Annex G: Updates to Flight Publications – Flight Manual (FM)/Aircraft Operating Instructions (AOI) (Step 7a)

1. General

1.1 This annex provides additional considerations for the development of updates to the FM and AOI, as required in Step 7(a) of the PBN Design Certification Process (paragraph 4.2.1.g.(1) of the advisory).

2. Rationale and Guidance

2.1 The development of FM/AOI updates will be based on the following considerations:

  1. The applicant, in concert with the applicable DTAES 3 Team Leader and the DTAES 6-4 and DTAES 7-6 specialists, will prepare and recommend the approval of the required FM/AOI updates.
  2. PBN Capability Statement. As described in Step 7b of the PBN Design Certification Process (paragraph 4.2.1.g.(2) of the advisory), the approved capability statement is part of the FM/AOI update. The PBN capability statement meets the requirement for navigation equipment certification statements stipulated in the RCAF Flight Operations Manual (reference 3.2.2.l), Chapter 2, para Annex H of this advisory provides additional guidance on developing the capability statements.
  3. Limitations and Restrictions. As described in Step 7c of the PBN Design Certification Process (paragraph 4.2.1.g.(3) of the advisory), and in accordance with the Operating Limitations section of the TAM (regulatory reference 3.2.1.a), Part 2, Chapter 7, Flight Publications, any additional limitations and restrictions associated with the PBN design approval must be approved by the TAA and inserted into the FM/AOI. Several of the criteria in AC 20-138D (reference 3.2.2.a) and the Additional Technical Considerations described in advisory Annex D may require that limitations and information notes be added to the FM/AOI. The following is an example of a PBN limitation that was added to the CP140 FM/AOI:
  4. "The Block 1A configuration is not approved for lateral offsets. The Block 1A avionics configuration does not provide timely alerting prior to automatic termination of the offset at a transition waypoint."

  5. Operating Procedures. The PBN-related operating procedures that are included with the FM/AOI are approved by the TAA and OAA during the Airworthiness Clearance process.
  6. PBN System Functional Description. An example of a PBN System Functional Description is:
  7. “The integrity of the navigation solution of the INS will be valid following loss of the GNSS receiver after loss of a single satellite. The validity of the INS solution following the loss of multiple satellites in a jamming environment has not been assessed, so crews should use opportunities to check the INS navigation solution when jamming is the suspected cause of GPS signal loss.”  

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