Every year millions of light bulbs that contain mercury, such as compact fluorescent lamps and fluorescent tubes, are improperly disposed of in landfills. This results in mercury being released into the environment.

What you can do

Light bulbs containing mercury require special disposal to keep them out of landfills. Be sure to check your bulbs for the Hg symbol, which indicates that the product contains mercury.

There are different options available to dispose of these bulbs depending on where you live. Some provinces offer programs whereby you can drop off your lamps at collection sites or arrange to have free pick-up services. There are also companies that offer light bulb disposal services for a fee to keep mercury out of the environment.

Recycling programs

Recycling companies

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Some light bulbs contain mercury.

Disposing of them requires special attention.

Find out how.


Mercury is hazardous.

Bulbs containing mercury cannot be thrown out.

They require special disposal.

Find out how.


Mercury light bulbs require special disposal.

Find out how.

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