Annex B: Certification Plan and Certification Basis (Steps 2a and 2b)

1. General

1.1 This annex provides guidance on developing the PBN certification plan and certification basis.

2. Rationale and Guidance – Certification Plan

2.1. The applicant is responsible for developing the certification plan and submitting it to DTAES 3 for approval. DTAES 3 will staff the plan to DTAES 6 for the review of the PBN technical aspects of the plan, specifically the certification basis, means of compliance and PBN Criteria Table. During the development of the plan, it is recommended that the applicant consult DTAES 6 staff for assistance.

2.2 In addition to the standard certification plan requirements defined in the TAM, Parts 2 and 3 (regulatory reference 3.2.1.a), the plan must include the following:

  1. the currently approved type design and any approved PBN capabilities;
  2. the new PBN capabilities to be certified (Step 1);
  3. the current and proposed aircraft navigation system equipment configuration and nomenclature to be approved, including any differences across the fleet;
  4. any operating configurations and equipment restrictions that affect PBN capabilities, including those for mission equipment and external stores. This information is used to determine the scope of compliance demonstration tests and analyses;
  5. the proposed certification basis (Step 2a); and
  6. how FAA AC 20-138D will be applied to develop the compliance program.

3. Rationale and Guidance – Certification Basis

3.1 As described in paragraph 4.2.1.b.(1) of the advisory, the certification requirements that will form the certification basis must be selected from one of the approved civil or military airworthiness codes identified in the ADSM (regulatory reference 3.2.1.b).

3.2 Table B-1 provides a listing of the certification requirements that should be considered when defining the certification basis for a PBN design change.

4. Rationale and Guidance – Means of Compliance

4.1 As described in the ADSM (regulatory reference 3.2.1.b), paragraph, the TAA has adopted AC 20-138D as the TAA’s preferred means of demonstrating compliance with the PBN certification requirements. However, this does not encompass the publication in its entirety. FAA Advisory Circular 20-138D is a large and complex document, designed to address a broad range of navigation equipment and capabilities. As a result, not all of the criteria in the AC will be applicable to any particular design.

Table B-1 Example of Certification Requirements from Civil and Military Airworthiness Codes to be used in developing the Certification Basis for a PBN Design Change
No. Civil Airworthiness Codes Military Airworthiness Codes (Mil-Hdbk-516, EMACC)                                                                                         
1 AWM/FAR xx.581   Lightning Protection
13.2.4   Lightning Protection
2 AWM/FAR xx.899   Electrical bonding and protection 
12.2   Electrical Power Distribution, Bonding and Grounding
3 AWM/FAR xx.1301   Function and Installation
11.1.1   Avionics Subsystems Architecture   Navigation subsystem
4 AWM/FAR xx.1307   Miscellaneous equipment
11.1.1   Avionics subsystems architecture
5 AWM/FAR xx.1309   Equipment, Systems and Installations
11.1   Undetected failure modes, Redundancy, Deterministic
11.2   Safety and flight critical control functions, Integrity
14.1.1   System safety, Fail-safe design
14.2.   Safety Design Requirements, Single point failure
14.3   Software safety program
15.   Computer Systems and Software
6 AWM/FAR xx.1310   Power Source Capacity and Distribution
12.1   Electrical Power Generation
12.2   Electrical Wiring and Power Distribution
7 AWM/FAR xx.1316   Electrical and Electronic System Lightning Protection 
13.2.4   Lightning Effects  
8 AWM/FAR xx.1317   High-intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection
13.1   Component/subsystem E3 qualification
13.2   System-level E3 qualification
9 AWM/FAR xx.1321   Flight Instrument - Arrangement and Visibility
9.2.1   Crew station arrangement   Controls and display readability
9.2.2   Controls and display usability
10 AWM/FAR xx.1322   Flight Crew Alerting
9.2.3   Aircrew alerting systems   Warnings, cautions, and advisories
11 AWM/FAR xx.1325   Static pressure systems   Air data system
12 AWM/FAR xx.1329   Flight Guidance Systems
6.1.13   Characteristics of secondary flight control systems
6.2   Vehicle control functions (VCF)
13 AWM/FAR xx.1331   Instruments using a power supply
12.1.5   Uninterruptible power
14 AWM/FAR xx.1333   Instrument systems
9.2.1   Crew station arrangement   Controls and display readability
9.2.2   Controls and display usability
15 AWM/FAR xx.1351   Electrical Systems and Equipment -General
12.1   Electrical Power Generation
12.1.4   Power quality
16 AWM/FAR xx.1353   Electrical equipment and installations
12.1.3   Safe operation of integrated electrical power system
17 AWM/FAR xx.1357   Circuit protective devices
12.2.3   Circuit protection
18 AWM/FAR xx.1419   Ice protection   Ice detection and protection
19 AWM/FAR xx.1431   Electronic equipment   Interface/interconnect failures
11.2.5   Electrical power quality
20 AWM/FAR xx.1529   Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
16.1   Maintenance manuals/checklists
16.2   Inspection requirements
21 AWM/FAR xx.1533(b)   Additional operating limitations
11.3.2   Necessary limitations
22 AWM/FAR xx.1581(a)(2)   Airplane Flight Manual 
11.3.2   Necessary limitations
12.1.7   Subsystem limitations
12.1.8   Procedures

4.2 The recommended approach is to identify the appropriate criteria from AC 20-138D for the required PBN capabilities defined in Step 1 – Identifying the PBN Capabilities to Be Certified. Once identified, the criteria should be collated to create the PBN Criteria Table, as described in Step 2c – Setting up the PBN Criteria Table.

