Annex A: Identifying the PBN Capability to be Certified (Step 1)
1. General
1.1 This annex provides guidance on defining the specific PBN capabilities and functions that will be required to meet the operational requirements for a particular DND/CAF aircraft fleet.
2. Rationale and Guidance
2.1 Since AC 20-138D (advisory reference 3.2.2.a) is structured to accommodate multiple potential design configurations and PBN capability options, not all of the design and certification requirements in this AC will be applicable to a specific design.
2.2 The selection of the PBN capabilities and functions that will compose the PBN design to be certified will be used to develop the certification plan, and choose the certification requirements and means of compliance from AC 20-138D (advisory reference 3.2.2.a).
2.3 During the process of identifying the required PBN capabilities, the following must also be defined and documented:
- Operational Requirements. The high-level PBN operational requirements provided by the RCAF Air Staff should include the following information:
- The PBN capabilities required, e.g., RNAV 1, RNAV 2, RNAV 5, RNP 1, RNP 2, RNP 4, RNP APCH, etc.;
- The countries, areas and airspace of the world where the capability will be used; and
- Any specific differences in the way the capability will be used by the DND/CAF, as opposed to civil aviation counterparts, such as: military unique approach profiles, use of PBN during formation flying and air-to-air refuelling, etc.
- PBN Capability Description. Based on the operational requirements provided by the RCAF Air Staff, the applicant (with assistance from the DTAES 6 engineering support staff) must develop a description of the required aircraft design changes. The description should identify the PBN capabilities and functions to be certified, including a description of how these PBN functions will be realized using both the existing, and any new, aircraft avionics systems. This information should be included in the Certification Plan.
- Aircraft Avionics Architecture. The applicant must provide a description of how the required PBN capabilities will be realized using the existing aircraft avionics systems or replacement systems.
2.4 The capability description will be used by the DTAES 3 and DTAES 6 staff to define the PBN certification requirements that will form the design certification basis. The PBN capability description document should include the following:
- Identification of each applicable ICAO PBN navigation specification (advisory reference 3.2.2.b), e.g., RNP 4, RNP 2, RNP APCH or RNAV. Any optional performance, or functionality feature that will be required must be identified.
- Usage of same terminology and vocabulary found in the ICAO PBN Manual (advisory reference 3.2.2.c), such as “remote airspace”. Alternate terminology that may be used in Canada, or by DND, such as Northern Domestic Airspace in Canada, is allowed.
- Identification of the specific navigation functions and applications that are required, such as RNP Approach to LP or LPV minima.
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