Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk, prevention stream: 2018 to 2019 application guidelines

Table of contents

1 Background

One of the Government of Canada’s conservation results is the recovery of species at risk. The Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk (AFSAR) program, established in 2004, supports the development of Indigenous Footnote 1 capacity to participate actively in the implementation of the Species at Risk Act(SARA). This fund also enables the Government of Canada to facilitate Indigenous involvement in activities that protect or conserve habitats for species at risk (SAR). The Act recognizes the important role that Indigenous Peoples play in wildlife conservation and the need to consider Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge (ATK) in the SARA process.

AFSAR has two separate funding streams

This document provides general program information and requirements for making an application to the AFSAR Prevention Stream 2018 to 2019 funding year. Separate Application Guidelines and an online Application Form have been developed for the AFSAR SAR Stream.

Proposals will be evaluated in the context of the regional and national funding priorities included in this document. Please contact your AFSAR Regional Coordinator to learn more about specific regional information and priorities.

For general information about the AFSAR program, please consult the program website or send your specific questions to ec.faep-afsar.ec@canada.ca.

2 Program objectives, expected results and priorities


The underlying objectives of the AFSAR Prevention Stream are to

Expected results

In order to be eligible, proposed projects must contribute to one or more of the expected results of the AFSAR Prevention Stream, which are to

National priorities

The national priorities for the AFSAR Prevention Stream are projects that focus on the following

Regional priorities

In 2018 to 2019 all species at risk funding programs (the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, the Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk and the Interdepartmental Recovery Fund) have adopted a common tiered approach for regional priorities that will be used to guide the selection and prioritization of proposals for the funding of terrestrial stewardship projects. The tiered prioritization approach applies to projects in terrestrial environments only. The approach to regional priorities for aquatic stewardship projects remains unchanged in 2018 to 2019.

Terrestrial projects

For the 2018 to 2019 funding year, terrestrial priorities have been tiered based on their importance to regional objectives

Please see maps for a visual representation of the Tier 1 Focal Landscapes

See the AFSAR 2018 to 2019 National Call for Proposals for more information on criteria used to select regional priority focal landscapes, species, sectors and threat.

Emphasis this year will be placed on projects that address regional priorities, with AFSAR targeting its funds for terrestrial projects to Tier 1 and Tier 2 priorities, as summarized below.


Tiered Regional Priorities - terrestrial projects

Please see the regional priority tables or contact your Regional Coordinator for more information on the 2018 to 2019 regional priorities for terrestrial projects.

Aquatic projects

For the 2018 to 2019 funding year, the format for regional priorities for aquatic projects has not changed. Projects will continue to be evaluated against existing regional priority species, areas and/or threats listed in Table : AFSAR Prevention stream regional priorities - terrestrial and Table : AFSAR Prevention stream regional priorities - aquatic. The majority of aquatic funds will go to projects that address these regional priorities. Please contact your Regional Coordinator for more information on all of the program’s priority activities, areas and threats

3 Eligible lands and waters

In order to be eligible, proposed projects must take place on

4 Eligible recipients

All Indigenous communities and organizations located in Canada are eligible for funding (see list below). Furthermore, a partner organization (Indigenous or non-Indigenous) may submit an application on behalf of one or more Indigenous communities or organizations if the organization provides a letter of support from the community indicating that it has been formally mandated to do so by the application deadline.

Eligible recipients include the following types of Indigenous communities and organizations

5 Eligible species

Only proposed projects that target species not listed on Schedule 1 of SARA will be eligible for funding under the AFSAR Prevention Stream.

Projects targeting species that have been assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) as at risk but that are not listed on Schedule 1 of SARA are eligible under the AFSAR Prevention Stream.

Any species that the Governor in Council has declined to list on Schedule 1 of SARA is eligible for the AFSAR Prevention Stream.

6 Eligible activities

You must select from the following activity categories in your application. The examples listed below each activity category are eligible options to consider, and pertain to both aquatic and terrestrial environments, with few exceptions. Activities that do not fall under these categories are subject to approval. You should consult your Regional Coordinator if you would like to undertake activities other than those listed below.

