with the TAA (DTAES 4 Staff) to establish the contractual targets for the applicable Contractor’s scope and depth of airworthiness authority.
Design Change
  • Grant Technical Airworthiness Clearance (TAC)
  1. Consultation with OAA and 1 Cdn Air Div A4 Maint staff is coordinated via the DND TCH.
  2. Unless specified otherwise, TAC associated to a Decision of Significance will be granted by the DND TCH.
Applicable where contractor configuration management processes address all applicable TAC requirements.
  • Approve repair instructions
  1. TAA approval is required for repairs that do not provide full life, or require in-service inspections.
  2. All other repairs to be approved as per Design Change. 


  1. Limitations must be defined and expanded based on actual organizational experience and competency.
  2. The project team needs to work closely with the TAA (DTAES 4 Staff) to establish the contractual targets for the applicable Contractor’s scope and depth of airworthiness authority. 
  • Grant TAC
  1. Unless specified otherwise, TAC associated to a Decision of Significance will be granted by the DND TCH.
Applicable where contractor configuration management processes address all applicable TAC requirements.
Alternate Parts
  • Grant Airworthiness Approval
  1. Limited to form, fit and function replacements not requiring a configuration change to next higher assembly.
  2. All other Alternate Parts to be approved as per Design Change.
  1. Limitations must be defined and expanded based on actual organizational experience and competency.
  2. The project team needs to work closely with the TAA (DTAES 4 Staff) to establish the contractual targets for the applicable Contractor’s scope and depth of airworthiness authority.
Alternate Parts
  • Grant TAC
  1. Unless specified otherwise, TAC associated to a Decision of Significance will be granted by the DND TCH.
Applicable where contractor configuration management processes address all applicable TAC requirements.
  • Approve technical data to support the change
  1. Amendments to the RCAF MMEL require TAA/OAA Approval. OAA’s involvement is coordinated by the TCH.
  • Approve technical data to support the change
  1. Amendments to the Flight Manual require TAA/OAA approval. OAA’s involvement is coordinated by the TCH.
Preventative Maintenance Program
  • Approve technical data to support the change
  • Grant Airworthiness Approval
  1. The following categories of changes require TAA approval:
    a. Airworthiness Limitations (AWLs)
    b. Extensive changes to maintenance schedule format or structure
    c. Changes resulting from changes to the aeronautical product role, mission or usage spectrum
  2. All other Preventive Maintenance Program changes to be approved as per Design Change
  1. Limitations must be defined and expanded based on actual organizational experience and competency.
  2. The project team needs to work closely with the TAA (DTAES 4 Staff) to establish the contractual targets for the applicable Contractor’s scope and depth of airworthiness authority.
Preventative Maintenance Program
  • Grant TAC
  1. Consultation with 1 Cdn Air Div A4 Maint is coordinated through the DND TCH.
  2. Unless specified otherwise, TAC associated to a Decision of Significance will be granted by the DND TCH.
Applicable where contractor configuration management processes address all applicable TAC requirements.
Corrective Maintenance Program
  • Approve technical data to support the change
  • Grant Airworthiness Approval
  1. Corrective Maintenance Program changes to be approved as per Design Change.
  1. Limitations must be defined and expanded based on actual organizational experience and competency.
  2. The project team needs to work closely with the TAA (DTAES 4 Staff) to establish the contractual targets for the applicable Contractor’s scope and depth of airworthiness authority.
Corrective Maintenance Program
  • Grant TAC
  1. Unless specified otherwise, TAC associated to a Decision of Significance will be granted by the DND TCH.
Applicable where contractor configuration management processes address all applicable TAC requirements.
Aeronautical Product Recertification
  • Approve inspection methods
  • Approve inspection instruction
  • Issue Certificate of Conformance
No Limitations n/a
Approve Substitute Parts 
  • Approve technical data to support the part use/installation
  1. Part Substitutions are managed as deviations, since they are only authorized for temporary installation, until removal or approval as an alternate part. The DND TCH will approve deviation flight permit.
Local Manufacture of Parts by DND
  • Approve manufacturing instruction
  1. Consultation with DND units is coordinated through the DND TCH or technical problem reporting process.
Deviations to the Approved Maintenance Program
  • Approve engineering data to support deviation
  • Approve ALOS Airworthiness Impact Assessments (AWIA) in support of deviations
  1. The DND TCH will approve the deviation flight permit.
General Technical Queries 
  • Approve technical data used to support the technical query
  1. Consultation with DND units is coordinated through the DND TCH or technical problem reporting process.
Airworthiness Monitoring
  • Approve finding of applicability
  • Approve follow-on action plan
  1. Consultation with DND units is coordinated through the DND TCH or other approved process.
  2. Follow-on action plans with financial impact limited as per financial decision of significance.
Special Inspections
  • Approve technical data used to support the SI
  1. Consultation with 1 Cdn Air Div A4 Maint is coordinated through the DND TCH.
Risk Management
  • Approve technical data used to support AWIA
  • Prepare technical content of RARM
  • Provide recommendation for TAA Approval
  • Approve ALOS  AWIA
  1. Risk-acceptance and Airworthiness Risk Alert (ARA)/RARM release authority held by DND, as per TAM Part 5, Chapter 1.
Flight Permits
  • Approve technical data used to support the issue of a Flight Permit
  1. The DND TCH will approve Flight Permit.

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