Canada’s Black Carbon Inventory Report 2024: annex 2

Fractions of Black Carbon to Particulate Matter Less Than or Equal to 2.5 Microns in Diameter

The fractions used to convert particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) emissions to black carbon (BC) emissions are listed in Table A2–1 through Table A2–7.

NA = Not applicable

Table A2–1: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Ore and Mineral Industries

Aluminium Industry sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Alumina (Bauxite Refining) Aluminium Processing, with baghouse 0.023 291012.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Alumina (Bauxite Refining) Gas-Fired Boilers 0.13 5669 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Alumina (Bauxite Refining) Average of large stack BC/PM2.5 fractions 0.02216581 NA Weighted average
Primary Aluminum Smelting and Refining Aluminium Processing, with baghouse 0.023 291012.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Primary Aluminum Smelting and Refining Aluminium Reduction Potline 0.0268 291022.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Primary Aluminum Smelting and Refining Average of large stack BC/PM2.5 fractions 0.026324332 NA Weighted average
Secondary Aluminium Production (Includes Recycling) Secondary Aluminium – Dross Recovery Furnace 0.0019 201032.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Secondary Aluminium Production (Includes Recycling) Aluminium Processing, baghouse (average) 0.023 291012.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Cement and Concrete Industry sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Cement Manufacture Cement Kiln (Coal-Fired) 0.002 2720310 U.S. EPA (2014)
Cement Manufacture Cement Kiln 0.027801 4331 U.S. EPA (2014)
Concrete Batching and Products Sector Specific Speciation Factor – Concrete Batching & Products 0.001704 NA U.S. EPA (2014)
Gypsum Product Manufacturing Sector Specific Speciation Factor – Gypsum Product Manufacturing 0.01467 NA U.S. EPA (2014)
Lime Manufacturing Lime Kiln 0.00464 23202C U.S. EPA (2014)
Foundries sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Die Casting Cast Iron Cupola – Composite 0.009096 91157 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Die Casting Cast Iron Cupola / Electric Arc Furnace – Composite 0.006363 91157 91153 Average of 2 speciation factors U.S. EPA (2022a)
Ferrous Foundries Cast Iron Cupola – Composite 0.009096 91157 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Ferrous Foundries Electric Arc Furnace - Composite 0.00363 91153 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Non-Ferrous Foundries Primary Metal Production – Average 0.00341 900072.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Iron and Steel Industry Sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Primary (Blast Furnace and DRI) Iron and Steel facility – Coke Making 0.137466 8945 U.S. EPA (2014)
Primary (Blast Furnace and DRI) Blast Furnace Charging 0.024 NA EEA (2019) (2.C.1 Iron and Steel Production, Table 3.9)
Primary (Blast Furnace and DRI) Boiler - Natural Gas Combustion - Composite 0.384 9112 U.S. EPA (2014)
Secondary (Electric Arc Furnace) Electric Arc Furnace / Basic Oxygen Furnace – Composite 0.00363 283052.5
Average of 3 speciation factors
U.S. EPA (2011) Speciate 4.3
Secondary (Electric Arc Furnace) Iron and Steel facility – Hot forming 0.023967 8948 U.S. EPA (2014)
Iron Ore Industry Sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Iron Ore Pelletization Iron and Steel facility – Sintering 0.008653 8946 U.S. EPA (2014)
Mining and Rock Quarrying Sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Coal 0.04091 3701 U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Coke 0.024055 4295-4300 (average) U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Diesel 0.77124 3914 U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Gasoline 0.14 101CROC U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Heavy Fuel Oil 0.429969 3864 U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Light Fuel Oil 0.429969 3864 U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Kerosene 0.795 95155 U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Natural Gas 0.384 92112 U.S. EPA (2014)
Coal Mining, Metal Mining, Potash Mining, Rock Sand and Gravel Quarrying, Silica Production, Limestone Mining, Other Mining and Rock Quarrying Propane 0.0001 NA Aurell et al. (2017)
Non-Ferrous Refining and Smelting Industry Sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Primary Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb Boiler - #2 Fuel Oil Fired 0.289 127102.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Primary Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb Boiler - #2 Fuel Oil Fired / Gas Fired Boilers - Composite 0.2095 127102.5
Average of 2 speciation factors
U.S. EPA (2022a)
Primary Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb Chemical Manufacturing - Average - Composite 0.01825 91124 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Primary Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb Copper Processing - Composite 0.00099 91158 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Primary Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb Primary Metal Production – Average 0.00341 900072.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Secondary Pb, Cu Primary Metal Production – Average 0.00341 900072.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Secondary Pb, Cu Copper Processing - Composite 0.00099 91158 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Non-Ferrous Refining and Smelting Industry) Primary Metal Production – Average 0.00341 900072.5 U.S. EPA (2022a)

