Policies, guidelines, procedures and reporting

Policy framework

Environment and Climate Change Canada’s access to information policy framework was approved in November 2012. No changes were brought to the access to information policy framework in 2018-2019.


The ATIP Division regularly monitors the timeliness and trends associated with the processing of requests through ongoing communication with branch and directorate liaison contacts. This includes providing performance reports on the status of branch retrievals to branch head offices on a regular basis. In addition, weekly reports on the number of requests received are provided to the Deputy Minister’s Office and to the Communications Branch. ATIP updates are also provided to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Executive Management Committee.

Publicly accessible information and inquiry points

Info Source is a series of publications containing information on the Government of Canada and on the Government’s data collection activities. Info Source is intended to help the public access government information and to exercise their rights under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act.

The ATIP Division is responsible for providing updates on Environment and Climate Change Canada’s activities and information holdings for publication in Info Source, which is published on the Department’s website. No changes were made to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Info Source chapter in 2018-2019.

Environment and Climate Change Canada’s comprehensive website provides information on the Department’s policies, its organizational structure and the means to contact departmental officials. In accordance with the federal government’s policy of proactive disclosure, the Department’s website also allows access to internal evaluations and audits, as well as information on hospitality expenses, contracts and grants.

Environment and Climate Change Canada’s website also has an access to information and privacy webpage that provides background information on both the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. It also contains a Frequently Asked Questions section and links to access to information request forms, personal information request forms and summaries of completed access to information requests.

In order to facilitate public access to information and to comply with the Act, the Environment and Climate Change Canada Library has been designated a public reading room. The library is located on the 1st floor of the Place Vincent Massey Annex, 351 St. Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau, Quebec.

Online request service

Environment and Climate Change Canada has participated in the Treasury Board Secretariat Online Request Service Pilot Project since April 2014. This initiative makes the process of requesting government records simpler and more convenient by enabling Canadians to submit their ATIP requests and application fees online.  Environment and Climate Change Canada received 1,392 access to information requests online during the 2018–2019 reporting period. This represents 76% of the total number of access requests received by the Department. At the end of 2018-2019, the ATIP Division began work towards migrating to the Treasury Board Secretariat Online Request Service. The transfer is expected to take place in June 2019.

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