ARCHIVED - Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP) - Audit of Capital Contribution Agreements
Recommendation No. 1 It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), in collaboration with the Assistant Deputy Minister, Regions and Programs Branch (RAPB), ensure that departmental guidance for Capital Contribution Agreements (CCA) (e.g. Module V) is updated, to reflect the current Policy on Transfer Payments and the new agreement template, and is disseminated to the regions in a timely fashion. |
Management agrees with this recommendation | Module 5 will be revised to include additional guidance and strengthened clarification on the overall CCA process to reflect the current Policy on Transfer Payments and the new agreement template. It is proposed that workshops be conducted in each region to re-introduce key program documents that outline the program mandate and priorities, including roles & responsibilities of all key players of this program. Among others, the following material would be reviewed at this workshop: Property Planning and Management Manual and Module 5: Managing Capital Contribution Agreements. | 1) Revised Module V: "Knowledge in a Book, Managing Capital Contribution Agreements". 2) Training Package 3) Regional workshop |
December 2010 March 2011 April 2011 to December 2011 |
Assistant Deputy Ministers of FNIHB and RAPB. |
Recommendation No. 2 It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, in collaboration with the Assistant Deputy Minister, Regions and Programs Branch, ensure that risk mitigation strategies are reassessed periodically in light of post mortem assessments of completed capital projects in order to determine the need for any necessary changes in such areas as: policy; procedures; training; monitoring; and ministerial audits. |
Management agrees with this recommendation | Implementation of the departmental risk management tool for all Capital Contribution Agreements. This will document the current risk assessment process in place for the management of Capital Contribution Agreements and ensure that risk mitigation strategies are reassessed periodically. As such, prevailing risk management approaches will be constantly tested against evidence, refined, more evidence collected, and the approaches tested again. The revised Module V will include reference to the need to conduct post-mortem assessments of completed CCAs to provide guidance for subsequent risk assessments, training and project management implications. FNIHB will consult with RAPB in the development of Module V. |
1) Training of all regional facility officers (Enterprise Risk Management-Agreement/ Recipient Risk Assessment Tool (ERM-ARRAT) - Grants & Contributions (G&C) Risk Management). 2) Annual assessment of the ERM-ARRAT tools for continual improvement of the tool and program risk mitigation approaches. This will assist in determining the need for any changes relating to policy, procedures, training and monitoring related to the management of capital contribution agreements. The ERM-ARRAT tool will also be the mechanism utilized for the selection of recipients of contribution agreements for ministerial audits as part of the FNIHB Recipient Audit Function. |
October 2010 April 30, 2011 |
Assistant Deputy Ministers of FNIHB and RAPB |
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