Management Response and Action Plan: Audit of the Transfer Payment to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health

March 2013

Audit of the Transfer Payment to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
Recommendations Management Response and
Planned Management Action
Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsibility
Recommendation 1

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy Branch update the risk assessment for the recipient.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

The Office of Pharmaceuticals Management Strategies will update the Enterprise Risk Management - Agreement/Recipient Risk Assessment Tool (ERM-ARRAT) assessment and will develop best practices for setting up risk assessment criteria and monitoring for organizations such as the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, as well as develop a strategy to leverage existing best practices towards consistent and effective management of transfer payments across the Branch.

Updated ERM-ARRAT documents

Establish transfer payment risk assessment criteria

March 31, 2013 Executive Director, Office of Pharmaceuticals Management Strategies (OPMS)

Recommendation 2

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy Branch document the approach to monitor the recipient's activities in order to effectively manage risk.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

While the Strategic Policy Branch has kept up with its monitoring duties, the Directorate recognizes that better documentation of such duties could be improved.  In an effort to leverage from other established practices, the Directorate will work with other directorates to leverage suitable practices towards more efficiently and effectively managing transfer payments across the Branch.

Documented procedures for OPMS to use in managing the transfer payment September  30, 2013 Executive Director of OPMS

Recommendation 3

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy Branch include in the contribution agreement wording to address travel procedures, rates and allowances.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

The Strategic Policy Branch - Office of Pharmaceuticals Management Strategies - will include wording in the contribution agreement to address travel procedures, rates and allowances.

Clauses developed and included in the final contribution agreement with the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health March 31, 2013 Executive Director of OPMS

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