Activity categories

These activities will only be funded if they are part of a larger stewardship program that is clearly defined in the proposal and that will be implemented within the next two years.*

*Note: Section 4.2 in the online Application Form enables you to demonstrate how your monitoring and data collection activity will lead to on-the-ground conservation activities.

The activity should lead to direct benefit for the species; general outreach or non-targeted activities are not eligible.*

*Note: Section 4.4 in the online Application Form enables you to demonstrate how your outreach activity will lead to on-the-ground conservation activities.


Activities under the outreach category must clearly demonstrate that they are focused and targeted on achieving the goals of conservation for target species.

The creation of promotional merchandise (such as hats or mugs) is not eligible for AFSAR Prevention Stream funding.

Any proposed outreach or awareness-building activity will need to be framed as a necessary component of a larger project plan, unless they are sufficiently targeted and well supported to stand alone. Proposals will need to describe in detail how each outreach activity will lead to action in implementing on-the-ground species conservation and include a plan for measuring the implementation, either within the time frame of the project, or within a defined period afterward. Instructions on how to demonstrate this aspect of your outreach activities are included in the on-line Application Form (section 4.1).

Scientific research activities, captive breeding, captive rearing, fish hatcheries, aquaculture activities, wildlife rehabilitation and extirpated species reintroductions are not eligible for AFSAR Prevention Stream funding. However, AFSAR activities can contribute to the content of recovery documents, such as through the collection of species data that can be used to inform on habitat needs, threat mitigation measures and other examples.

7 Consolidating projects and multi-year funding

If an applicant wishes to submit more than one project under the AFSAR Prevention Stream, it is encouraged to consolidate multiple, small proposals on the same target species or in the same priority area into a single, large application that outlines the different priority activities.

Projects are administered at the regional scale. Applicants whose project crosses regional boundaries should identify a primary region based on where the majority of activities will take place.

Multi-year projects are encouraged because they consider the longer-term conservation outcome, and once approved, they offer assurance of funding from one year to the next provided the project remains on track.

Current recipients of AFSAR multi-year funding can apply to receive additional AFSAR funding to undertake new and additional activities as part of their current project, by way of an amendment to their existing contribution agreement.

8 Matching contributions

You must obtain contributions of non-federal support (cash and/or in-kind) to obtain AFSAR Prevention Stream funds

9 Project funding and eligible expenses

Project Funding

Funding is variable and dependant on project activities. In an effort to promote collaboration and multi-year projects, the minimum funding request suggested for new and multi-year projects is $10,000.

Please note: Funding decisions are not likely to be made in advance of a spring field season. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider the potential impact of variable funding announcements on proposed project activities and budgets.

Please contact your Regional Coordinator if you have concerns for minimum funding amounts or the potential impact of notification timing for funding decisions.

Eligible expenses

For all eligible costs, only those deemed to be a reasonable share for completing the project shall be considered eligible.

Eligible costs may include reasonable and properly itemized costs for


GST/HST is an eligible project expenditure, therefore ECCC/DFO may reimburse recipients for the taxes they paid while undertaking the activities of the agreement. The amount of ECCC/DFO’s contribution includes the reimbursement for GST/HST. For example, if ECCC/DFO’s contribution is $25,000, this $25,000 includes ECCC/DFO’s reimbursement for all eligible expenditures including GST/HST. ECCC/DFO will not reimburse the recipient $25,000 plus GST/HST; the $25,000 is all-inclusive.

The use of universal day rates is not accepted. Costs must be broken down by expense category in order for the Contribution Agreement to be considered legally binding after signing. When costs are broken down into their respective categories, various clauses are triggered in your Contribution Agreement.

Costs, other than those identified herein, are ineligible unless specifically approved in writing by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, or the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, or his or her delegate at the time of project approval, and are necessary for the successful completion of the project.

10 Other requirements

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012) requires departments to determine whether the carrying out of a project on federal lands (e.g., First Nation reserve lands in the case of AFSAR) is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Consult the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency website or your AFSAR Regional Coordinator to help you evaluate whether the consideration of the environmental effects of a project may be required under CEAA 2012.

Overlap with other federal funding programs

You can only receive funding from one federal funding program for each proposed activity. Any applications submitted to the other federal funding programs (Habitat Stewardship Program, Interdepartmental Recovery Fund, EcoAction) must be for different activities than those listed in your AFSAR Prevention Stream application.

