2015-16 Supplementary Information Table - Disclosure of Transfer Payments Programs Under $5 million
- Contribution to Strengthen Canada's Organs and Tissues Donation and Transplantation System (Voted)
- Funding to the Pallium Foundation of Canada to support training in palliative care to front-line health care providers (Statutory payment)
- Grant to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (Voted)
- McMaster University - Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Voted)
- Mood Disorders Society of Canada (Voted)
Contribution to Strengthen Canada's Organs and Tissues Donation and Transplantation System (Voted)
Name of transfer payment program
Contribution to strengthen Canada's organs and tissues donation and transplantation system (Voted)
End date
Type of transfer payment
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
Program 2.1 Health Products
Sub-Program 2.1.2 Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals
Main objective
To support the development of a national organ and tissue donation and transplantation system that will improve and extend the quality of the lives of Canadians while respecting the federal role and interest in organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
Planned spending for 2015-16
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
General targeted recipient groups
Canadian Blood Services is the sole recipient under the Terms and Conditions.
Funding to the Pallium Foundation of Canada to support training in palliative care to front-line health care providers (Statutory payment)
Name of transfer payment program
Funding to the Pallium Foundation of Canada to support training in palliative care to front-line health care providers (Statutory payment)
End date
March 31, 2017
Type of transfer payment
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities
Main objective
Pallium Canada will deliver training to healthcare providers essential to meeting the urgent and emerging palliative care needs for the growing number of Canadians living with life-threatening conditions across rural, remote and urban settings and populations, including Aboriginal peoples.
Planned spending for 2015-16
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
N/A (this initiative commenced in March 2014)
General targeted recipient groups
Pallium Foundation of Canada
Grant to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (Voted)
Name of transfer payment program
Grant to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (Voted)
End date
Type of transfer payment
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
Program 2.5 Substance Use and Abuse
Sub-Program 2.5.2 Controlled Substances
Main objective
To provide objective, evidence-based information and advice to help reduce the health, social and economic harms associated with substance abuse and addictions.
Planned spending for 2015-16
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
General targeted recipient groups
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
McMaster University - Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Voted)
Name of transfer payment program
McMaster University - Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Voted)
End date
March 31, 2016
Type of transfer payment
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities
Main objective
To evaluate ways to achieve better health outcomes for patients while also making the healthcare system more cost-effective through greater implementation of medical teams.
Planned spending for 2015-16
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
General targeted recipient groups
McMaster University is the sole recipient under the Terms and Conditions.
Mood Disorders Society of Canada (Voted)
Name of transfer payment program
Mood Disorders Society of Canada (Voted)
End date
March 31, 2017
Type of transfer payment
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities
Main objective
Provide funding to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) in the amount of $5.2 million over five years (2012-13 to 2016-17) to:
- Establish the Canadian Depression Research and Intervention Network (CDRIN) ($5 million).
- Develop and implement a national Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Continuing Medical Education (CME) training program for family physicians and specialists ($200,000).
Planned spending for 2015-16
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
A Health Portfolio evaluation to examine relevance/performance of mental health activities was initiated in 2014-15; a final report is expected in January 2016.
General targeted recipient groups
Non-Profit Organizations
Page details
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