Help for individuals affected by hazardous weather and natural disasters

On this page

The Government of Canada is committed to helping Canadians affected by hazardous weather and natural disastersFootnote 1 across the country.

Consult Flood Ready and Get Prepared for more information.

Apply for Employment Insurance

If you can’t work due to hazardous weather or a natural disaster, apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits as soon as possible, even if your employer hasn’t issued you a record of employment (ROE).

You need your social insurance number (SIN) to apply for EI benefits. If you don’t know your SIN, or don’t have one, you can find your SIN or apply for one.

To process your application, we need your mailing and residential addresses.

  • Provide a mailing address where you can receive mail (you can update this address later, if required). For example, the address of a:
    • friend
    • family member
    • temporary shelter
  • Provide your usual residential address, even if you’re temporarily living somewhere else

Temporary EI measure for workers affected by the 2024 Jasper and Bunibonibee Cree Nation wildfires

You could have 300 hours of insurable employment added to your claim if you meet both of the following criteria:

  • you ordinarily live in the community of Jasper, Alberta or Bunibonibee Cree Nation, Manitoba
  • you start a claim for EI benefits between July 21, 2024 and July 19, 2025

This could help you qualify for EI benefits or receive extra weeks of EI regular benefits. For more information, please contact us.

Submit your EI reports

To receive EI benefits, you must complete and file reports online or by phone every 2 weeks.

Don’t declare monies received because of hazardous weather or a natural disaster. This includes payments from:

  • insurance companies
  • government relief funds
  • the Red Cross
  • other charitable organizations

Declare all other amounts received.

Get your payments on time

To receive your payments without any postal delays, we recommend you sign up for direct deposit.

If you need more help

For additional support, contact us or visit eServiceCanada to schedule a call back within 2 business days.

Temporary Foreign Worker Program

If you're an employer or a temporary foreign worker (TFW) taking part in the TFW Program (TFWP), be sure to have an updated evacuation plan:

  • follow municipal, provincial or territorial evacuation orders
  • know your local evacuation routes and procedures
  • maintain a contact plan between employers and TFWs

Once you're safe, consult the following:

If you're an employer

You must continue to meet your program obligations. If you believe you haven't been meeting your obligations, you can tell us about any compliance issues.

You must also:

If you're a TFW

  • If you had to leave your workplace, reach out to your employer to inform them that you're safe
  • If you were laid off due to hazardous weather or a natural disaster, apply for EI (don't wait until your employer has issued an ROE)
  • If you need more help, consult the Contact us section

For more information, consult Your rights are protected (available in many languages).

Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security

The delivery of pension cheques by mail may be impacted by hazardous weather or natural disasters.

To ensure timely delivery of benefits, we recommend signing up for direct deposit.

If you prefer to receive your OAS or CPP payment by cheque, you can change your address to ensure you receive cheques during hazardous weather or natural disasters.

To sign up or make a change, clients can:

Those who still receive cheques are encouraged to visit Canada Post for updates and alternate delivery arrangements or pick-up locations.

For more information, please contact us.

Student loan and apprentice loan borrowers

Students affected by hazardous weather or a natural disaster who need help making loan payments can fast track their application for the Repayment Assistance Plan.

For more information, contact:

New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects Call for Proposals

If you are applying to the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) Community-based Call for Proposals (CFP) and you are or may have been impacted by the wildfires, please contact your regional NHSP office to request an accommodation.


Work-Sharing Special Measures to support businesses affected by the 2024 wildfires occurring in Jasper, Alberta and Bunibonibee Cree Nation, Manitoba are effective December 1, 2024, to August 3, 2025.

Employers experiencing a decline in business activity attributable to the 2024 wildfires in Jasper, Alberta and Bunibonibee Cree Nation, Manitoba, may be eligible for Work-Sharing wildfire special measures if they:

  • are located in the affected areas
  • can demonstrate their business activities are directly affected by the wildfires occurring in these 2 regions

Further details regarding the special measures posted on the Work-Sharing overview page under the Special measures section. Please check the website regularly for updates.

Passport services

If you’ve been affected by hazardous weather or a natural disaster, and you’ve applied to receive a new passport by mail, contact the passport program if you need it urgently.

Learn more about Canada Post service interruptions.

Contact us

If you require further support or help to access service, submit an eServiceCanada request. This is available online and on mobile phones.

Service Canada Outreach Support Centre

If you're unable to access services online, you can contact the Service Canada Outreach Support Centre to receive assistance from a Service Canada representative toll-free at 1-877-631-2657.

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