Table A2–2: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Oil and Gas Industry
Sector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Disposal and Waste Treatment
Natural Gas Transmission and Storage
Natural Gas Distribution
Oil Sands Mining, Extraction and Upgrading
Petroleum Liquids Storage
Petroleum Liquids Transportation
Well Drilling/Servicing
Flaring 0.24 NA McEwen (2012)
Heavy Crude Oil Cold Production
Light/Medium Crude Oil Production
Natural Gas Production and Processing
Oil Sands In-Situ Extraction
Well Testing
Flaring NA NA Emission Factors: Quadram (2019)
Activity Data: AER (2023); BCER
(2023); BCOGC (2020); CNLOPB (2023); Petrinex (2023); SK MER (2023)
Heavy Crude Oil Cold Production
Light/Medium Crude Oil Production
Natural Gas Production and Processing
Oil Sands In-Situ Extraction
Oil Sands Mining, Extraction and Upgrading
Well Drilling/Servicing/Testing
Diesel Exhaust 0.77124 3914 U.S. EPA (2014)
Disposal and Waste Treatment
Heavy Crude Oil Cold Production
Light/Medium Crude Oil Production
Natural Gas Production and Processing
Natural Gas Transmission and Storage
Natural Gas Distribution
Oil Sands In-Situ Extraction
Oil Sands Mining, Extraction and Upgrading
Petroleum Liquids Storage
Petroleum Liquids Transportation
Well Drilling/Servicing/Testing
Natural Gas Combustion—Simplified 0.384 92112 U.S. EPA (2014)
Oil Sands Mining, Extraction and Upgrading Petroleum Coke Combustion 0.0428 91110 U.S. EPA (2014)
Oil Sands Mining, Extraction and Upgrading Biomass Combustion 0.05579138 92105 U.S. EPA (2014)

Table A2–3: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Electric Power Generation (Utilities)
Sector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Coal Bituminous Coal Combustion—Simplified 0.01696 92104 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Diesel Diesel Exhaust 0.77124 92106 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Natural Gas Gas-Fired Combined Cycle and Cogeneration Plants 0.025 5671 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Diesel Exhausta 0.77124 92106 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Distillate Oil Combustion 0.1 4736 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Flare Gas 0.24 NA McEwen (2012)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Gas-Fired Combined Cycle and Cogeneration Plants 0.025 5671 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Landfill Gas 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Oil Combustion 0.429969 3864 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Residual Oil Combustion 0.01 4737 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Other (Electric Power Generation) Wood Fired Boiler—Simplified 0.037088024 92114 U.S. EPA (2022a)

