Canadian Pain Task Force Meeting: February 17, 2021
Canadian Pain Task Force Meeting: February 17, 2021, 11:00-12:30 EST
Via videoconference
Meeting Summary
- Debrief on recent strategic meetings and review and discuss new draft of Phase III report
- Plan for upcoming joint meeting of the Task Force and External Advisory Panel
- Discuss potential next steps following report completion
Task Force: Fiona Campbell, Maria Hudspith, Manon Choinière, Hani El-Gabalawy, Jacques Laliberté, Michael Sangster, Jaris Swidrovich, and Linda Wilhelm
Secretariat: Olanna Barnett, Fiona Morrow, Nyree Schreiber, Andrew Taylor, Megan Wyszynski, Lindsey Yessick
Special Guest: Shannon Nix (Associate Assistant Deputy Minister)
- The Secretariat welcomed everyone and provided an overview of the meeting objectives and agenda. The Secretariat also inquired about changes to Task Force member affiliations and interests, with no significant updates reported.
Debriefing on revisions and strategic meetings
- Secretariat staff provided an update of recent strategic meetings and requests to federal interdepartmental and provincial and territorial working group members. The Secretariat also described revisions to address Task Force and Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) feedback and further points of discussion related to prioritizing and refining draft recommendations.
Report progression and key questions
- Task Force members provided feedback on the recent draft of the report with a focus on refining recommendations. The main points of discussion involved:
- strengthening recommendations around team-based training and education, and incorporating people living with pain into education and training content
- considering an equity lens in proposed tax oriented recommendations
- exploring integration of novel data sources into surveillance efforts
- enhancing research networks in Canada
Planning for March 10 joint Task Force and EAP meeting
- Members discussed various options for engaging with EAP members in detailed discussion of the draft recommendations, opting to combine a series of large and focused small group discussions.
Potential communication activities and next steps
- Due to a shortage of time, discussion of communication activities and next steps were put on hold for a second meeting to be scheduled before the Task Force/EAP meeting on March 10.
Introducing new Associate Assistant Deputy Minister
- Shannon Nix - the new Associate Assistant Deputy Minister for the Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch - outlined her experience and thanked the Task Force for their efforts to provide advice to Health Canada before a series of roundtable introductions for various Task Force members.
Next steps and follow-up items
- Task Force members will send in any further detailed comments and tracked changes.
- The next meeting of the Task Force will be in early March, with a focus on discussing future planning and potential activities following submission of the Phase III report.
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