11 For accepted applications

Once you have received confirmation of approval of your project, you will be required to submit additional information, including but not limited to the following:

Cash flow statement

You will be required to develop a detailed cash flow statement of all sources of revenue (including all in-kind contributions) and expenditures that are part of the approved project.


Reporting obligations

The Contribution Agreement, between your organization and ECCC or DFO, will specify project report deadlines and will include the required forms. Reporting will be completed online, and you will need to provide regular progress reports, annual reports (for multi-year projects) as well as a final report at the end of the project. These reports will describe your project revenue, expenses, accomplishments and detailed descriptions/ quantifications of project outputs and outcomes. Direct outcomes (basic quantifiable project achievements) include

Intermediate outcomes (longer-term indicators of effectiveness of project activities in supporting the recovery of species and their habitats) include

Outcomes and accomplishments must be reported using the performance indicators identified in the Contribution Agreement. It is important to note that different projects may have different reporting requirements. Your AFSAR Regional Coordinator will advise you on specific reporting requirements.

Intellectual property rights

Any intellectual property and/or ATK that you create as part of this project remains your property. However, ECCC or DFO may negotiate terms in the Contribution Agreement for sharing this intellectual property and/or ATK.


You will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate permits associated with your project from relevant federal and/or provincial authorities (including those required under the Species at Risk Act, the Fisheries Act, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and any other provincial wildlife acts that may apply) wherever your project triggers the need for a permit (it could impact the species).

Funding decisions are not likely to be made in time for the beginning of the field season, and as permits take time to arrange, you should address this need several months before the project start date to reduce delays once a funding announcement is made (see www.sararegistry.gc.ca/sar/permit/permits_e.cfm andconsult your AFSAR Regional Coordinator).

Public acknowledgement

You are responsible to provide ECCC or DFO with final copies of any document or material utilizing the Government of Canada (GC) identifier, Canada wordmark and/or acknowledgement statements prior to printing or distribution, for ECCC or DFO approval of the use of said logos and/or acknowledgement statements. The AFSAR Regional Coordinator (see Appendix 1 ) will need to be consulted prior to making any communications products such as publications, public information releases, advertising, promotional announcements, activities, speeches, lectures, interviews, ceremonies and websites. All such communications products originating from your project must acknowledge the GC’s contribution by displaying the GC identifier with the public acknowledgement text along with the Canada wordmark.

Official Languages

The Official Languages Act (Part VII) requires that the Government of Canada promote both official languages and enhance the vitality of Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC ) across Canada. It is recognized that projects or organizations funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada through a grants and contributions program may:

Applicants whose project may be delivered in a geographic area with OLMCs or which includes any public events, signage, promotional or other communications may need to consider official language requirements, for example

Any cost related to official language translation is an eligible cost under the program.

Applicants will be required to complete the Official language questionnaire for funding applicants (Section 7 of the Application Form) in order to assess the official language requirements that may apply to the project. Applicants should discuss any potential official language requirements and opportunities with their Regional Coordinator.

12 How projects are reviewed

As the demand for AFSAR Prevention Stream funding regularly exceeds the funds available, there is no guarantee that your project will be funded. Every effort will be made to provide you with the earliest possible notice once a decision has been made. Applicants are strongly encouraged to work with their Regional Coordinators and submit Expression of Interest (section 13) to ensure projects meet the national and regional priorities.


Your proposal(s) will be reviewed by your region’s AFSAR Program Regional Management Team using a range of criteria, including:

Program objectives

Quality criteria

Proposal evaluation criteria

Eligible applications will be evaluated and prioritized using the following criteria

Please note: The ability of applicants to complete all reporting and administration requirements under the Habitat Stewardship Program will be considered during the evaluation. Past performance is a consideration. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure reporting and administration deadlines are met for all contribution agreements for Environment and Climate Change Canada. Inability to do so may result in an application not being considered for funding.

A high-quality project is one that

13 To apply

See The Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk: 2018–2019 Call for Proposals for specific deadlines.