Table A2–4: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Manufacturing

Pulp and Paper Industry Sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Kraft Recovery Furnace – Simplified 0.0153 92119 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Wood-Fired Boiler – Simplified 0.03709 92114 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Residual Oil Combustion 0.01 4737 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Hog fuel and bunker crude use 0.03167 92114 (80%)
4737 (20%)
U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Natural Gas 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Light Fuel Oil 0.1 91115 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Distillate Oil 0.1 92115 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Sludge 0.01522 92177 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Lime Kiln 0.00464 23202C U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Gas-Fired Combined Cycle and Cogeneration Plants 0.025 5671 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Oil-Fired Boilers 0.071 5672 U.S. EPA (2014)
Pulp and Paper Product Manufacturing Average of large stack BC/PM2.5 fractions 0.06926 NA Weighted average
Converted Paper Product Manufacturing Average of large stack BC/PM2.5 fractions 0.06926 NA Weighted average
Wood Products Sector
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Panel Board Mills Wood-Fired Boiler – Simplified 0.03709 92114 U.S. EPA (2014)
Panel Board Mills Wood Products – Drying – Composite 0.08 91128 U.S. EPA (2014)
Panel Board Mills Composite wood and natural gas boilers 0.21054 92114
U.S. EPA (2014)
Panel Board Mills Residual Oil Combustion 0.01 4737 U.S. EPA (2014)
Panel Board Mills Natural Gas 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2014)
Panel Board Mills Average of large stack BC/PM2.5 fractions 0.08553 NA Weighted average
Sawmills Wood-Fired Boiler – Simplified 0.03709 92114 U.S. EPA (2014)
Sawmills Wood Products – Drying – Composite 0.08 91128 U.S. EPA (2014)
Sawmills Natural Gas 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2014)
Other (Wood Products) Wood-Fired Boiler – Simplified 0.03709 92114 U.S. EPA (2014)
Other (Wood Products) Wood Products – Drying – Composite 0.08 91128 U.S. EPA (2014)
Other (Wood Products) Average of large stack BC/PM2.5 fractions 0.05139 NA Weighted average

NA = Not applicable

Table A2-5: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Transportation and Mobile Equipment

Sector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Air Transportation (LTO) Domestic Air Transportation (Cruise) International Air Transportation (Cruise) Aviation Turbo Fuel (Jet A or B) 0.771241 92106 U.S. EPA (2014)
Air Transportation (LTO) Domestic Air Transportation (Cruise) International Air Transportation (Cruise) Aviation Gasoline 0.12178 92113 U.S. EPA (2014)
Domestic Marine Navigation, Fishing and Military, International Marine Navigation Diesel 0.771241 92106 U.S. EPA (2014)
Domestic Marine Navigation, Fishing and Military, International Marine Navigation Heavy Fuel Oil 0.12 NA EEA (2019) (Table A2)
On-Road Transport Diesel EC data extracted from MOVES model; values are variable according to model input and vehicle class NA U.S. EPA (2022b)
On-Road Transport Gasoline EC data extracted from MOVES model; values are variable according to model input and vehicle class NA U.S. EPA (2022b)
On-Road Transport Liquid Petroleum Gas EC data extracted from MOVES model; values are variable according to model input and vehicle class NA U.S. EPA (2022b)
On-Road Transport Natural Gas EC data extracted from MOVES model; values are variable according to model input and vehicle class NA U.S. EPA (2022b)
Off-Road Transport Diesel - without Diesel Particulate Filter 0.7897 8995 U.S. EPA (2019)
Off-Road Transport Diesel - with Diesel Particulate Filter 0.09984 8996 U.S. EPA (2019)
Off-Road Transport Gasoline 0.12178 91113 U.S. EPA (2019)
Off-Road Transport Liquid Petroleum Gas 0.1 NA Fushimi et al. (2015)
Off-Road Transport Natural Gas 0.3699 95219 U.S. EPA (2019)
Rail Transportation Diesel 0.771241 92106 U.S. EPA (2014)
Rail Transportation Biodiesel 0.771241 92106 U.S. EPA (2014)

Table A2-6: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Agriculture

Sector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Agricultural Fuel Combustion Coal 0.239526 91155 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Agricultural Fuel Combustion Kerosene & Stove Oil 0.0242 1350110 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Agricultural Fuel Combustion Light Fuel Oil 0.0242 1350110 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Agricultural Fuel Combustion Natural Gas 0.067 91156 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Agricultural Fuel Combustion Natural Gas Liquids 0.067 91156 U.S. EPA (2022a)