4.3 Specialist knowledge and experience are required to interpret and select the appropriate criteria. The DTAES 6 engineering support staff should be engaged to assist in the selection of the applicable criteria and the development of the PBN Criteria Table. Guidance material for the development of the PBN Criteria Table is provided in Annex C.

4.4 The final step in demonstrating compliance is the identification of compliance artefacts, which will be provided to support the findings of compliance and design assessment. Examples of compliance artefacts include:

  1. Design description documents;
  2. Design analysis reports;
  3. Integration lab test reports;
  4. Aircraft ground and flight test reports;
  5. Techncial Standard Order (TSO) Authorization (TSOA) or Military Standard Order (MSO) approval references; and
  6. Approvals from other Airworthiness Authorities.

4.5 Table B-2 provides an example of PBN certification basis and compliance matrix. The first three columns in Table B-2 relate to the certification basis.

Table B-2 Example of PBN Certification Basis and Compliance Matrix
Certification Requirement and Title
Certification Requirement Text
Notes Means of Compliance
Compliance Artefacts
Finding Authority

FAR xx.1301

Function and Installation

Each item of installed equipment must—               

(a)  Be of a kind and design appropriate to its intended function;

(c)   Be installed according to limitations specified for that equipment; and

(d)   Function properly when installed.                     

  AC 29.1301 and the applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table 

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports                    

Design Assessment Report

FA Avionics and Software                                                            

FAR xx.1309

Equipment, Systems and Installations 

The equipment, systems, and installations whose functioning is required by this subchapter, must be designed to ensure that they perform their intended functions under any foreseeable operating condition.
  AC 25/29.1309 and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table 

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports

Design Assessment Report

FA Avionics and Software

FAR xx.1309

Equipment, Systems and Installations

The airplane systems and associated components, considered separately and in relation to other systems, must be designed so that—

(1) The occurrence of any failure condition which would prevent the continued safe flight and landing of the airplane is extremely improbable, and

(2) The occurrence of any other failure conditions which would reduce the capability of the airplane or the ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating conditions is improbable.

  AC 25/29. and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table 

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports

Design Assessment Report

FA Avionics/ Software and System Safety

FAR 25.1310/

Power Source and Distribution

Each installation whose functioning is required for type certification or under operating rules and that requires a power supply is an “essential load” on the power supply. The power sources and the system must be able to supply the following power loads in probable operating combinations and for probable durations 
  Applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports

Design Assessment Report

FA Electrical
Mil Hdbk 516 section 13.2.4 Lightning Effects  


Verify that the air system has met all requirements for lightning, either direct (physical) or indirect (electromagnetic) effects and that any potential for ignition of fuel vapors is eliminated.

Or FAR xx.1316

Lightning Protection

AC 20-136B or Mil Std 464 and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table

Design Data

Design Assessment Report


FAR 25.1317

High-intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection.

Each electrical and electronic system that performs a function whose failure would prevent the continued safe flight and landing of the airplane must be designed and installed so that—

(1) The function is not adversely affected during and after the time the airplane is exposed to HIRF environment I, as described in appendix L to this part;[…]

  Applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports

Design Assessment Report


FAR xx.1321

Flight Instruments 

Each flight, navigation, and power plant instrument for use by any pilot must be plainly visible to him from his station with the minimum practicable deviation from his normal position and line of vision when he is looking forward along the flight path. 
  AC 29.1321 and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table

Design Data, Analysis

Design Assessment Report

FA TN – Avionics/HFE

FAR xx.1322

Flight Crew Alerting

Flight crew alerts must:

(1) Provide the flight crew with the information needed to:

(i) Identify non-normal operation or airplane system conditions,

(ii) Determine the appropriate actions, if any.

(2) Be readily and easily detectable and intelligible by the flight crew under all foreseeable operating conditions, including conditions where multiple alerts are provided.

(3) Be removed when the alerting condition no longer exists

  AC 25/29.1322 and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports

Design Assessment Report

FA Avionics

FAR xx.1581

Flight Manual

An Airplane Flight Manual must be furnished with each airplane, and it must contain the following:

(1) Information required by §§25.1583 through 25.1587;

(2) Other information that is necessary for safe operation because of design, operating, or handling characteristics. 

  AC 25/29.1581 and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table

Design Data, Analysis and Test Reports

Design Assessment Report

FAR xx.1529
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICAs)
  TAA Advisory 2019-05 and applicable portions of AC 20-138D, as defined in the Criteria Table
Reports DTAES 4

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