Terms of reference: Pest Management Regulatory Agency Pesticide Use Data and Information Technical Working Group

1.0 Introduction

On August 4, 2021, the Government of Canada announced a $50 million investment over three years to strengthen Canada's pesticide regulatory system, by increasing availability of independent data to better inform pesticide review decisions and the transparency of the process and decisions; and to accelerate research and facilitate adoption of alternative pest management solutions.

Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) are committed to realizing the commitments from the August 4, 2021 announcement through the following actions:

Pesticide Use Data and Information Technical Working Groups (PUD-TWGs) will provide a key consultation mechanism to solicit feedback specific to the development of a systematic approach to gather pesticide use information.

PMRA retains full decision authority on the development of the pesticide use information framework and program.

2.0 Mandate

The mandate of PUD-TWGs is to:

3. Membership

The composition of PUD-TWGs will aim to provide balanced representation from key stakeholder groups and partners. Members were invited to join considering their experience and knowledge with the work of PMRA and include representation from provincial and territorial governments, registrants, industry associations, user groups, non-governmental organizations, and academia. Members participate on a voluntary basis.

Additional officials from key federal partners including AAFC, ECCC, and Health Canada's Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch (ROEB) will also participate.

3.1 Factors Considered

To ensure broad and diverse perspectives are heard during this consultation process, the following factors are considered to guide the composition of PUD-TWGs:

Members of PUD-TWGs are selected specifically on their knowledge and/or experience in one or more of the following areas as relevant:

4. Transparency and communications

Use of either of Canada's Official Languages (French or English) is encouraged.

PMRA is committed to openness and transparency as an operating principle. Therefore, these terms of reference will be made public, and PUD-TWGs meetings will be included in the calendar of events. Meetings materials and any documents shared by Health Canada or by the members will be made available upon request.

Members may speak to the media (including social media) about the MBP-TWG, but are asked to notify PMRA of any activities.

Information, views and opinions shared with PMRA will not be treated confidentially by PMRA. PMRA will not accept correspondence or documents marked as confidential in this context. Meeting notes or documents provided to PMRA may be released, including in the context of requests under the Access to Information Act.

The personal information you provide to PMRA is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Department of Health Act and the Pest Control Products Act, and is governed in accordance with the Privacy Act.

For more information refer to the Information and privacy notice specific to the Transformation Agenda of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency posted on Canada.ca.

5.0 Duration

PUD-TWGs will be in existence for the duration of the engagement on PMRA's Transformation Agenda. In the context of the Increased use of real-world data and independent advice pillar, PMRA anticipates upto to three initial PUD-TWGs meetings between April and June 2022. This initial phase will focus on agriculture crop protection uses (horticultural uses; other crop uses). A second phase on non-crop agricultural (e.g., livestock) and non-agricultural uses (e.g., structural) will follow at a later date.

Technical working group meetings will be held with representatives from the following groups:

Phase I Working Group Discussion Sessions include (for April-June 2022):

Additional meetings will follow in the coming months, both to build on initial Phase I discussions depending on progress with respective sub-sectors as needed; and to expand the scope of the initiative.

In addition to participation in the sessions, PUD-TWGs members may need an estimated 1-2 hours per TWG session on activities including, but not limited to reviewing background material provided by PMRA in advance of meetings, information gathering (e.g., collect feedback from their members or like-minded stakeholders that are not part of PUD-TWGs), providing feedback or comments, and responding to surveys.

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