Expression of interest

Prior to submitting a complete proposal to the AFSAR Prevention Stream, applicants are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) particularly for terrestrial projects to clarify the new tiered priority system. The EOI is not a mandatory requirement but will give you the opportunity to receive feedback on your proposal to verify that it is aligned with national and regional priorities and program expected results.

This process will improve the quality of the proposal but does not result in a guarantee that the project will receive funding. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their AFSAR Regional Coordinator during the EOI phase. All EOIs must be submitted by the EOI deadline, but early submissions are encouraged.

Application form

To apply to the AFSAR Prevention Stream, you must fill in the Application Form online at www.recovery.gc.ca/AFSAR-FAEP/. Request login information from your AFSAR Regional Coordinator (Appendix 1). Please contact your AFSAR Regional Coordinator to discuss other options for submission of your application if you lack Internet access, or if you would like a hard copy of the Application Form for reference.

Please note that extensions to the application deadline will not be granted due to personal considerations, minor technical malfunctions or other reasons. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications early, as online systems can become slower as the deadline nears, due to a high volume of proponents accessing the system.

Due to Government of Canada policy, communication with applicants regarding application status during the project review and selection phase is prohibited until the final administrative approvals have been granted. All successful applicants will be notified as soon as funding decisions have been made, and negotiation of the Contribution Agreement will follow. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified after all funding decisions are finalized. The program is unable to reimburse applicants for any expenses incurred prior to the official notification.

Additional information

Please see the following websites for additional information that may be useful for your application:

If you have any further questions, please contact us by email at ec.faep-afsar.ec@canada.ca or contact your Regional Coordinator. Please note that Regional Coordinators are only available to answer questions during regular business hours, local time.

Appendix 1. AFSAR Regional coordinators

Terrestrial Projects

AFSAR Regional coordinators for general administration of projects and technical support on terrestrial species

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador
Paul MacDonald
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 1116
Station C
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, A0P 1C0

Telephone: 709-896-6166
Email: Paul.MacDonald2@canada.ca

Jordan Drapeau
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
801-1550 d’Estimauville Avenue
Québec, QC
G1J 0C3

Telephone : 418-648-7025
Email : Jordan.Drapeau@canada.ca

Cheyenne Loon
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON, M3H 5T4

Telephone : 416-739-4100
Email: Cheyenne.Loon@canada.ca

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador
Paul MacDonald
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 1116
Station C
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, A0P 1C0

Telephone: 709-896-6166
Email: Paul.MacDonald2@canada.ca

Jordan Drapeau
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
801-1550 d’Estimauville Avenue
Québec, QC
G1J 0C3

Telephone : 418-648-7025
Email : Jordan.Drapeau@canada.ca

Cheyenne Loon
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON, M3H 5T4

Telephone : 416-739-4100
Email: Cheyenne.Loon@canada.ca

Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Carmen Callihoo-Payne
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
Eastgate Offices
9250 – 49 Street
Edmonton, AB, T6B 1K5

Telephone : 780-951-8672
Email : Carmen.Callihoo-Payne@canada.ca

British Columbia
Kate Shapiro
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
5421 Robertson Rd, RR1
Delta, BC, V4K 3N2

Telephone: 604-664-9044
Email: Kate.Shapiro@canada.ca

Saleem Dar
Environment et Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
91782 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, YK, Y1A 5B7

Telephone : 867-393-7976
Email : Saleem.Dar@canada.ca

Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Dawn Andrews
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
5019 – 52nd Street
P.O. Box 2310
Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2P7

Telephone: 867-669-4767
Email: Dawn.Andrews@canada.ca

Aquatic Projects

Regional Coordinators for general administration and technical support on aquatic species

Vivian Chow
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200-401 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC, V6C 3S4

Telephone: 604-666-4565
Email: Vivian.Chow@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Central & Arctic
Melanie VanGerwen-Toyne
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
501 University Crescent
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6

Telephone: 204-983-5137
Email: Melanie.Toyne@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Stephen Haayen
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, ON, L7S 1A1

Telephone: 905-336-4907
Email: Stephen.Haayen@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Vivian Chow
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200-401 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC, V6C 3S4

Telephone: 604-666-4565
Email: Vivian.Chow@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Central & Arctic
Melanie VanGerwen-Toyne
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
501 University Crescent
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6