Table A2-7: Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5, Commercial/Residential/Institutional

Commercial and Institutional Fuel Combustion
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
NA Coal 0.01696 92104 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Heavy Fuel Oil 0.01 91117 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Kerosene & Stove Oil 0.1 91115 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Light Fuel Oil 0.1 91115 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Natural Gas 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Natural Gas Liquids 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Construction Fuel Combustion
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions- value (w/w) Profile Reference
NA Heavy Fuel Oil 0.01 91117 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Kerosene & Stove Oil 0.1 91115 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Light Fuel Oil 0.1 91115 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Natural Gas 0.384 91112 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Home Firewood Burning
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
Advanced Technology Fireplace Non-Catalytic 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Conventional Fireplace With Glass Doors 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Conventional Fireplace Without Glass Doors 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Fireplace Insert Advanced Technology 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Fireplace Insert Conventional 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Pellet Stove All 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Wood Furnace All 0.138 4704 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Wood Stove Conventional 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Wood Stove EPA Certified 0.055791381 92105 U.S. EPA (2022a)
Residential Fuel Combustion
Subsector BC/PM2.5 fractions - description BC/PM2.5 fractions - value (w/w) Profile Reference
NA Coal 0.239526 91155 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Heavy Fuel Oil 0.1 91115 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Kerosene & Stove Oil 0.0242 1350110 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Light Fuel Oil 0.0242 1350110 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Natural Gas 0.067 91156 U.S. EPA (2022a)
NA Natural Gas Liquids 0.067 91156 U.S. EPA (2022a)

References, Annex 2, Fractions of Black Carbon to PM2.5

[AER] Alberta Energy Regulator. 2023. Upstream petroleum industry flaring and venting report. Calgary (AB).

Aurell J, Hubble D, Gullett BK, Holder A, Washburn E, Tabor D. 2017. Characterization of Emissions from Liquid Fuel and Propane Open Burns. Fire Technology 53(6): 2023–2038.

[BCER] British Columbia Energy Regulator. 2023. Petrinex volumetric data. Provided by BCER to Environment and Climate Change Canada [received 2023 Oct 4].

[BCOGC] British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission. 2020. Air summary report (PDF, 5.5 MB).

[CNLOPB] Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board. 2023. Monthly gas flaring, injection and fuel volumes by facility. Unpublished report. Provided by CNLOPB to Environment and Climate Change Canada [2023 Oct 11].

[EEA] European Environment Agency. 2019. EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019. Technical Guidance to Prepare National Emission Inventories. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Technical Report No. 13/2019.

Fushimi A, Saitoh K, Kondo Y, Fujitani Y, Goto T, Hayami S, Kobayashi S, Tanabe K, Sera K. 2015. Chemical composition and sources of particles emitted from recent LPG passenger cars (PDF, 1.2 MB). NMCC Annual Report 22 (in Japanese only).

McEwen JDN, Johnson MR. 2012. Black carbon particulate matter emission factors for buoyancy driven associated gas flares. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62(3): 307–321.

Petrinex. 2023. Petrinex: Canada’s petroleum information network. Alberta Public Data - Monthly Conventional Volumetric Data. [accessed 2023 Sep 27].

Quadram Engineering Ltd. 2019. A black carbon inventory for gas flaring in Alberta’s upstream oil and gas sector. Unpublished report. Prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada.

[SK MER] Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources. 2023. Saskatchewan fuel, flare and vent. [accessed 2023 Feb 28].

[U.S. EPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. SPECIATE 4.3. [accessed 2021 Feb 12].

[U.S. EPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. SPECIATE 4.4. [accessed 2021 Feb 12].

[U.S. EPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2019. SPECIATE 5.0. [accessed 2023 Jan 12].

[U.S. EPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2022a. SPECIATE 5.2. [accessed 2023 Dec 8].

[U.S. EPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2022b. Speciation of Total Organic Gas and Particulate Matter Emissions from Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3. Washington (DC): EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Report No.: EPA-420-R-22-017.

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