Confirmatory sampling and reporting: step 9 of federal contaminated sites decision-making framework
Step 9: confirmatory sampling and final reporting
Step 9 involves confirming the achievement of remediation/risk management (R/RM) objectives following the implementation of the R/RM Strategy (which includes the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Remediation Management Plan (RMP)).
Confirmatory sampling is completed to demonstrate that the contamination has been removed or stabilized effectively and that the clean-up R/RM objectives have been attained.
The site conditions as well as activities carried out during site decommissioning and clean-up, including drawings, records, and monitoring data will be documented in a report. At this step it is important to explain how climate change effects may have impacted the progress of the R/RM activities and whether potential climate change effects are expected to have significant future impacts with respect to the site’s R/RM strategies and/or long-term monitoring (LTM) strategy.
Closure reporting using the Site Closure Tool (SCT) (FCSAP, 2012) to document the reduction of risk to acceptable levels will be completed and submitted to the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) Secretariat (mandatory for FCSAP-funded sites), if it is determined that no further action is required, and to profile the use of sustainable approaches at the site. For sites that require additional R/RM activities or LTM, this information would also be recorded in the site closure report in preparation for closure in the future.
Key decision(s)
- Evaluate the success of the site management strategy implementation.
- Determine whether the site can be closed or whether additional work (e.g., continued R/RM or LTM) is required.
- Document climate change assessment and analysis, especially where expected climate change effects would encourage use of LTM.
- When required, begin planning sustainable LTM techniques that minimize energy usage and waste production.
Long description
Review Remediation/Risk Management (R/RM) activities and findings from previous steps, and finalize the confirmatory sampling plan. Implement the confirmatory sampling plan and compare the results to R/RM objectives, then determine if remediation objectives have been attained. If yes, complete the final report and determine if long-term monitoring is required. If long-term monitoring is required, update the SCT and TRAV if applicable and proceed to Step 10. If long-term monitoring is not required, complete the SCT and TRAV if applicable, after which no further action is needed. Close the site on the FCSI and record the rationale. If R/RM objectives have not been attained, determine the supplemental work required to attain remediation objectives and return to previous steps, as appropriate, to implement corrective action.
How Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) expert support can assist
- Review and provide advice on the results of the confirmatory sampling.
- Advise on the effectiveness of monitoring in protecting fish and fish habitat.
- Provide assistance in applying the Framework for Addressing and Managing Aquatic Contaminated Sites under the FCSAP (FCSAP, 2011).
- Provide advice on the design and expectations associated with the LTM plan.
How Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) expert support can assist
- Provide advice on the design, implementation and results of confirmatory sampling.
- Provide advice on the preparation of the site closure report and assist with the Site Closure Tool (SCT) including the Tool for Risk Assessment Validation (TRAV) (2012), an optional component of the SCT.
- Provide advice on ongoing site work and long-term management.
- Provide assistance with interpreting LTM results and reports as they relate to human health.
How Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) expert support can assist
- Can assist in confirming whether the R/RM objectives were met, including the completion of the sampling plan.
- Assist in confirming that no further action is necessary and in documenting completion through the SCT.
How the FCSAP Secretariat can assist
- Offer support by providing clarification on the application of the Eligible Cost Guidance, v. 5.0 (FCSAP, update in progress) document as required, and assist in reporting on the Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory (FCSI).
Supporting documents and tools specific to Step 9
Please also refer to the list of “Supporting documents and tools useful throughout the 10-step process” at the beginning of the document.
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidance
- CCME Guidance Manual on Sampling, Analysis, and Data Management for Contaminated Sites – Volume I: Main Report (CCME, 1993)
- CCME Guidance Manual on Sampling, Analysis, and Data Management for Contaminated Sites – Volume II: Analytical Method Summaries (CCME, 1993)
- CCME Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (Soil, Water, Sediment)
- A Protocol for the Derivation of Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life (CCME, 2007)
- A Protocol for the Derivation of Environmental and Human Health Soil Quality Guidelines (CCME, 2006)
- A Protocol for the Derivation of Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life (CCME, 1995)
- A Protocol For The Derivation Of Groundwater Quality Guidelines For Use At Contaminated Sites (CCME, 2015)
Other guidance
- Federal Guidelines for Landfarming Petroleum Hydrocarbons Contaminated Soils (FCSAP, 2006, Editorial Update 2013)
- Federal Interim Groundwater Guidelines, (FCSAP, 2016)
- Federal Interim Groundwater Guidelines Update (FCSAP, 2016)
- Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (HC, 2014)
- Site Closure Tool (SCT), including the Tool for Risk Assessment Validation (TRAV) (FCSAP, 2012)
- FCSAP Long Term Monitoring Planning Guidance (FCSAP, 2013)
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