Telephone: 204-983-5137
Email: Melanie.Toyne@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Stephen Haayen
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, ON, L7S 1A1

Telephone: 905-336-4907
Email: Stephen.Haayen@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Ricky G. Richard
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
104 Dalhousie Street
Québec, QC, G1K 7Y7

Telephone : 418-648-4566
Email: Ricky.Richard@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Gérène Robichaud
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
343 University Avenue
PO Box 5030
Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6

Telephone : 506-851-7785
Email: Gerene.Robichaud@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Liette Pineo
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
1 Challenger Drive
PO Box 1004
Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 4A2

Telephone: 902-293-1278
Email: Liette.Pineo@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Newfoundland and Labrador
Barbara McDonald
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre 80 East White Hills
PO Box 5667
St John’s, NL, A1C 5X1

Telephone: 709-772-2922
Email: Barbara.McDonald@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Newfoundland and Labrador
Barbara McDonald
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre 80 East White Hills
PO Box 5667
St John’s, NL, A1C 5X1

Telephone: 709-772-2922
Email: Barbara.McDonald@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Newfoundland and Labrador
Barbara McDonald
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre 80 East White Hills
PO Box 5667
St John’s, NL, A1C 5X1

Telephone: 709-772-2922
Email: Barbara.McDonald@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Appendix 2 – Official language questionnaire for funding applicants

Please respond to the questionnaire and provide your answers to your Regional Coordinator early in the application process to allow the assessment of your project’s official language requirements.

Q1. Is your organization international, national, provincial or territorial in scope?
Yes No
Additional information:

Q2. Is the project international, national, provincial or territorial in scope?
Yes , proceed to Q4 No , proceed to Q3
Additional information:

Q3. Is the project delivered in a geographic area with official language minority communities?
I don’t know : Map.
Yes , proceed to Q4 No , proceed to Q9
Additional information:

Q4. Is the project’s target audience composed of individuals or groups belonging to both official language communities?
Yes , proceed to Q6 No , proceed to Q5
Additional information:

Q5. Is the target audience composed of individuals or groups belonging exclusively to an official language minority community?
Yes , proceed to Q6 No , proceed to Q6
Additional information:

Q6. Do the project activities include any public events, signage, promotional or other communication activities?
Yes , proceed to Q8 No , proceed to Q7
Additional information:

Q7. Could the project activities concern, impact or interest official language minority communities in your area?
Yes , proceed to Q8 No , proceed to Q9
Additional information:

Q8. Please consult the official language minority communities within the project scope. Is there an opportunity for their involvement? Are they interested in participating?
Yes No
Additional information:

Q9. Do you currently offer activities or services in both official languages?
Yes , please complete the table on the following page No

Additional information:

Which of the following activities or services do you currently offer in both official languages?

Appendix 2 – cont’d
Communication 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% n/a
Website and/or social media account(s) blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Materials (brochures, kits, handouts, newsletters, reports, etc.) blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Directional and educational signs blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Advertising in official language minority community (OLMC) media (newspapers, radio, social media) blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Offer workshop facilitation blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Send out invitations blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Include translation costs in your budget blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Have a bilingual project coordinator or other bilingual staff Full-time Part-time Seasonal n/a blank cell blank cell
Other communication activities (please specify):
Activities and outreach 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% n/a
Include one or more OLMCs in invitations to events blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Include members of one or more OLMCs as in-kind or cash partners in projects blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Include one or more OLMCs in project target groups blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Include costs associated with travel to OLMCs in your budget blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Provide a bilingual MC at events blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Other activities (please specify):
(To be define) 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% n/a
blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
AFSAR Prevention stream regional priorities - terrestrial
Region Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies Pacific Northern
Tier 1 Priorities: Focal Landscapes Southwest Nova Scotia St. Lawrence Lowlands Long Point Walsingham Forest Milk River Watershed (South of Divide) - Saskatchewan Dry Interior Southwest BC No Focal landscapes identified in the Northern Region at this time
Tier 2 Priorities –
Overarching Priority Sectors
  • Forestry sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Urban Development sector
  • Forestry sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Urban Development sector
  • Forestry sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Urban Development sector
  • Forestry sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Urban Development sector
  • Forestry sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Urban Development sector
  • Forestry sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Urban Development sector
Tier 2 Priorities –
Overarching Priority Threat
Invasive species Invasive species Invasive species Invasive species Invasive species Invasive species
Tier 3 Priorities: Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategies

Bird Conservation Regions and Conservation Strategies

Bird Conservation Regions - Priority Species
Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategies BCR 3NL; BCR 7 NL and MBU 10 NL; BCR 8 NL and MBU 10 and 12 NL; BCR 14 NB and MBU 11 and 12 NB; BCR 14 NS and MBU 11 and 12 NS; BCR 14 PEI and MBU 12 PEI Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategy 13, particularly for
farmland birds, shorebirds and aerial insectivore birds.
Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategies BCR 8 and 12 (non-waterfowl non SARA listed Schedule 1) taking place in forest and grassland ecosystems. Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategies BCR 11, 8 and 6 (non-waterfowl non SARA listed Schedule 1) taking place in forest or grassland ecosystems. Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategies (BCR 4,5,6,9 and 10) Actions identified in Bird Conservation Region Strategies for Yukon (Regions 3-6), NWT (Regions 3-7), and Nunavut (Regions 3, 6, 7).
AFSAR Prevention stream regional priorities - aquatic
Region Species Areas Threats
  • Atlantic Salmon (other than Inner Bay of Fundy population)
  • Striped Bass
  • American Eel
  • Atlantic Sturgeon
  • Atlantic Cod
  • Barriers to Migration
  • Fishery Interactions: Bycatch
  • Fishery Interactions: Entanglement
  • Habitat Alteration
  • Invasive and Introduced Species
  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Lake Sturgeon
  • Beluga Whale
  • American Eel
  • Freshwater Mussels
  • Striped Bass (southern Gulf of St.Lawrence population)
  • Atlantic Sturgeon
  • Atlantic Walrus
  • BrookTrout
  • St. Lawrence Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence (including tributaries used by anadromous and catadromous fish)
  • St. Lawrence River watershed (river section) and Ottawa River watershed)
  • Southern James Bay, Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay
  • Harvesting, including by-catch, ghost nets and entanglement
  • Habitat loss and degradation
  • Aquatic species that were native to Ontario prior to European settlement (no introductions)
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • Bull Trout (Saskatchewan-Nelson River, Western Arctic)
  • Rainbow Trout (Athabasca River)
  • Lake Sturgeon
  • Milk River/St. Mary River Watershed
  • North and South Saskatchewan River Basin
  • South-western (eastern slope) Alberta
  • Peace/Slave River Basin
  • Loss of indigenous knowledge specifically related to aquatic species utilization of important habitats (i.e. habitats used for haul-out, feeding, spawning, nursery, overwintering, migratory corridor)
  • Habitat loss or degradation
  • Eulachon
  • Bocaccio Rockfish
  • White Sturgeon (units not listed under the Species at Risk Act)
  • Quillback Rockfish
  • Coho Salmon - interior Fraser population
  • Sockeye Salmon - Sakinaw population, Skeena-Nass populations and Fraser River Drainagea
  • Chinook Salmon - Okanagan population, Fraser River, Sunshine Coast, and Vancouver Islanda
  • Chum Salmon - North Coast populationsa
  • n/a
  • Projects that mitigate the effects of multiple interacting threats to aquatic life.
  • Projects that mitigate limiting threats to habitat or populationb
  • Projects that focus on Rehabilitation actions for habitat that has been altered or degraded to the detriment of aquatic life
  • Projects that mitigate barriers to migration for fish
  • Projects that mitigate the effects of fisheries by-catch
  • Bull Trout (Western Arctic)
  • Beluga Whale (Eastern Hudson Bay, Western Hudson Bay, Eastern High Arctic – Baffin Bay)
  • Atlantic Walrus
  • Narwhal
  • Areas of importance for marine mammals (i.e. areas used for haul-out, feeding, spawning, nursery, overwintering, migratory corridor)
  • Habitat loss and degradation
  • Hit and loss of marine mammals
  • Loss of indigenous knowledge specifically related to aquatic species utilization of important habitats (i.e. habitats used for haul-out, feeding, spawning, nursery, overwintering, migratory corridor)

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